Edgewall Software

Porting Templates from Genshi to Jinja2

The following documentation is primarily targeted at plugin developers who wish to adapt their Genshi templates to the Jinja2 template engine that will be used in Trac 1.4.


We start we some examples, showing both the legacy Genshi templates and the new Jinja2 templates, highlighting their main differences.

The second part of the document describes the Python code changes, from what you need to change to trigger the use of the Jinja2 renderer instead of the legacy Genshi renderer which still kicks in if nothing changes, to the new ways of generating content. Finally we go to great length to explain the most difficult part of the migration, how to replace the deprecated ITemplateStreamFilter interface which has no direct equivalent with Jinja2.

In the last part of this document, we try to cover all the Genshi features used by Trac and present their Jinja2 equivalent. Whenever possible, we tried to minimize these differences by customizing the Jinja2 syntax. For example, we use ${...} for variable expansion, like Genshi does, instead of {{...}}. Another aspect of our usage convention is that we favor line statements over {% ... %}. So even someone familiar with the "default" Jinja2 syntax should glance through this document to see how "we" use Jinja2, as summarized in the table below.

Note that Genshi will be supported concurrently with Jinja2 only for a short while, for the 1.3.x development period and for the 1.4-stable period. This support is removed in Trac 1.5.1. If for some reason you're stuck to having to support Genshi templates, you'll have to stick to Trac 1.2.x or 1.3.1. But you really should make the transition effort as Jinja2 templates are 5-10x faster than their Genshi equivalent, for only a 1/5th of their cost in memory usage.


Before going into the details of the code changes involved and the precise differences in the template syntax between the two systems, let's see at a glance how the templates look like.

Standalone template

Let's first take a simple full-contained example from the Trac source, the simple index.html / jindex.html templates.

  • Genshi index.html:
    <!DOCTYPE html
        PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
      <head><title>Available Projects</title></head>
        <h1>Available Projects</h1>
          <li py:for="project in projects" py:choose="">
            <a py:when="project.href" href="$project.href" title="$project.description">
              <small>$project.name: <em>Error</em> <br /> 
  • Jinja index.html:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>${_("Available Projects")}</title>
        <h1>${_("Available Projects")}</h1>
          # for project in projects:
            # if 'href' in project:
            <a href="${project.href}"
            # else:
            <small>${project.name}: <em>${_("Error")}</em> <br />
            # endif
          # endfor

In this small example, there's no common Trac layout used (as the index is a bit special). For how a "normal" template looks like, see for example diff_view.html, another small template. The generic templates in trac/templates are also interesting because we still have their Genshi equivalent close by, in trac/templates/genshi, so you can easily compare them if you're stuck during the migration of your own templates.

Note that a Jinja2 .html template can usually be rendered directly in the browser, to have a rough idea about how it will look like:

${_("Available Projects")}

    # for project in projects:
  • # if 'href' in project: ${project.name} # else: ${project.name}: ${_("Error")}
    # endif
  • # endfor

Though there's absolutely no constraints on what text a Jinja2 template may contain, for templates that will produce HTML (or XML), it will be useful if the template is itself already a well-formed XML document.

Never go back to the bad old habits from the ClearSilver time, were sometimes the logic in those templates took advantage of the lack of well-formedness constraints, e.g. by conditionally inserting end/start pairs of tags to split sequences. Such templates were hard to maintain, and you always have cleaner alternatives.

The jinjachecker tool should also help you maintain well-formed templates by stripping off Jinja2 expressions and line statements before attempting to XML validate the document (lxml should be installed for this feature).

"Standard" templates

By "standard", we mean templates that follow the standard Trac layout, and even adapt to the currently selected theme.

Instead of the Genshi way of including a template containing filters, the Jinja2 way follows an "object oriented" approach, with inheritance and overriders. Consider that some named sections (or "blocks") of the base template are similar to "methods", imagine that you only have to "subclass" this base template and "reimplement" the overridable methods with your specific content, and there you have it.

More specifically, you'll have to "extend" the layout.html template, and redefine the "head", and "content" blocks if needed.

All the details are available in HtmlTemplates#Jinja2architecture, including a walkthrough for the specific example of the search.html template.

