Edgewall Software

1.4 | 1.8

Documenting API changes since 1.4.x

The next stable version of Trac will be named 1.6 and will contain the cumulative changes made in the successive 1.4.x releases and 1.5.x releases. This page documents the API changes in the 1.5.x developer-preview releases leading up to 1.6.

These notes reflect the current status in trunk.

Proposed changes are prefixed with an OPEN mark and the paragraph is written in italics.


  1. Prerequisites
    1. Modified Dependencies
      1. jQuery and jQuery UI (bundled)
      2. Babel (optional)
      3. Jinja2 (mandatory)
      4. Genshi (removed)
      5. Databases
      6. Other
      7. Compatible Distros
    2. Deprecated Modules and APIs Removed
    3. New Dependencies
  2. Detailed List of Developer Visible Changes
    1. In Trac 1.5.1
  3. Other Modifications made to the 1.6 API
    1. Modified Interfaces
    2. Uncategorized Changes
  4. New in the 1.6 API


Modified Dependencies

jQuery and jQuery UI (bundled)

  • jQuery to 3.6.3
  • jQuery UI to 1.13.0

Babel (optional)

Jinja2 (mandatory)

Genshi (removed)

Support for Genshi was removed in 1.5.1.


SQLite ≥ 3.0
PostgreSQL ≥ 9.1.0
MySQL / MariaDB ≥ 5.0
Database Bindings
pysqlite ≥ 2.6.0 (version provided by Python 2.7)
psycopg2 ≥ 2.5
PyMySQL Any version, but 0.7+ is recommended


Package Req or Opt? Version supported
SetupTools Required > 5.6
Git Optional ≥ 1.5.6
Subversion Optional ≥ 1.14
DocUtils Optional ≥ 0.14
Textile Optional ≥ 2.3
Pygments Optional ≥ 1.0
passlib Optional Windows only

Compatible Distros

The supported dependencies were determined by aiming to be compatible with the versions provided by the package managers on the following distros.

Package Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Debian 9.3 Debian 8.8 Debian 7.8 CentOS 7.4 openSUSE 42.1
Python3 3.5.2 3.4.0 3.5.3 3.4.2 3.2.3 n/a 3.4.1
Babel 1.3 1.3 2.3.4 1.3 0.9.6 0.9.6 1.3
Genshi 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 n/a 0.7
SQLite3 3.11.0 3.8.2 3.16.2 3.8.7 3.7.13 3.7.17
PostgreSQL 9.5.3 9.3.6 9.6.6 9.4.12 9.1.15 9.2.23 9.4, 9.3.11, 9.4.6
MySQL 5.7.13 5.5.41, 5.6.19 n/a 5.5.55 5.5.41 n/a 5.6.30
MariaDB 10.0.25 5.5.41 10.1.26 10.0.30 n/a 5.5.56 10.0.22
psycopg2 2.6.1 2.4.5 2.6.2 2.5.4 2.4.5 2.5.1 2.6
PyMySQL 0.7.2 0.7.10 n/a n/a
SetupTools 20.7 3.3.1 33.1.1 5.5.1 0.6.24 0.9.8 18.0.1
Git 2.7.4 1.9.1 2.11.0 2.1.4 1.7.10 2.6.6
Subversion 1.9.3 1.8.8 1.9.5 1.8.10 1.6.17 1.7.14 1.8.10
DocUtils 0.12 0.11 0.13.1 0.12 0.8.1 0.11 0.11
Textile 2.2.2 2.1.5 2.3.5 2.1.5 2.1.5 n/a n/a
Pygments 2.1 1.6 2.2.0 2.0.1 1.5 1.4 1.6
Apache 2.4.18 2.4.7 2.4.25 2.4.10 2.2.22 2.4.6 2.4.16
mod_wsgi 4.3.0 3.4 4.5.11 4.3.0 3.3 3.4 4.4.8
mod_python 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 n/a 3.5.0
Nginx 1.10.0 1.4.6 1.10.3 1.6.2 1.2.1 n/a 1.8.1
Last Updated 2018-02-13 2017-05-25 2018-02-13

Deprecated Modules and APIs Removed

New Dependencies

Detailed List of Developer Visible Changes

In Trac 1.5.1

Component: admin/console (1 match)

Ticket Summary
#12965 Remove default components and milestones in `trac-admin initenv`
API Changes

DatabaseManager.init_db sets the database_version and initial_database_version in the system table.

Component: general (1 match)

Ticket Summary
#12787 Remove deprecated code (Trac 1.5.1)
API Changes

Removed deprecated code:

  • Genshi template framework removed
  • ITemplateStreamFilter removed
  • IRequestFilter.post_process_request method argument removed and metadata argument is required rather than optional
  • InvalidAttachment and InvalidTicket exceptions removed
  • Accessors removed in TicketModule for moved options: max_comment_size, max_description_size, max_summary_size (moved to TicketSystem)
  • Environment.get_systeminfo removed
  • EnvironmentStub.clear_component_registry and EnvironmentStub.restore_component_registry removed
  • IAttachmentChangeListener.attachment_reparented and Attachment.reparent removed
  • Deprecated parameters of Query methods removed
  • Request.send_error no longer renders an error page
  • charset and ie_if attributes from script elements removed (and from function add_script)
  • excanvas.js removed
  • NotificationSystem (trac.notification.api) properties removed: smtp_always_cc, smtp_always_bcc, ignore_domains, admit_domains

Component: ticket system (1 match)

Ticket Summary
#13086 Workflow status change should be an explicit operation
API Changes

The workflow state keywords <none> and < none > are substituted with None in parse_workflow_config.

Other Modifications made to the 1.6 API

Modified Interfaces

Uncategorized Changes

New in the 1.6 API

Be sure to have a look at the new ApiDocs (for latest trunk).

This is a work in progress - coverage is still not yet complete.

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on Feb 4, 2023, 7:46:01 AM
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