Edgewall Software

Change History for TracDev/PortingFromGenshiToJinja

Version Date Author Comment
50 5 weeks anonymous
49 4 years Ryan J Ollos Document #13242.
48 4 years Ryan J Ollos Direct TracLinks to main repository.
47 7 years Christian Boos restructure #ReplacingITemplateStreamFilter
46 7 years Christian Boos add a section for #PanelProviders
45 7 years Christian Boos remove warning and links to git branch
44 7 years Christian Boos tag_ arguments no longer need |safe since fix of Jinja2 issue 490, …
43 7 years Christian Boos add #i18n section for plugins, with the SpamFilter taken as example
42 7 years Christian Boos major restructuring of the page, start with examples, continue with …
41 7 years Christian Boos move the #Generatingcontent section before the "Modifying content" one
40 7 years Christian Boos add an example for the low-level Chrome API for rendering with Jinja2 …
39 7 years Christian Boos some rewording for the "Modifying the content" part
38 7 years Christian Boos update branch name, milestone:1.3.2 as integration target
37 7 years Christian Boos update the #Renderingtemplatefragments section in light of recent …
36 7 years Christian Boos document IRequestHandler.process_request, remove some 'j's, fix …
35 7 years Christian Boos #trans: jinja2 issue 490 is fixed, remove the |safe filter
34 7 years Christian Boos mention filterout_none, deviation from …
33 7 years Christian Boos second #Tipsandtricks, how to produce indentation
32 7 years Christian Boos add #Tipsandtricks section
31 7 years Christian Boos add another example where using #with rather than set was needed
30 7 years Christian Boos using #with to better "scope" the assignments made by set
29 7 years Christian Boos Added #TheJinja2syntax section describing the customization we use
28 8 years Christian Boos fix an internal ref
27 8 years Christian Boos #expandavariable: be more explicit about what works and what won't
26 8 years Christian Boos explain the choices made for the Jinja2 syntax customization
25 8 years Christian Boos a few more usage examples for the trans directive
24 8 years Christian Boos #with: add description and caveat
23 8 years Christian Boos add section describing the #ChangesintheHTML
22 8 years Christian Boos extends, xml, …
21 8 years Christian Boos #include: some precisions (+ shortcuts, + wiki processor cleanup)
20 8 years Christian Boos fix links to jinjachecker
19 8 years Christian Boos a bit of clean-up in #Standalonetemplate section
18 8 years Christian Boos #setHTMLattributes: take care about the whtespace in elements
17 8 years Christian Boos add link to github mirror
16 8 years Christian Boos be more specific about the difference with markupsafe.escape
15 8 years Christian Boos fix note about escape, following the bug fix (we really need the old …
14 8 years Christian Boos #i18n add an example for tag_
13 8 years Christian Boos full example is now in a subpage
12 8 years Christian Boos #ReplacingITemplateStreamFilter, clarify some parts of the explanation
11 8 years Christian Boos overview of #Standardtemplates and links to specific examples
10 8 years Christian Boos discuss the #tag builder API and MarkupSafe
9 8 years Christian Boos damn default number of significant digits for a git changeset…
8 8 years anonymous #ReplacingITemplateStreamFilter, finish part 2 with the JavaScript
7 8 years Christian Boos #ReplacingITemplateStreamFilter, start part 2, ITemplateProvider and …
6 8 years Christian Boos #ReplacingITemplateStreamFilter, part 1, the __FORM_TOKEN input
5 8 years Christian Boos a few more examples for setting complex variables
4 8 years Christian Boos #includeanothertemplate with parameters
3 8 years Christian Boos well, #!html was used on purpose in this very specific example (see …
2 8 years Jun Omae use #!html+jinja rather than #!html for Jinja2 example
1 8 years Christian Boos modeled after PortingFromClearSilverToGenshi