Edgewall Software

Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#8488 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add "last modified" footer to every wiki page

Reported by: Sebastian Krysmanski <sebastian@…> Owned by: Remy Blank
Priority: normal Milestone: 0.12
Component: wiki system Version: 0.11.4
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: info@… Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:


It would be nice if the last modified date was displayed on every wiki page. I've attached a patch that does this.

Attachments (11)

wiki-last-modified.patch (844 bytes ) - added by Sebastian Krysmanski <sebastian@…> 16 years ago.
Patch against Trac 0.11.4
Last-modified-by-at-top-r9333.patch (2.6 KB ) - added by Christian Boos 15 years ago.
move the Last modified by … link below the contextual navigation links
last-modified.png (19.5 KB ) - added by Remy Blank 15 years ago.
status-quo-r9351.png (11.7 KB ) - added by Christian Boos 15 years ago.
How the contextual navigation links and the top of a wiki page content look like in r9351
Last-modified-on-top-v2.png (45.4 KB ) - added by Christian Boos 15 years ago.
How it looks like with the shortenent Last modified link on top
Last-change-link.png (60.0 KB ) - added by Christian Boos 15 years ago.
How it looks like with the Last change link (#2635) restored
Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch (2.7 KB ) - added by Christian Boos 15 years ago.
Last modified link moved at the top, with author information in the tooltip
t2635-r3951.patch (978 bytes ) - added by Christian Boos 15 years ago.
Alternative, restored the Last Change link of #2635
ff15pt-before.png (3.7 KB ) - added by Christian Boos 15 years ago.
Firefox with minimum font size set to 15pt, shows current distance between wiki path and page content
ff15pt-after.png (3.6 KB ) - added by Christian Boos 15 years ago.
Firefox with minimum font size set to 15pt, shows distance between wiki path and page content, Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch applied
ff15pt-after2.png (3.6 KB ) - added by Christian Boos 15 years ago.
Firefox with minimum font size set to 15pt, shows distance between wiki path and page content, Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch applied + margin: .3em .5em .1em

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (29)

by Sebastian Krysmanski <sebastian@…>, 16 years ago

Attachment: wiki-last-modified.patch added

Patch against Trac 0.11.4

comment:1 by Thijs Triemstra <info@…>, 16 years ago

Cc: info@… added

comment:2 by Remy Blank, 16 years ago

Owner: set to Remy Blank

I wasn't too convinced at first, but on second thought this is actually quite an important information, as it allows determining how "stale" the content of a page is. I'll apply the patch to trunk.

comment:3 by Ryan Ollos <ryano@…>, 16 years ago

Cc: ryano@… added

comment:4 by Remy Blank, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Updated patch applied in [8621] (in particular, the info is not displayed when viewing a specific page version, as it is redundant with the page header). Thanks!

comment:5 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

I'd like to experiment with seeing this link in the upper right corner, below the page navigation links.

That way:

  • one immediately sees this important information even for long pages
  • as we don't have the explicit Last change link anymore, we can still get the same effect with the Last modification link

in reply to:  5 ; comment:6 by Remy Blank, 15 years ago

Replying to cboos:

I'd like to experiment with seeing this link in the upper right corner, below the page navigation links.

I wouldn't like that too much. Wikipedia and MoinMoin both have this information at the bottom, and for good reason: it is only rarely used. I'd prefer only having often-used information at the top. I'd certainly prefer having the "Edit" button at the top rather than the "Last edited by…" information.

in reply to:  6 ; comment:7 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Replying to rblank:

Replying to cboos:

I'd like to experiment with seeing this link in the upper right corner, below the page navigation links.

I wouldn't like that too much. Wikipedia and MoinMoin both have this information at the bottom, and for good reason: it is only rarely used.

Well, since I removed the Last Change link in r9093, I miss it quite a lot. Having to scroll down to the equivalent link offered by Last modified by… has not proved to be as convenient as I thought.