For the search.html example we focus on the structure of the templates, the include relationship and the decomposition in blocks.

But we also have a complete conversion example, which displays the Genshi wiki_view.html template and the Jinja2 wiki_view.html template side-by-side, along with comments explaining the conversion choices.

Changes in the controllers

Implementing the IRequestHandler interface

With Genshi, the data for the template is basically a dict, which has to be returned by process_request at the same time as the template name. This hasn't changed with Jinja2.

The IRequestHandler.process_request method has seen one, important, change: instead of returning a triple of the template, data, and content type, a simple pair of template and data must be returned.

If the legacy return convention is used, this means that 'template.html' is supposed to be a Genshi template:

        return 'template.html', data, None

(None here is interpreted to mean the default content type, i.e. 'text/html')

The new return convention is simpler, and means that 'template.html' is now supposed to be a Jinja2 template:

        return 'template.html', data

If a special content-type must be used, or if other variation on the generation of the content must be specified, this can now be done by passing a dict:

        return 'template.html', data, {'content_type': 'application/rss+xml'}

This has the advantage of supporting a few more keywords (see the API doc), and to be extensible with more metadata at little cost.

Note that as long as we have to support the legacy Genshi templates, a None value passed as third argument won't be interpreted as an empty dict, but rather as an empty content_type.

Implementing IAdminPanelProvider and IPreferencePanelProvider

Plugins which implement custom admin or preference panels must follow the same conventions in render_admin_panel and render_preference_panel as the ones explained above for IRequestHandler.process_request:

  • a return value of (template, data) means that template is the name of a Jinja2 template
  • a return value of (template, data, None) means that template in this case is the name of a Genshi template

The only "problem" is that in this specific case, the legacy API for the return value was also (template, data). So in this case, the return value needs to be changed if the template remains a Genshi template.

See for example [TH16217] (TH:FullBlogPlugin) and below in #i18n (SpamFilter).

Generating content

Rendering template "fragments"

When one wants to directly render a template, the Chrome render_template can still be used, as before:

return Chrome(self.env).render_template(
                req, 'query_results.html', data, None, fragment=True)

However, render_template prepares all the data needed to render a page in the full default layout. It also now consistently returns an output that is prepared to be sent back to the client. So if you need to embed the generated content in other generated content, this method is the best choice.

render_fragment can be used instead. It returns a Markup string when generating output for the web (text=False) or an unicode string when generating plain text output (text=True).

See Ticket Query macro (table mode)

When the fragment needs to be sent to the client, there's still a better choice than render_template, it's generate_fragment, as it won't impose as much overhead on the data dictionary as render_template. It's best suited for responding to XHRs:

        if req.is_xhr:  # render and return the content only
            stream = Chrome(self.env).generate_fragment(
                req, 'changeset_content.html', data)

This automatically retrieves the use_chunked_encoding TracIni setting and uses it to return an iterable. In any case, the returned value can be sent directly from the Request object.

There's even a lower-level public API in Chrome for generating content using Jinja2 templates, which provides even greater control. See the rendering of the ticket change notification e-mail

See the API documentation for further details.

The tag builder

Genshi provided a nice Python API for programmatically building (X)HTML elements. This consisted of the Fragment, Element and the tag builder, all from the genshi.builder module:

from genshi import Element, Fragment, tag

This has now been replaced by an equivalent API which lives in trac.util.html, so the above import should be replaced with:

from trac.util.html import Element, Fragment, tag

Note that the html symbol from trac.util.html which used to be a alias to genshi.builder.tag is now naturally an alias to trac.util.html.tag.

One way to write "portable" code would be:

from trac.util.html import html as tag

You can then use the tag builder API regardless of its origin.

The behavior of the new tag builder is nearly the same as the old one, except that it has even more "knowledge" about the HTML format. For example, for the class attribute (or rather, class_ as class is a reserved Python keyword), and for the style attribute, dicts can be given as parameters instead of plain strings. Other attributes, like checked, will be omitted when given a False value.

As this special behavior could be unwanted when arbitrary XML must be generated instead of XHTML, another builder, xml, is now available. The xml builder can be used the same way as the tag builder, but when serialized, its only special behavior is to omit attributes which have the value None.

