Edgewall Software

Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#6164 closed defect (fixed)

Setting a default resolution causes new tickets to have that resolution

Reported by: hyuga <hyugaricdeau@…> Owned by: osimons
Priority: normal Milestone: 0.11
Component: ticket system Version: devel
Severity: normal Keywords: workflow resolution
Cc: Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:


As the summary says, if I set a default resolution through the Admin interface, an option like default_resolution = fixed is created in the project's trac.ini file. Then, when a ticket is created and loaded up with its defaults, its resolution is set to 'fixed'.

Meanwhile, the template has the following lines:

<py:if test="ticket.exists">
  <span class="status">(${ticket.status} <py:if
      test="ticket.resolution">: ${ticket.resolution}</py:if>)</span>

This causes something like Ticket #1 (new defect: fixed) to be displayed at the top of a newly-created ticket, since the template does not even check if the ticket's status is 'closed' before displaying the resolution.

Attachments (2)

default_resolution_r6121.patch (2.7 KB ) - added by hyuga <hyugaricdeau@…> 17 years ago.
Gives a more explicit meaning to 'default resolution'
t6164-r6333-default_resolution-a.diff (1.5 KB ) - added by osimons 17 years ago.
Patch that a) makes sure status and resolution is not set on new tickets, and b) makes default_resoltion work as default in drop-down.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (20)

comment:1 by Christian Boos, 17 years ago

Component: generalticket system
Keywords: workflow added
Milestone: 0.11.1

I think the template is OK, if there's a resolution set, it should be shown. What must be adapted is that a resolution shouldn't be set implicitly, i.e. in the default workflow, after any transition that has not explicitly the set_resolution in its operations.

comment:2 by hyuga <hyugaricdeau@…>, 17 years ago

Ah, I haven't played around with the new workflow system much yet so I didn't know about that. That seems like the best solution then.

by hyuga <hyugaricdeau@…>, 17 years ago

Gives a more explicit meaning to 'default resolution'

comment:3 by hyuga <hyugaricdeau@…>, 17 years ago

I was looking into fixing this and found that checking the operations for each action would be somewhat involved, as it would mean having to look at the ticket actions when creating new tickets as well as modifying existing ones.

I thought instead it might be easier to give 'default resolution' a more explicit meaning along the lines of "default resolution to select when resolving a ticket" and not have it give the ticket itself a default resolution, which really doesn't make much sense to me to begin with. The attached patch takes care of the problem that way.

If Trac devs agree with this I wouldn't mind seeing it applied in 0.11, since I can see this becoming a nuisance.

comment:4 by Goldan <denis.golomazov@…>, 17 years ago

What can Trac developers say about this patch? If it does the job, why not to commit it and close the ticket? Or there is something wrong in it?

@hyuga: I have nothing against your solution, just wonder why it hasn't been implemented yet in official repository.

comment:5 by Goldan <denis.golomazov@…>, 17 years ago

What about to change trac.ini:

default_resolution = 

? Then default resolution will be None.

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by hyuga <hyugaricdeau@…>, 17 years ago

Replying to Goldan <denis.golomazov@gmail.com>:

What about to change trac.ini:

default_resolution = 

? Then default resolution will be None.

That's not the point. Of course if there is no default resolution then there's no problem. But in 0.11 the admin interface allows the setting of a default resolution. Also, the handling of default values for enums is such that nothing would stop one from manuallying adding a default_resolution to trac.ini. So as long as it's possible to even do such a thing, it might as well behave well.

comment:7 by osimons, 17 years ago

Keywords: review added
Owner: changed from Jonas Borgström to osimons

Got strange behavior on the 'inside' using default_status = closed as well. That does not make much sense either with workflow and all new tickets being 'new' by definition. However, as new ticket did not respect this setting anyway due to workflow, it just makes it a bit strange.