I'd argue that when you maintain wiki pages, or simply when you follow the changes done on wiki pages as opposed to reading them for the first time, most of the time you want to look at what has changed since last time. That's why #2635 was important and also why #1245 is an important feature to keep in mind for future releases.

So please try out the Last-modified-by-at-top-r9333.patch, and tell me what you think. I've reduced the amount of information shown so that it doesn't take too much horizontal space.

I'd prefer only having often-used information at the top. I'd certainly prefer having the "Edit" button at the top rather than the "Last edited by…" information.

This was also requested in the past, and why not, indeed. We could perhaps find a way to do that while working on #1024, for example by considering an edit of a first level heading to be equivalent to editing the whole page.

Last edited 15 years ago by Christian Boos (previous) (diff)

by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

move the Last modified by … link below the contextual navigation links

by Remy Blank, 15 years ago

Attachment: last-modified.png added

in reply to:  7 ; comment:8 by Remy Blank, 15 years ago

Replying to cboos:

So please try out the Last-modified-by-at-top-r9333.patch, and tell me what you think. I've reduced the amount of information shown so that it doesn't take too much horizontal space.

I still don't like it. With a short username, it displays ok (except that it shifts the whole wiki page content down by a line, which is a bit of a waste). With a complete username with e-mail address, it takes over a third of my page width, which I find too intrusive.

If you apply the patch, please provide a reasonable way to move the line to the bottom, e.g. through site.html.

comment:9 by osimons, 15 years ago

I'd argue to leave it at the bottom too. It takes up too much valuable space. If you want the basic information to also be available at the top, then why not provide it as a tooltip for the 'History' link?

in reply to:  8 ; comment:10 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Replying to rblank:

… (except that it shifts the whole wiki page content down by a line, which is a bit of a waste).

No, it doesn't, as to compensate the patch also removed a <br style="clear: both" /> line, so there were not much a difference. With the new patch Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch and a vertical margin of .3em instead of .5em, there's even no changes at all.

With a complete username with e-mail address, it takes over a third of my page width, which I find too intrusive.

Agreed, so I propose to move the author info into the tooltip. We would then see: Last modified 1 day ago with a tooltip of Version 5 by cboos: … (also in Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch).

The other alternative I see is to restore the Last change link in the page navigation, eventually with some improved tooltip, but not on History, as the point of my reopening was really about getting back a link to go directly to the last change, in or near the contextual navigation links.

See t2635-r3951.patch.

To summarize, we have:

  • current situation: How the contextual navigation links and the top of a wiki page content  look like in r9351
  • with Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch: How it looks like with the shortenent ''Last modified''  link on top
  • with t2635-r3951.patch: How it looks like with the ''Last change'' link (#2635) restored

by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Attachment: status-quo-r9351.png added

How the contextual navigation links and the top of a wiki page content look like in r9351

by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Attachment: Last-modified-on-top-v2.png added

How it looks like with the shortenent Last modified link on top

by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Attachment: Last-change-link.png added

How it looks like with the Last change link (#2635) restored

by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Last modified link moved at the top, with author information in the tooltip

by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Attachment: t2635-r3951.patch added

Alternative, restored the Last Change link of #2635

in reply to:  10 ; comment:11 by Remy Blank, 15 years ago

Replying to cboos:

No, it doesn't, as to compensate the patch also removed a <br style="clear: both" /> line, so there were not much a difference. With the new patch Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch and a vertical margin of .3em instead of .5em, there's even no changes at all.

Well, it does here :-( It may be due to my font settings again (minimum font size 15 on Firefox). I can post a screenshot later tonight, if you want.

Agreed, so I propose to move the author info into the tooltip. We would then see: Last modified 1 day ago with a tooltip of Version 5 by cboos: … (also in Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch).

That would be better, yes. If you can also avoid the "down-shift", I'd be ok.

in reply to:  11 comment:12 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Replying to rblank:

Replying to cboos:

No, it doesn't, as to compensate the patch also removed a <br style="clear: both" /> line, so there were not much a difference. With the new patch Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch and a vertical margin of .3em instead of .5em, there's even no changes at all.