The Markup class

Likewise, if you want to use the Markup class, you should write:

from trac.util.html import Markup

In "old" versions of Trac, you'll get genshi.core.Markup, whereas now you'll get markupsafe.Markup: as we're using Jinja2, we're also making use of its direct dependency MarkupSafe.

The escape function

from trac.util.html import escape

Note that in a similar way to Markup, escape now also comes from markupsafe, with some slight adaptations, as markupsafe.escape always escapes the quotes, which is something we don't do by default. Hence always import escape from trac.util.html, never directly from markupsafe or Jinja2, unless you really know what you're doing.

Produce the correct content directly instead of relying on post-processing

There were two post-processing steps performed by Trac using Genshi stream filters from which plugin writers did benefit, possibly unknowingly:

  1. the addition of the __FORM_TOKEN hidden parameter to <form> elements, necessary for successful POST operations
  2. accessibility key enabling/disabling

As this no longer happen, it's now the responsibility of plugin writers to add this <input> in their content. This is simple enough:

<form action="#" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="__FORM_TOKEN" value="${form_token}" />

This gets even simpler thanks to a default macro:

<form action="#" method="post">

The jmacros in the above corresponds to the trac/templates/macros.html default macros, and this file is included by default (in layout.html), so you don't have to bother to include it yourself, as long as your template extends layout.html.

For the accessibility key, it's also quite simple: instead of hard-coding the key as an accesskey="e" attribute, simply use the accesskey('e') function call, it will know if it has to produce the attribute or not depending on the current user preferences.

Replacing the ITemplateStreamFilter interface

One of the strengths of Genshi was its ability to transform the normal HTML content and, for example, to inject arbitrary content at any point in the HTML, thanks to the use of the Transform stream filter and its API. However, as elegant as it was, this feature was the main performance killer of Genshi, and Jinja2 doesn't propose an equivalent, for good reasons.

With Jinja2, the content is produced in one step, with no possibility of post-processing. The only way left to alter the generated content is to perform these modifications dynamically on client-side using JavaScript.

In February 2016, 127/898 plugins (14.1%) on trac-hacks.org made use of filter_stream() from the ITemplateStreamFilter interface.

So this means this specific step of the migration, perhaps the less straightforward, will be of interest for most plugin developers.

Note that though we guarantee some level of support for the ITemplateStreamFilter during the transition period, the new suggested way also works great with earlier versions of Trac (1.0 and 1.2, perhaps even 0.12), so there's really no reason to maintain both versions once you did the switch.

One strong incentive for dropping the ITemplateStreamFilter usage in your code is that by not doing so you kill all the performance benefits brought by the switch to Jinja2. The support of ITemplateStreamFilter implies that we first render the page to HTML using Jinja2, then parse it back as an HTML stream and feed this stream to the Genshi filter, so that it can be transformed by these filters, and then finally rendered again(!).

The steps for replacing filter_stream() are the following:

  1. implement ITemplateProvider if you haven't done so already, as you'll need to provide a JavaScript file
  2. implement IRequestFilter if you haven't done so already, as you'll need to add the <script> tag for that JavaScript file, under the same circumstances in which you'd have injected your HTML code in filter_stream()
  3. translate the Genshi Transform filter manipulations into JavaScript:
    • instead of building content with the tag builder, use jQuery's facilities for creating HTML elements
    • instead of using the Transform filter API to append/prepend the content to some place in the input stream identified by XPath expressions, use jQuery DOM manipulation API

We'll discuss the specific example of the ticket deleter.

Implement ITemplateProvider.get_htdocs_dirs to be able to provide extra JavaScript code

In our example, the component already implemented ITemplateProvider (for providing the ticket_delete.html template), but the get_htdocs_dir didn't yet return a location. We now have to return the local htdocs directory, as we'll put our JavaScript file there:

  • tracopt/ticket/deleter.py

    diff --git a/tracopt/ticket/deleter.py b/tracopt/ticket/deleter.py
    index bd38c77..9a537bd 100644
    a b  
    4848    # ITemplateProvider methods
    5050    def get_htdocs_dirs(self):
    51         return []
     51        from pkg_resources import resource_filename
     52        yield 'ticketopt', resource_filename(__name__, 'htdocs')
    5354    def get_templates_dirs(self):
    5455        from pkg_resources import resource_filename
    5556        return [resource_filename(__name__, 'templates')]

Adding an ITemplateProvider implementation from scratch is not more complicated (if there are no templates provided by the plugin, get_template_dirs() can simply return []).

