Ideas and suggestions for Trac's Wiki
This page collects ideas and suggestions for enhancing the TracWiki and its WikiFormatting (TracLinks, WikiProcessors, WikiMacros, etc.)
If you have a small nice idea but don't feel like starting a discussion on the MailingList or creating a new ticket, this is the place!
Recap of open issues
- There are a 154 open issues in total: #108, #109, #425, #611, #615, #695, #976, #1024, #1120, #1216, #1240, #1242, #1245, #1376, #1386, #1424, #1465, #1513, #1520, #1936, #2064, #2293, #2523, #2656, #2702, #2717, #3021, #3251, #3307, #3335, #3386, #3416, #3794, #3895, #3970, #4022, #4140, #4279, #4412, #4431, #4439, #4468, #4492, #4536, #4695, #4778, #4790, #4848, #5059, #5227, #5498, #5821, #6062, #6623, #6630, #6800, #6824, #6863, #6947, #7361, #7658, #7721, #7990, #8140, #8223, #8499, #8526, #8640, #8645, #8686, #8727, #8735, #8949, #8961, #9037, #9046, #9048, #9055, #9123, #9214, #9216, #9222, #9248, #9251, #9296, #9385, #9526, #9537, #9554, #9574, #9601, #9618, #9619, #9688, #9879, #9897, #9947, #10021, #10032, #10167, #10201, #10312, #10323, #10334, #10350, #10376, #10523, #10539, #10633, #10670, #10734, #10872, #10945, #11078, #11163, #11305, #11323, #11359, #11374, #11522, #11526, #11536, #11641, #11670, #11720, #11731, #11814, #11816, #11937, #11963, #12054, #12214, #12262, #12512, #12567, #12572, #12678, #12733, #12741, #12756, #12780, #12828, #12900, #12928, #12984, #13012, #13187, #13389, #13757, #13768, #13786, #13863, #13874, #13875
- See also existing proposals on AdvancedWikiFormatting, which contain ideas for a lot of small improvements.
Improvements for TracLinks
- Auto-labelling: when an explicit label is not given, we use the target for the label; often we just want the last part of the target, which leads to somewhat redundant links like:
[TracDev/Proposals/AdvancedWikiFormatting AdvancedWikiFormatting] [source:trunk/trac/wiki/ wiki/]
Often, we could use//
as a hint for using only the last part of the target as the label. The above could be rewritten:[TracDev/Proposals//AdvancedWikiFormatting] [source:trunk/trac//wiki/]
- …
- …
User interface guidelines
- …
Page templates
- Suggest the most appropriate template: if we're asked to create a TracIdeas/XYZ page then the default page template should be PageTemplates/TracIdeas if it exists
- Parameterized page templates: replace certain keywords in the page template. For example when creating TracIdeas/Timeline using the template
= Ideas and suggestions for Trac's $name This page collects ideas and suggestions for enhancing $name [[TicketQuery(status!=closed,keywords~=$name)]] ---- See also: - TracDev/ScratchPad/$name
you would automatically get:= Ideas and suggestions for Trac's Timeline This page collects ideas and suggestions for enhancing Timeline. [[TicketQuery(status!=closed,keywords~=Timeline)]] ---- See also: - TracDev/ScratchPad/Timeline
Other glitches
- Update TracIni since v0.11 : add file parameter in [inherit] bloc to include an ini file and say See Global configuration for details. Furthermore, it seems several files can be included adding a file=… line for each one.
See also: …
Last modified
10 years ago
Last modified on Feb 7, 2015, 1:22:58 PM
See TracWiki
for help on using the wiki.