Edgewall Software

Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#10739 new enhancement

Give Trac a sidebar widget provider

Reported by: lkraav <leho@…> Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: next-major-releases
Component: web frontend Version: 1.0dev
Severity: normal Keywords: layout extensionpoint
Cc: Ryan J Ollos Branch:
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I think it's about time. I searched "sidebar" through tickets and am not seeing any discussion about this topic throughout the years.

First, let's take wiki for example:

  • there's plenty of horizontal room on the screen even with minimum resolutions (1024x)
  • all room is currently filled with text…
  • but usability guidelines say text readability starts to suffer at >600px width

So there's plenty of room available.

Second, ticket view:

  • we simply have a centered ticket view, although having much better width for usability (compared to wiki), there's A LOT of whitespace filling the edges
  • whitespace is monstrous with larger screens
  • most importantly key pieces of information are mostly out of sight - i foresee launchpad style participant list, various statistics about the ticket, etc other useful things

Third, search view:

  • faceted browsing, with ebay style checkboxes controlling search results

I'll stop here with the examples at the moment.

th:FullBlogPlugin already has useful sidebars self-implemented. rjollos has also worked on th:TicketSidebarProviderPlugin. I hereby propose a universal sidebar area and some standardized Provider interfaces for plugin authors to fill them with their widgets if they so desire.

Sidebars should of course be optional for the user. I am not proposing that core start creating new widgets for the sidebar, at least not right off the bat. Perhaps some single widget as a learning example. Whatever comes over time, comes. I think many of the useful things people create can be adopted easily due to widgets usually being very focused and therefore small in code size.

Also, I just lately ran into a clean blog design with a position:fixed sidebar and absolutely loved the feeling of control there. Just a design experiment thought.

WordPress for one, which I've lately worked with extensively, has a very polished widget system (and a lot more that Trac should adopt over time.. except PHP!) :>. This surely has affected my thinking about this. If any of the people interested in this want to have access to a demo site to get a feel of how it works there, I can easily provide access.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 by Ryan J Ollos <ryano@…>, 13 years ago

Cc: ryano@… added

comment:2 by Christian Boos, 13 years ago

Keywords: layout extensionpoint added
Milestone: next-major-releases
Version: 1.0dev

Worth considering, yes.

comment:5 by Ryan J Ollos, 11 years ago

Cc: Ryan J Ollos added; ryano@… removed

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