Implement IRequestFilter.post_process_request to conditionally add JavaScript code

We need to transfer the logic at the beginning of filter_stream() into post_process_request(), i.e. the condition for which we decided to either let the content pass through unmodified or to modify it, now becomes the condition for which we decide to either add or not add our extra bit of JavaScript code.

So we had:

    def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):               
        if filename not in ('ticket.html', 'ticket_preview.html'):              
            return stream               
        ticket = data.get('ticket')             
        if not (ticket and ticket.exists                
                and 'TICKET_ADMIN' in req.perm(ticket.resource)):               
            return stream

        # modify the stream!

which becomes now:

    def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
        if template in ('ticket.html', 'ticket_preview.html'):
            ticket = data.get('ticket')
            if (ticket and ticket.exists
                and 'TICKET_ADMIN' in req.perm(ticket.resource)):
                add_script(req, 'ticketopt/ticketdeleter.js')
                add_script_data(req, ui={'use_symbols':
        return template, data, content_type

i.e. the condition remains the same: the filename(/template) is either "ticket.html" or "ticket_preview.html", and we have a ticket in the data, that ticket exists and we have admin perm on that ticket; if true, we would have altered the stream in filter_stream(), now in post_process_request() we'll call add_script.

Note that we also call add_script_data. Here we do it for some piece of session information which is not yet available in the default JavaScript data, but you'll probably have to do that for any piece of the template data you'll need to use in the JavaScript code. Don't pass the whole data dictionary though, that would be overkill and it's quite likely some bits won't convert readily to JSON. Pass only the information you'll need.

Modify the content in the client using JavaScript

Now the "juicy" part: do in JavaScript what the Transform filter did in Python.

Well, actually the browser needs JavaScript, but you can use whatever you want in order to produce that JavaScript code. One possibility is to use CoffeeScript as it's well suited for producing the HTML snippets we'll need.

  1. producing the content

    The first Python helper method:
      # Insert "Delete" buttons for ticket description and each comment
      def delete_ticket():
          return tag.form(
                  tag.input(type='hidden', name='action', value='delete'),
                            value=captioned_button(req, u'–', # 'EN DASH'
                            title=_('Delete ticket'),
              action='#', method='get')
    captionedButton = (symbol, text) ->
      if ui.use_symbols then symbol else "#{symbol} #{text}"
    deleteTicket = () ->
      $ """
        <form action="#" method="get">
         <div class="inlinebuttons">
          <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete">
          <input type="submit" 
                 value="#{captionedButton '–', _("Delete")}"
                 title="#{_("Delete ticket")}"
          <input type="hidden" name="__FORM_TOKEN" value="#{form_token}">
    captioned_button(req, symbol, text) is a small Python utility function, which is trivial to adapt in JavaScript; note however that it's for this part of the logic that we needed to pass req.session.get('ui.use_symbols') from Python to JavaScript's ui.use_symbols via the call to add_script_data in 2.

    The second Python helper method:
      def delete_comment():
          for event in buffer:
              cnum, cdate = event[1][1].get('id')[12:].split('-', 1)
              return tag.form(
                      tag.input(type='hidden', name='action',
                      tag.input(type='hidden', name='cnum', value=cnum),
                      tag.input(type='hidden', name='cdate', value=cdate),
                                value=captioned_button(req, u'–', # 'EN DASH'
                                title=_('Delete comment %(num)s', num=cnum),
                  action='#', method='get')
    deleteComment = (c) ->
      # c.id == "trac-change-3-1347886395121000"
      #          0123456789012
      [cnum, cdate] = c.id.substr(12).split('-')
      $ """
        <form action="#" method="get">
         <div class="inlinebuttons">
          <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete-comment">
          <input type="hidden" name="cnum", value="#{cnum}">
          <input type="hidden" name="cdate" value="#{cdate}">
          <input type="submit"
                 value="#{captionedButton '–', _("Delete")}"
                 title="#{_("Delete comment %(num)s", num: cnum)}"
          <input type="hidden" name="__FORM_TOKEN" value="#{form_token}">
    Not really more complex, quite the opposite. And don't ask me what event[1][1] was ;-)

