Edgewall Software

Ideas and suggestions for Trac's default theme

This page collects ideas and suggestions for enhancing the default theme associated with Trac. If you have a small nice idea but don't feel like starting a discussion on the MailingList or creating a new ticket, this is the place!


And also:

Form controls are over-styled
[patch] Custom Ticket Fields should support the multiple selection type
Stylesheet for Docutils output
Clean name-spaces for CSS for 0.11+?
Use separate, multiple CSS classnames to enable more versatile stylesheet customization
Diff Tabular / Unified switcher highlights the wrong way around?
Boundary of background does not encompass intended fields.
CSS and JS files should be versioned
Automatically minify Javascript and CSS
more readable "closed" style
CSS conflict for .cp class in changeset view
CSS rules for wiki controls can conflict with wiki content
Make dropdowns searchable / filterable
Hard to find buttons of each report due to the border removed


  • we need a #resourcepath for most pages, not just #pagepath for Wiki view (so that we have it in Wiki edit, history … but also for tickets (sub-tickets ready), see ticket:7197#comment:10)
  • in the YTB, add an "Edit" inline button if the action is permitted; the trick is that this should just jump to the description textarea further down the page (opening the Modify Ticket section)

And also:

Form controls are over-styled
Links are displayed badly in Win/IE when page direction is changed to "right-to-left"
Have redundant 'action triggers' / controls on long pages
When "View Ticket" is selected, sub-options should always be visible.
UI Wart: Log viewer navigation links should be duplicated at the bottom of the page
Icons do not display when using High Contrast mode
Boundary of background does not encompass intended fields.
Give Trac a sidebar widget provider
Responsive design for user interface
Add action menu for creating, deleting and modifying resources or parts thereof

User interface guidelines

Other glitches

  • new ticket preview shows: # new defect (fixed) r11154
  • ticket query table has a minor glitch in row background colors. For tickets with priority 1, 2 or 6, the background and border color is darker for odd rows and lighter for even rows. For tickets with priority 3, 4 or 5, it's vice versa (darker for even rows). Styles for the rows are defined in file: /chrome/common/css/report.css

table row background color glitch

See also:

Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Feb 16, 2016, 7:35:24 PM

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Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.