Conversion example
Here we detail the conversion process of a sample Genshi template (wiki_view.html) into the corresponding Jinja2 template (wiki_view.html).
As will become apparent, we mainly use line statements for the Jinja2 control structures. Note that we have reformatted the Genshi template to use shorter line widths, so that both columns of the table below stay visible (a wide screen also helps).
wiki_view.html (Genshi template) | wiki_view.html (Jinja2 template) |
<!--! Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Edgewall Software This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms are also available at This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision history and logs, available at --> | {# Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Edgewall Software This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms are also available at This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision history and logs, available at #} |
| |
# extends "layout.html" | |
| |
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> | <!DOCTYPE html>
| |
<html xmlns="" xmlns:py="" xmlns:i18n="" xmlns:xi="" py:with="modify_perm = 'WIKI_MODIFY' in perm(page.resource); create_perm = 'WIKI_CREATE' in perm(page.resource); admin_perm = 'WIKI_ADMIN' in perm(page.resource); is_not_latest = page.exists and page.version != latest_version"> | <html> |
| |
<xi:include href="layout.html" /> | |
| |
<head> <title py:if="title">$title</title> | <head> <title> # block title # if title: ${title} ${ super() } # endif # endblock title </title> # block head # set modify_perm = 'WIKI_MODIFY' in perm(page.resource) # set is_not_latest = page.exists and page.version != latest_version ${ super() } |
| |
<meta py:if="version or == 'trac'" name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" /> <link py:if="modify_perm" rel="alternate" type="application/x-wiki" href="${, action='edit', version=page.version if is_not_latest else None)}" title="${_('Revert page to this version') if is_not_latest else _('Edit this page')}"/> | # if version or == 'trac': <meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" /> # endif # if modify_perm: <link rel="alternate" type="application/x-wiki" href="${, action='edit', version=page.version if is_not_latest)}" title="${_("Revert page to this version") if is_not_latest else _("Edit this page")}"/> # endif |
| |
<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#content").find("h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6") .addAnchor(_("Link to this section")); $("#content").find(".wikianchor").each(function() { $(this).addAnchor(babel.format(_("Link to #%(id)s"), {id: $(this).attr('id')})); }); $(".foldable").enableFolding(true, true); }); </script> | <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#content").find("h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6") .addAnchor(_("Link to this section")); $("#content").find(".wikianchor").each(function() { $(this).addAnchor(babel.format(_("Link to #%(id)s"), { id: $(this).attr('id')})); }); $(".foldable").enableFolding(true, true); }); </script> |
| |
</head> | # endblock head </head> |
| |
<body> <div id="content" class="${classes('wiki', create=not page.exists)}"> | <body> # block content # set modify_perm = 'WIKI_MODIFY' in perm(page.resource) # set create_perm = 'WIKI_CREATE' in perm(page.resource) # set admin_perm = 'WIKI_ADMIN' in perm(page.resource) # set is_not_latest = page.exists and page.version != latest_version <div id="content" class="${classes('wiki', create=not page.exists)}"> |
| |
<py:if test="version"> <br /> <table id="info" summary="Revision info"> <tr><th scope="row" i18n:msg="version, author, date"> Version $page.version (modified by ${authorinfo(}, ${pretty_dateinfo(page.time)}) (<a href="${, action='diff', version=page.version)}">diff</a>) </th></tr> <tr><td class="message" xml:space="preserve"> ${wiki_to_html(context, page.comment or '--')} </td></tr> </table> </py:if> | # if version: <br /> <table id="info" summary="${_("Revision info")}"> <tr><th scope="row"> # with # set version = page.version # set author = authorinfo( # set date = pretty_dateinfo(page.time) # set hef =, action='diff', version=page.version) # trans version, author, date, href Version ${version} (modified by ${author}, ${date}) (<a href="${href}">diff</a>) # endtrans # endwith </th></tr> <tr><td class="message"> ${wiki_to_html(context, page.comment or '--')} </td></tr> </table> # endif |
| |
<div class="wikipage searchable" py:choose="" xml:space="preserve"> <py:when test="page.exists"> <div id="wikipage" class="trac-content" py:content="wiki_to_html(context, text)" /> <?python last_modification = (page.comment and _('Version %(version)s by %(author)s: %(comment)s', version=page.version, author=format_author(, comment=page.comment) or _('Version %(version)s by %(author)s', version=page.version, author=format_author( ?> <div py:if="not version" class="trac-modifiedby"> <span i18n:msg="reldate"> <a href="${, action='diff', version=page.version)}" title="$last_modification">Last modified</a> ${pretty_dateinfo(page.time)} </span> <span class="trac-print" i18n:msg="date">Last modified on ${format_datetime(page.time)}</span> </div> </py:when> <py:otherwise> <p i18n:msg="name">The page <strong>${name_of(page.resource)}</strong> does not exist. You can create it here.</p> </py:otherwise> </div> | <div class="wikipage searchable"> # if page.exists: <div id="wikipage" class="trac-content">${ wiki_to_html(context, text) }</div> # set last_modification = (page.comment and _('Version %(version)s by %(author)s: %(comment)s', version=page.version, author=format_author(, comment=page.comment) or _('Version %(version)s by %(author)s', version=page.version, author=format_author( # if not version: <div class="trac-modifiedby"> <span> # with # set href =, action='diff', version=page.version), # set date = pretty_dateinfo(page.time) # trans href, last_modification, date <a href="${href}" title="${last_modification}">Last modified</a> ${date} # endtrans # endwith </span> <span class="trac-print"> ${_("Last modified on %(date)s", date=format_datetime(page.time))} </span> </div> # endif # else: <p> # trans name = name_of(page.resource) The page <strong>${name}</strong> does not exist. You can create it here. # endtrans </p> # endif </div> |