  2. inserting the content at the right place

    Now this bit of Python magic:
      buffer = StreamBuffer()
      return stream | Transformer('//div[@class="description"]'
                                  '/h3[@id="comment:description"]') \
          .after(delete_ticket).end() \
          .select('//div[starts-with(@class, "change")]/@id') \
          .copy(buffer).end() \
          .select('//div[starts-with(@class, "change") and @id]'
                  '//div[@class="trac-ticket-buttons"]') \
    becomes a more straightforward sequence of jQuery calls:
    $(document).ready () ->
      # Insert "Delete" buttons for ticket description and each comment
      $('#ticket .description h3').after(deleteTicket())
      $('#changelog div.change').each () ->
        $('.trac-ticket-buttons', this).prepend deleteComment this
    For those of you not so familiar with CoffeeScript, here is the corresponding plain JavaScript (assuming we're already in the document ready() callback):
        $('#ticket .description h3').after(deleteTicket());
        $('#changelog div.change').each(function() {
          $('.trac-ticket-buttons', this).prepend(deleteComment(this));

See the full changeset, [bf49f871/cboos.git] (and [be0ff94a/cboos.git] for a look to the generated .js).

i18n support for plugins

The basics remain the same, we use Babel for extracting the source strings from Jinja2 templates and for performing the translations at runtime. One notable differences though is how the domain used by the plugin specific catalogs is specified. With Genshi, the templates themselves contained a directive which specified the name of the domain, while Jinja2 doesn't provide this facility. It is therefore up to the controller to do this job, and we use for that the metadata dict returned by IRequestHandler.process_request.

The specification for the extraction is slightly more verbose than with Genshi. As we use a syntax for the Jinja2 templates which is different than the default (see below), it has to be specified for the extractor as well.

In what follows, we'll take the example of the SpamFilter plugin.

In the setup.cfg, we added the mapping_file parameter to the [extract_messages] section.

add_comments = TRANSLATOR:
msgid_bugs_address = trac@dstoecker.de
output_file = tracspamfilter/locale/messages.pot
keywords = _ ngettext:1,2 N_ tag_ cleandoc_ Option:4 BoolOption:4 IntOption:4 ChoiceOption:4 ListOption:6 ExtensionOption:5 ConfigSection:2
width = 72
mapping_file = messages.cfg

The other i18n sections are unchanged.

This makes it possible to specify all the extraction details in a specific configuration file, messages.cfg:

# mapping file for extracting messages from Jinja2 templates into
# trac/locale/messages.pot (see setup.cfg)

python = trac.dist:extract_python
html = trac.dist:extract_html
text = trac.dist:extract_text

[python: **.py]

[html: **/templates/**.html]
extensions = jinja2.ext.with_
variable_start_string = ${
variable_end_string = }
line_statement_prefix = #
line_comment_prefix = ##
trim_blocks = yes
lstrip_blocks = yes
newstyle_gettext = yes

[text: **/templates/**.txt]
extensions = jinja2.ext.with_
variable_start_string = ${
variable_end_string = }
line_statement_prefix = #
line_comment_prefix = ##
trim_blocks = yes
lstrip_blocks = yes
newstyle_gettext = yes

The html extractor (i.e. the trac.dist.extract_html function) will be applied to all HTML files **/templates/**.html, while the text extractor (the trac.dist.extract_text function). wil be applied on the "text" files **/templates/**.txt.

The HTML extractor "auto-detects" in a simple but effective way the presence of Genshi i18n directives, and will use the legacy Genshi extractor in that case. It is therefore safe to use this new way during the migration process, when there's a mix of Jinja2 and Genshi templates.

Note that as we have a dedicated mapping file anyway, we specify the extractors directly there, so we no longer need to do that in the setup.py file:

  • setup.py

    2323    cmdclass = get_l10n_cmdclass()
    2424    if cmdclass:
    2525        extra['cmdclass'] = cmdclass
    26         extractors = [
    27             ('**.py',                'trac.dist:extract_python', None),
    28             ('**/templates/**.html', 'genshi', None)
    29         ]
    30         extra['message_extractors'] = {
    31             'tracspamfilter': extractors,
    32         }
    3326except ImportError:
    3427    pass

See r15352 for the full changeset.

