Edgewall Software

This is the Welsh translation of various Trac Terms.

This page's purpose is to help a future Welsh-localized version of Trac.

Note that translation work for cy_GB is already in-progress, please see #6385.

For the time being, the French page is used as a template. Comments are welcome.

Dyma'r dudalen ar gyfer trafod termau Cymraeg ar gyfer Trac.

Nod y dudalen hon yw hwyluso cyfieithu Trac i'r Gymraeg.
Mae'r dudalen Ffrangeg yn cael ei defnyddio fel templed ar hyn o bryd. Mae croeso i chi ychwanegu sylwadau.

english french welsh


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Last modified 17 years ago Last modified on Nov 21, 2007, 9:55:23 AM
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