<xi:include href="list_of_attachments.html" py:with="alist = attachments; compact = True; foldable = True"/> | # with # set alist = attachments # set compact = True # set foldable = True # include "list_of_attachments.html" # endwith |
| |
<py:with vars="delete_perm = 'WIKI_DELETE' in perm(page.resource); rename_perm = 'WIKI_RENAME' in perm(page.resource)"> <py:if test="modify_perm or create_perm or delete_perm"> <div class="buttons"> <py:if test="modify_perm or create_perm"> | # with # set delete_perm = 'WIKI_DELETE' in perm(page.resource) # set rename_perm = 'WIKI_RENAME' in perm(page.resource) # if modify_perm or create_perm or delete_perm: <div class="buttons"> # if modify_perm or create_perm: |
| |
<form method="get" action="${}" id="modifypage"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /> <py:choose> <py:when test="is_not_latest and modify_perm"> <input type="hidden" name="version" value="${page.version}"/> <input type="submit" value="${_('Revert to this version')}"/> </py:when> <py:when test="page.exists and modify_perm"> <input type="submit" value="${_('Edit this page')}" accesskey="e" /> </py:when> <py:when test="not page.exists and create_perm"> <input type="submit" value="${_('Create this page')}" accesskey="e" /> <div py:if="templates" id="template"> <label for="template">using the template:</label> <select name="template"> <option selected="${not default_template in templates or None}" value="">(blank page)</option> <option py:for="t in sorted(templates)" value="$t" selected="${t == default_template or None}" >$t</option> </select> </div> </py:when> </py:choose> </div> </form> | <form method="get" action="${}" id="modifypage"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /> # if is_not_latest and modify_perm: <input type="hidden" name="version" value="${page.version}"/> <input type="submit" value="${_('Revert to this version')}"/> # elif page.exists and modify_perm: <input type="submit" value="${_('Edit this page')}" accesskey="e" /> # elif not page.exists and create_perm: <input type="submit" value="${_('Create this page')}" accesskey="e" /> # if templates: <div id="template"> <label for="template">${_("using the template:")}</label> <select name="template"> <option ${{'selected': not default_template in templates }|htmlattr} value="">${_("(blank page)")}</option> # for t in sorted(templates): <option value="${t}" ${{'selected': t == default_template }|htmlattr}>${t}</option> # endfor </select> </div> # endif # endif </div> </form> |
| |
<py:if test="page.exists"> <xi:include href="attach_file_form.html" py:with="alist = attachments"/> </py:if> </py:if> | # if page.exists: # with alist = attachments # include "attach_file_form.html" # endwith # endif # endif |
| |
<form method="get" action="${}" id="rename" py:if="page.exists and rename_perm"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="rename" /> <input type="submit" value="${_('Rename page')}" /> </div> </form> <form method="get" action="${}" id="delete" py:if="page.exists and delete_perm"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete" /> <input type="hidden" name="version" value="$page.version" /> <py:if test="page.version == latest_version"> <input type="submit" name="delete_version" value="${_('Delete this version')}" /> </py:if> <input type="submit" value="${_('Delete page')}" /> </div> </form> </div> </py:if> </py:with> | # if page.exists and rename_perm: <form method="get" action="${}" id="rename"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="rename" /> <input type="submit" value="${_('Rename page')}" /> </div> </form> # endif # if page.exists and delete_perm: <form method="get" action="${}" id="delete"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete" /> <input type="hidden" name="version" value="${page.version}" /> # if page.version == latest_version: <input type="submit" name="delete_version" value="${_('Delete this version')}" /> # endif <input type="submit" value="${_('Delete page')}" /> </div> </form> # endif </div> # endif # endwith |
<div class="wikipage searchable" py:if="not page.exists and higher"> <p>You could also create the same page higher in the hierarchy:</p> <ul> <li py:for="markup in higher">${markup}</li> </ul> </div> | # if not page.exists and higher: <div class="wikipage searchable"> <p>You could also create the same page higher in the hierarchy:</p> <ul> # for markup in higher: <li>${markup}</li> # endfor </ul> </div> # endif |
| |
<div class="wikipage searchable" py:if="not page.exists and related"> <p>The following pages have a name similar to this page, and may be related:</p> <ul> <li py:for="markup in related">${markup}</li> </ul> </div> | # if not page.exists and related: <div class="wikipage searchable"> <p>${_("The following pages have a name similar to this page, and may be related:")}</p> <ul> # for markup in related: <li>${markup}</li> # endif </ul> </div> # endif |
</div> </body> </html> | </div> ${ super() } # endblock content </body> </html> |
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