Finally, as mentioned earlier, we need to specify the domain from the Python code:

  • tracspamfilter/admin.py

    114114        add_stylesheet(req, 'spamfilter/admin.css')
    115115        data['accmgr'] = 'ACCTMGR_USER_ADMIN' in req.perm
     116        if page == 'config':
     117            return 'admin_spamconfig.html', data, {'domain': 'tracspamfilter'}
    116118        return 'admin_spam%s.html' % page, data, None
    118120    # ITemplateProvider methods

In that case, only the 'admin_spamconfig.html' template has been converted to Jinja2, the other templates remain Genshi templates, hence the value of None as third member of the return tuple for them.

See r15353 for the full changeset.

Migrating to Jinja2 templates

The Jinja2 syntax used by Trac

The Jinja2 template engine is quite flexible and its syntax can be customized to some extent. We took this opportunity to make it as close as possible to the Genshi template syntax, in particular for the variable expansion.

We use the following configuration:

key value example / explanation
extensions jinja2.ext.with_ jinja2.ext.i18n with directive can be used (more)
block_start_string {%

{% if cond %} value {% endif %} possible (but discouraged)

block_end_string %}
variable_start_string ${

${the_variable} (but not $the_variable) (more)

variable_end_string }
line_statement_prefix #
# if cond:
# endif

(preferred form) (more)

line_comment_prefix ## ## comments are good
trim_blocks yes whitespace removal after a block
lstrip_blocks yes whitespace removal before a block
newstyle_gettext yes i.e. like the Trac gettext

HTML differences between Jinja2 and Genshi templates

We took the opportunity to switch to HTML5 while performing this template overhaul. You should probably do the same. This usually won't change anything for your templates, except for a few details.

The doctype and the <html> element should be changed from Genshi's:

<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

to the somewhat simpler:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Special care should be taken when dealing with void elements. In XHTML, it's fine to write:

<div id="description"/>

However, when going to HTML5, you should use instead:

<div id="description"></div>

The valid void elements in HTML5 are limited to the following list:

  • area, base, br, col, command, embed, hr, img, input, keygen, link, meta, param, source, track, wbr

Detailed guide of differences between Jinja2 and Genshi

Most of the time, the porting is a straightforward operation.

expand a variable (${var})

  • Genshi
  • Jinja2

Note that Jinja2 doesn't support the $the_variable style, the curly braces are mandatory.


sed -i -e 's,\$\([a-z_][a-z._]*\),${\1},g' template.html

expand a simple computation (${Jinja2-expr})

  • Genshi
    <b>${the_variable + 1}</b>
  • Jinja2
    <b>${the_variable + 1}</b>

However, Jinja2 expressions are only similar to Python expressions, there are a few differences and limitations, see expressions doc.

See also set complex variables below for more involved examples.

Another customization we made to Jinja2 is to avoid having a Python None value be expanded to the "None" string. Instead, we make it produce an empty string, like Genshi did.

include another template (include)

  • Genshi
    <xi:include href="the_file.html"><xi:fallback/></xi:include>
  • Jinja2
    # include "the_file.html" ignore missing

See include doc. Note that the ignore missing part is needed if the template may not exist.

It is also possible to pass "parameters" to included templates. Those are not actually declared parameters, simply variables expected to be available in the template that can be set for the scope of one specific include. This works exactly like in Genshi, with a with statement:

  • Genshi
         <xi:include href="ticket_box.html" py:with="can_append = False; preview_mode = False"/>
  • Jinja
       # with
       #   set can_append = false
       #   set preview_mode = false
       #   include "ticket_box.html"
       # endwith

See with doc.

In passing, note how the boolean constants slightly differ from Python, False becomes false, True becomes true and None is none.

Caveat: contrary to the Genshi way, one shouldn't include the "layout.html" template in order to inherit the default page layout. There's a big difference in the way template "inheritance" works between Genshi and Jinja2, see HtmlTemplates#Jinjaarchitecture for all the details.

