Edgewall Software

1.4 | 1.8

Release Notes for Trac 1.6 Py3 Release

Trac 1.6 is the latest stable version of Trac.
These notes reflect the final status.


  • Dropped support for Python 2.7. Python 3.5+ is supported (#12130).

Maintenance Releases



37 / 69

Tickets with release notes

Milestone: 1.6.1 (34 matches)

Ticket Release Notes
  • Fixed ETag header with non-ascii characters is generated from check_modified() when req.authname has non latin-1 characters.
  • Verify latin-1 characters only are used in status and headers when WSGIServer._start_response is invoked.

Allow to use Babel 2.10+ and unpin Babel<2.10 of requirements.


Fixed ResourceWarning when tracd is killed by CTRL-C.


Fixed JavaScript error raised from ticket view when no workflow actions defined.


Fixed an error while rendering diff of a changeset if [trac] use_chunked_encoding disabled.


Removed workaround for Internet Explorer when post and redirect with hash.

  • Removed checking python -V because of checking trac-admin -v.
  • Use python3 rather than python in shebang.

Use sorted() instead of ORDER BY session.sid in order to avoid filesort caused by indexing only a prefix of column values on MySQL.


Fixed a TypeError raised while sending sql format of a report.


Fixed incorrect handling WSGI "bytes-as-unicode" string of the REMOTE_USER variable.


Fixed incorrectly showing batch modify feature even for users without TICKET_BATCH_MODIFY.

  • Fixed KeyError raised when IRequestHandler.process_request returns domain parameter in the metadata.
  • Made tagn_, dtgettext and dtngettext available in Jinja2 templates.

Fixed IndexError raised from GitRepository.normalize_rev('FFFF') if the repository has 5,000+ revisions.


Use ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket instead of ssl.wrap_socket removed in Python 3.12.


Fixed UnicodeEncodeError when writing to log file on mod_wsgi with C locale.


Fixed ambiguous column of query and incompatible query with PostgreSQL and MySQL which is created by TestNewReport, and verify the result of FunctionalTester.create_report.


Fixed enableBlame is not defined javascript error when viewing an empty file with blame view.


Fixed blame view not working when repository name has meta characters.


Fixed ValueError raised when receiving non-strict query string for POST method if multipart package installed.


Fixed Request.send not set Content-Length header for a bytes instance.


Fixed incorrect Reply-To: <> header generated in notification mail when smtp_replyto not configured.

  • Allowed passing a generator to max and min filters in Jinja2 templates.
  • Fixed a typo mix for min filter in Jinja2 templates.

The label of Revert changes button is translatable, now.


Fixed the auto-centering of wikiColumn function in wiki.js.

  • Skip elements which have float: ..., position: absolute, position: fixed.
  • Add trac-wiki-center class instead of directly set the style of the elements.
  • The auto-centering doesn't work if enabling narrow when fullwidth is configured.
  • The auto-centering in narrow incorrectly effects print view.

Adapted unit tests to multipart 1.0.0+.


Avoid unicode digits in domain part of email address in wiki formatting.


Fixed diff view to send bytes instance and TypeError not raises when term parameter is missing.

  • Fixed background color of focused item in the autocomplete menu of diff view.
  • Fixed // entry listed wrongly in the autocomplete menu in diff view when the repository's name is configured to empty.
  • Fixed libpq version detection crashing with Python 3.13.0.
  • Use psycopg2.extensions.libpq_version() to retrieve the libpq version if psycopg2≥2.7.

Use the inline style element in prefs/pygments panel in order to prevent many requests on page load.


Prevent uses of unnecessary lineno styles from Pygments 2.7.0 or later.


Use add_script rather than directly adding threaded_comments.js in ticket.html template.


Request.write raises a ValueError for an empty str instance now.


Fixed 2 test failures with Pygments 2.19.0 or later.

Development Releases



11 / 11


22 / 22


11 / 11


5 / 5


11 / 11

Tickets with release notes

Milestone: 1.6 (5 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Write data as binary to stdout in CGI frontend.

  • Use multipart module instead of deprecated cgi since Python 3.11 if the multipart available

Use datetime.fromtimestamp(..., utc) instead of deprecated datetime.utcfromtimestamp to avoid deprecation messages since Python 3.12.


Adapt to onexc of shutil.rmtree since Python 3.12 to avoid deprecation warnings.


Adapted functional tests to Selenium 4 and later.

Milestone: 1.5.4 (18 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Fix use of reload() which has been removed in Python 3.0, when mod_python is used.


Fix internal server error when uploading files using fcgi.


Fixed SEGV raised from SQLite cursor with Python 3.11.


Make fcgi frontend compatible with Python 3.


Make compatible with Jinja2 3 and MarkupSafe 2.1.0, and add workaround for AssertionError when Jinja2 3.0.0 is used.


Fixed incorrect rendering of Git version in System Information table.


Fix incorrect repository_dir metadata for Subversion repository.


Fixed wrong content_type for a file in Subversion repository when svn:mime-type is not set.

  • Allow bcrypt, sha-256 and sha-512 password hashes in htpasswd file.
  • Added -t method option to contrib/htpasswd.py.

Fixed TypeError is raised from progress_bar.html when all intervals are 0%.


Fixed incompatible with Jinja2 3.1.


Fixed message extraction with Python3, Babel and Jinja2 3+.


Perfer text/* type in order to prevent rendering as an image for *.c filename with Pygments 2.11+.


Fixed wrong pagination links in search page.


Upgraded the bundled jQuery to version 3.6.3.


Fixed TypeError raised from changeset view when non-default property renderer is used and the quality is 1.


Use importlib rather than deprecated imp to load *.py plugin files.


Fixed generating apidoc with Sphinx 5 and adapt to Python 3.

Milestone: 1.5.3 (9 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Add workaround for SmtpEmailSender with unicode credentials.


ConfigurationError will be raised when there are duplicate sections and options in trac.ini.


Fixed TypeError when CommitTicketReference macro or wiki processor is used on the New Ticket form.


Fixed -d/--daemonize failure for tracd.


Fix global shutdown crashes while creating new database connection.


Fix double-destroying memory pool error from tracd server on functional-test


The minimum required setuptools version is 30.3.


Workaround for test failures due to changing locale on call of tidylib.tidy_document.


Avoid crashing when apr memory pools (parent and child) are destroyed by cyclic garbage collector.

Milestone: 1.5.2 (3 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Changed Python compatibility to 3.5+.


Fixed slow repository sync command for cached repository with many commits.


Bump setuptools requirement from >= 0.6> 5.6.

Milestone: 1.5.1 (5 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Open tickets can be retargeted from the Ticket Admin > Milestones page.


Added View Milestone contextual navigation to the Admin milestone edit page.


The default value is shown on the preferences page in the label of the default selection of various Select inputs.


Added option --no-default-data to trac-admin initenv, for creating an empty environment without any reports, permission groups or sample data (components, milestones, enums).


The [query] ticketlink_query value can be uniquely specified for each custom field using the ticketlink_query option in the [ticket-custom] section. This applies to all custom field types for which [query] ticketlink_query would be applied, which excludes text (format: plain and wiki), textarea and time fields.

Developer-visible changes

A detailed view of the API changes since 1.4.x can be found in TracDev/ApiChanges/1.6.

Code Name

The 0.11 release was dubbed "Genshi", 0.12 "Babel" and 1.4 "Jinja2" after the names of the Python packages that became closely associated to these Trac versions. The most significant change in 1.6 is Python 3 support, so it seems appropriate to name 1.6 "Py3".

Last modified 17 months ago Last modified on Sep 23, 2023, 11:42:36 PM
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.