Edgewall Software

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

#1894 closed defect (duplicate)

Web-based admin tool

Reported by: Matthias Hryniszak Owned by: daniel
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: admin/console Version: 0.8.4
Severity: major Keywords: web-based admin
Cc: Branch:
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I'm using the TRAC system at work and at home. Both instalations run on Win2k SP4 with Apache 2.0.54. Sometimes it's critical for me to perform admin tasks while I'm at home. Now a days I just jump into my car and drive like crazy 20km to make those changes since my boss doesn't allow any other incomming traffic besides port 80. If there would be an admin page I could save my money, time and make everybody else happy :)

This tool I'm thinking of should also be able to manage users in the htpasswd-created password file since creating new users account AND modyfing their access rights is the task I have to do most.

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comment:1 by anonymous, 20 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

duplicate of #11.

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