Despite these differences, we kept the same spirit and there's actually also a "layout.html" template that you can "inherit" from (as well as a "theme.html" template that the layout inherits in turn). But instead of "including" it in your template, you "extend" it:

# extends "layout.html"

But this is not the place to go further in the details about how extending works, refer to the extends documentation and to the link above for how this applies to Trac.

simple conditional (ifendif)

  • Genshi
    <py:if test="flag"><b>OK</b></py:if>
    or simply:
    <b py:if="flag">OK</b>
  • Jinja2
    # if flag: 
    # endif

See if doc.

conditional with multiple branches (ifelifelseendif)

  • Genshi
    <py:choose test="flag">
      <py:when test="True">
     <b py:when="flag">OK</b>
     <b py:when="other_flag">Maybe...</b>
     <i py:otherwise="">!!!</i>
  • Jinja2
     # if flag:
     # else:
     # endif
     # if flag:
     # elif other_flag:
     # else:
     # endif

If you really have to, you can also use the block style:

{{ if flag }}<b>OK</b>{{ else }}<i>!!!</i>{{ endif }}

However this goes against readability and processing via the jinjachecker tool, so we really advise that you stick to the use of line statements.

iterate over a collection (forendfor)

  • Genshi
      <py:for each="element in list">
    or simply:
      <li py:for="element in list">$element</li>
  • Jinja2
      # for element in list:
      # endfor

See for doc.

no need for enumerate
  • Genshi:
              <tr py:for="idx,option in enumerate(section.options)"
                  class="${'modified' if option.modified else None}">
                <th py:if="idx == 0" class="section"
  • Jinja2:
              #   for option in section.options:
              <tr ${{'class': 'modified' if option.modified}|htmlattr}>
                #   if loop.first:
                <th class="section"

All common uses (and more) for such an idx variable are addressed by the special loop variable. See loop doc.

define a macro (macroendmacro)

  • Genshi
    <py:def function="entry(key, val='--')">
  • Jinja2
     # macro entry(key, val='--')
     # endmacro

See macros doc.

set a variable (set)

  • Genshi
    <py:with vars="count = len(collection)">
    We have ${count &gt; 10 and 'too much' or count} elements.
    Note that we had to use &gt; in Genshi, we can't use > directly.
  • Jinja2
    # set count = len(collection)
    We have ${'too much' if count is greaterthan(10) else count} elements.
    Note that we avoid using > in Jinja2 expressions as well, but simply to avoid that XML/HTML text editors get confused. We added a few custom tests for that (greaterthan, greaterthanorequal, lessthan, lessthanorequal).

See tests doc.

set several variables in a scope (withendwith)

  • Genshi
    <html py:with="is_query = report.sql.startswith('query:');
                   new_report = action == 'new' and not is_query;
                   new_query = action == 'new' and is_query">
    The variables are set for the scope of the element in which they are set (here <html>, so the whole document)
  • Jinja2
     #   with
     #     set is_query = report.sql.startswith('query:')
     #     set new_report = action == 'new' and not is_query
     #   endwith

But actually you will only use with in specific situations, like for wrapping an include directive (see #include). If you're already within a for, a block or a macro, the scope of the assignment is already limited to that of this directive.

See set and with docs.

In addition, with can also be used to better control how the successive set on a given variable are being applied (see for example [1e25c852/cboos.git] and [cc1b959e/cboos.git]).

Finally be careful when using with: don't wrap a block directive within a with. If you want to set a global scope for the document (like in our <html> example above), it's tempting to use a single with statement, for clarity. But that would wrap all blocks defined in the template and strange results would ensue.

set HTML attributes (|htmlattr)

In Genshi, an attribute with a None value wouldn't be output. However, Jinja2 doesn't know what an attribute is (or anything else about HTML, XML for that matter), so we have to use a special filter, htmlattr, to reproduce this behavior:

  • Genshi:
              <tr class="${'disabled' if all(not component.enabled for module in plugin.modules.itervalues()
                                             for component in module.components.itervalues()) else None}">
  • Jinja2:
              #   set components = plugin.modules|map(attribute='components')|flatten
              <tr${{'class': 'disabled' if not components|selectattr('enabled')

(the htmlattr filter will add a space if needed; that way, if the condition is true, you end up with <tr class="disabled">, otherwise with just <tr>)

If you wonder why the if all(...) expression morphed into if not components|..., it's because Jinja2 expressions are similar to Python expressions, but not quite the same.

set complex variables (set)

Note that Jinja2 expressions are a subset of Python expressions, and for the sake of simplicity the generator expressions are not part of that subset. This limitation often requires one to make creative use of filters, built-in or custom (min, max, trim, flatten).

