Edgewall Software

Trac Download

Trac is released under the modified BSD license.

For installation instructions, see TracInstall or the included INSTALL.rst.

Please read TracUpgrade if you're upgrading from a previous release.

The latest releases are also available on PyPI.

Latest Stable Release for the 1.6.x line

Here's the latest and greatest version of Trac.

See the release notes for details.

Wheel package

md5:fbe2a2dec779b8b04d64c0a5b58b2f00 sha256:5ff2f3394ebee7cc5b8ee465871cfdecb78ee492a74215b47b6d9ddbcc93b5f7

Tar package

md5:fdf48328c1e744d1ce6c5212cd7f3af6 sha256:61d73c61f670d68ffc346829d24b2f1d2050aa561aa71cb98e2fb43992c27304

Again, be sure to read TracInstall and TracUpgrade before installing or upgrading, then proceed by reading the rest of the TracGuide. If you have any trouble, check the TracSupport page which explains how to get help.

About the prerequisites for Trac 1.6.x

Older Stable Releases

Latest Stable Release for the 1.4.x line

Here's the latest version of the 1.4.x release line. See the release notes for details.

Wheel package

md5:ad4216ac517b429e269fe1e624228de2 sha256:4ea7deee6c65c97a1ce3aebd020bf5fdb76bd46e953ac6b9f54884d91ed0d34c

Tar package

md5:c2083865eec883d3daa3c4fa627200a0 sha256:5877741993d480355a327e9937e84c1f437305ed6ba730a8ebe94b9eb72ee15c

Again, be sure to read TracInstall and TracUpgrade before installing or upgrading, then proceed by reading the rest of the TracGuide. If you have any trouble, check the TracSupport page which explains how to get help.

About the prerequisites for Trac 1.4.x

* optional

For Windows x64, there are no installers for Genshi and Babel so install them using pip.

Older Releases

Older releases are archived on the FTP server:

Each release is also tagged in the subversion repository:

Trac 1.6-stable

The latest revision for the upcoming next maintenance release of Trac (next-stable-1.6.x) can be checked out with the following command:

svn co https://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/branches/1.6-stable trac

Installation can be performed as usual, using for example the following command:

cd 1.6-stable
python setup.py install

Alternatively, you can directly "pip install" the latest stable version from the repository:

pip install svn+https://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/branches/1.6-stable

See the TracPlugins page if you need to install pip.

Be sure to read TracUpgrade and TracInstall for the specific installation instructions for this version.

Installing versions from checkouts

It's possible to run Trac directly from a checkout, and that's indeed very useful while developing (see TracDev/DevelopmentEnvironmentSetup).

You can also install a development version, either using the normal installation procedure, or by installing it at a specific location. We recommend that you choose some well visible place (e.g. /opt/trac-1.4dev), and override the PYTHONPATH environment variable (or PythonPath path directive for mod_python) by prepending the /opt/trac-1.4dev/lib/python2.7/site-packages path (replace 2.7 by the Python version that you actually use). That way, you minimize the risk of interfering with the packaged Trac version you probably already have.

$ cd 1.6-stable
$ python setup.py install --prefix=/opt/trac-1.6dev


$ export PYTHONPATH=/opt/trac-1.6dev/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

or, in your httpd.conf:

<Location /projects/myproject>
  PythonPath "['/opt/trac-1.46ev/lib/python2.7/site-packages'] + sys.path"

See also: TracProject, TracGuide.

Last modified 18 months ago Last modified on Sep 23, 2023, 10:43:01 PM
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.