Well, it does here :-( It may be due to my font settings again (minimum font size 15 on Firefox). I can post a screenshot later tonight, if you want.

Ah yes, with custom font sizes, it can be different. Though still not that different, not a full line:

Firefox with minimum font size set to 15pt, shows current distance between wiki path and page content Firefox with minimum font size set to 15pt, shows distance between wiki path and page content, [attachment: Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch] applied

With the bigger font size, I think the increased space between the wiki path and the title is even welcomed…

Agreed, so I propose to move the author info into the tooltip. We would then see: Last modified 1 day ago with a tooltip of Version 5 by cboos: … (also in Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch).

That would be better, yes. If you can also avoid the "down-shift", I'd be ok.

Tweaking the margins a bit more (div.trac-modifiedby { margin: .3em .5em .1em; ...), I can reduce the differences to virtually nothing… but we need at least the 0.1em on the bottom in case there are right floats inside the wiki page and the top 0.3em is also a minimum I think…

Firefox with minimum font size set to 15pt, shows current distance between wiki path and page content Firefox with minimum font size set to 15pt, shows distance between wiki path and page content, [attachment: Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch] applied + margin: .3em .5em .1em

by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Attachment: ff15pt-before.png added

Firefox with minimum font size set to 15pt, shows current distance between wiki path and page content

by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Attachment: ff15pt-after.png added

Firefox with minimum font size set to 15pt, shows distance between wiki path and page content, Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch applied

by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Attachment: ff15pt-after2.png added

Firefox with minimum font size set to 15pt, shows distance between wiki path and page content, Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch applied + margin: .3em .5em .1em

comment:13 by Thijs Triemstra <lists@…>, 15 years ago

Interesting, the ticket notification email was in french:

#8488: Add "last modified" footer to every wiki page
Rapporteur:  Sebastian Krysmanski <sebastian@…>              |   Propriétaire:  rblank  
    Type:  enhancement                                     |       Status:  reopened
Priorité:  normal                                          |        Jalon:  0.12    
Composant:  wiki system                                     |      Version:  0.11.4  
Sévérité:  normal                                          |   Résolution:          
Mots-clés:                                                  |  

Comment (by cboos):

comment:14 by osimons, 15 years ago

Try adding something like [[PageOutline]] macro to the top of the page too - a very common use scenario. A large number of pages "in the wild" use some sort of floating TOC in pages. It all just gets really cluttered.

I don't see that tooltip usages requires restoring 'Last Change' either - can't the tooltip be provided for the 'History' context menu item?

comment:15 by Remy Blank, 15 years ago

Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch indeed adds very little vertical spacing even in my browser, so I'm ok with that.

Replying to osimons:

I don't see that tooltip usages requires restoring 'Last Change' either - can't the tooltip be provided for the 'History' context menu item?

I think Christian was missing the link to the last change, not only the last change information. Currently, that link is on the "Last changed" words at the bottom of the page. Displaying the last change info at the top moves the link up again.

in reply to:  15 comment:16 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Replying to rblank:

Last-modified-by-at-top-r9351.patch indeed adds very little vertical spacing even in my browser, so I'm ok with that.

Fine, I'll go with that patch then, as it has a .3em bottom margin which better separates that link from embedded right floats (the PageOutline concern raised by osimons).

Replying to osimons:

I don't see that tooltip usages requires restoring 'Last Change' either - can't the tooltip be provided for the 'History' context menu item?

I think Christian was missing the link to the last change, not only the last change information. Currently, that link is on the "Last changed" words at the bottom of the page. Displaying the last change info at the top moves the link up again.

Precisely, and I was addressing Simon's proposal for the History link in comment:10.

comment:17 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Latest patch applied in r9370.

comment:18 by Ryan J Ollos, 11 years ago

Cc: ryano@… removed

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