A few more examples:

Genshi Jinja2
${', '.join([p.name for p in faulty_plugins])} ${faulty_plugins|map('name')|join(', ')}
sum(1 for change in changes if 'cnum' in change) changes|selectattr('cnum')|list|count
sum(1 for change in changes if 'cnum' not in change) changes|rejectattr('cnum')|list|count

conditional wrappers

There's no direct equivalent to the py:strip, but it can often be emulated with an if/else/endif.

  • Genshi
      <a py:strip="not url" href="$url">$plugin.name</a>
  • Jinja2
      # if url:
      <a href="${url}">${plugin.name}</a>
      # else:
      # endif

If the repeated content is complex, one can use a block assignment (see below).

i18n (transendtrans)

Genshi had a pretty good notion of what was a piece of translatable text within an HTML template, but Jinja2 doesn't, so there's no "guessing" and no i18n will happen unless explicitly asked.

This can be done in two ways. First, with translation expressions, using the familiar _() gettext function (gettext and ngettext also supported).

  • Genshi:
    <strong>Trac detected an internal error:</strong>
  • Jinja2:
    <strong>${_("Trac detected an internal error:")}</strong>

Second, using trans directives.

  • Genshi:
                 <p i18n:msg="create">Otherwise, please ${create_ticket(tracker)} a new bug report
                 describing the problem and explain how to reproduce it.</p>
  • Jinja2:
                   # trans create = create_ticket(tracker)
                   Otherwise, please ${create} a new bug report
                   describing the problem and explain how to reproduce it.
                   # endtrans
    another example, without assignment:
             #   trans formatted
             In the default time zone, this would be displayed
             as <strong>${formatted}</strong>.
             #   endtrans
    last example, two expanded variables, with and without assignment:
             #   trans tz = nowtz.tzname(), formatted
             In your time zone ${tz}, this would be displayed as
             #   endtrans

See i18n doc.

Note that only direct variable expansions are supported in trans blocks, nothing more complex.

So one way to deal with complex translatable content is to factor out the complex parts in variable blocks.

assigning blocks of text to variables (setendset)

This feature is particularly useful in combination with trans, when dealing with complex expansions in translatable content. See block assignments doc.

  • Genshi:
               <p i18n:msg="">There was an internal error in Trac.
                 It is recommended that you notify your local
                 <a py:strip="not project.admin" href="mailto:${project.admin}">
                     Trac administrator</a> with the information needed to
                 reproduce the issue.
  • Jinja2:
                    # set trac_admin = _("Trac administrator")
                    # set project_admin
                    #   if project.admin:
                    <a href="mailto:${project.admin}">${trac_admin}</a>
                    #   else:
                    #   endif
                    # endset
                    # trans project_admin
                    There was an internal error in Trac.
                    It is recommended that you notify your local
                    ${project_admin} with the information needed to
                    reproduce the issue.
                    # endtrans
translation of Markup content tag_()

Note that another tricky case is when you want to use gettext and one of the variables is Markup. The _() and gettext() functions don't support Markup, you need to use tgettext() which is also available with the tag_() shortcut:

    # set preferences_link
    <a href="${href.prefs()}" class="trac-target-new">${
    # endset
    ${tag_("Set your email in %(preferences_link)s",

Tips and tricks

  • when you need to output a plain "#" character at the beginning of a line, this will be parsed as a line statement; the trick here is to use an empty inline comment as a prefix: {##}# ... (see [61e8d9ec/cboos.git])
  • when you need to output indented text, this can be made difficult due to our lstrip_block configuration setting; you can work around this by embedding Python strings with the exact whitespace content you need in variable expressions: ${"\t "} (see [0fdef480/cboos.git])
Last modified 5 months ago Last modified on Sep 25, 2024, 8:33:21 AM
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