Anyway, I've poked around here, and think the best way is to trap it when a new Ticket() is created - through the _init_defaults() method. Here is a patch that just ignores settings for 'resolution' and 'status' for empty ticket:

  • trac/ticket/model.py

    6262    def _init_defaults(self, db=None):
    6363        for field in self.fields:
    6464            default = None
    65             if not field.get('custom'):
     65            if field['name'] in ['resolution', 'status']:
     66                # Ignore for new - only change through workflow
     67                pass
     68            elif not field.get('custom'):
    6669                default = self.env.config.get('ticket',
    6770                                              'default_' + field['name'])
    6871            else:

Seems to work well. Testing and comments welcome as usual.

comment:8 by hyuga <hyugaricdeau@…>, 17 years ago

Ignoring default resolution and status would be fine, as they are 'special' fields in the context of ticket workflow. But any solution that just ignores such defaults should also remove the ability to set default resolutions and status in the admin pages. My solution got around that by assigning some meaning to what a 'default' resolution should do, in this case being just the default resolution that should be selected in the resolution field.

Either way is fine—whatever would confuse the fewest users. But having the ability to set a default resolution and then not doing *anything* with it is definitely confusing to them (I know because they were already doing it).

in reply to:  8 ; comment:9 by osimons, 17 years ago

Severity: minornormal

Replying to hyuga <hyugaricdeau@gmail.com>:

Ignoring default resolution and status would be fine, as they are 'special' fields in the context of ticket workflow. But any solution that just ignores such defaults should also remove the ability to set default resolutions and status in the admin pages. My solution got around that by assigning some meaning to what a 'default' resolution should do, in this case being just the default resolution that should be selected in the resolution field.

Right, I just focused on the reason for why it appeard in the ticket header - and found a much more important problem in that it actually gets stored on the tickets. Any query for resolutions against milestone would pick it up as 'fixed' and display it as such regardless of status. Not good as it breaks with the core the ticket system whereby a resolution should only exist on a ticket if status is 'closed'.

Either way is fine—whatever would confuse the fewest users. But having the ability to set a default resolution and then not doing *anything* with it is definitely confusing to them (I know because they were already doing it).

I agree - and did not even look at that for my patch (missed that point when I was reading the ticket earlier). I'll update my patch to implement your suggestion as well - it makes sense that it then becomes the default option in the drop-down.

by osimons, 17 years ago

Patch that a) makes sure status and resolution is not set on new tickets, and b) makes default_resoltion work as default in drop-down.

in reply to:  9 comment:10 by osimons, 17 years ago

Replying to osimons:

I'll update my patch to implement your suggestion as well - it makes sense that it then becomes the default option in the drop-down.

Updated patch t6164-r6333-default_resolution-a.diff. Please test & review.

comment:11 by osimons, 17 years ago

Actually, the last drop-down fix is more correct just doing it like this:

  • trac/ticket/default_workflow.py

    244244                             resolutions[0])
    245245            else:
    246246                id = action + '_resolve_resolution'
    247                 selected_option = req.args.get(id, 'fixed')
     247                selected_option = req.args.get(id,
     248                        self.config.get('ticket', 'default_resolution'))
    248249                control.append(tag(['as ', tag.select(
    249250                    [tag.option(x, selected=(x == selected_option or None))
    250251                     for x in resolutions],

comment:12 by Christian Boos, 17 years ago

The [ticket] default_resolution should also have its documented Option in TicketModule, like the others, and maybe still fixed as the default value.

Otherwise, patch (with comment:11) looks good and works fine.

comment:13 by osimons, 17 years ago

That would be something like this, then:

  • trac/ticket/web_ui.py

    7676    default_component = Option('ticket', 'default_component', '',
    7777        """Default component for newly created tickets""")
     79    default_resolution = Option('ticket', 'default_resolution', 'fixed',
     80        """Default resolution for resolving (closing) tickets
     81        (''since 0.11'').""")
    7983    timeline_details = BoolOption('timeline', 'ticket_show_details', 'false',
    8084        """Enable the display of all ticket changes in the timeline
    8185        (''since 0.9'').""")

Ready for commit?

comment:14 by Christian Boos, 17 years ago


comment:15 by osimons, 17 years ago

Keywords: resolution added; review removed
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Patch(es) committed as [6334].

comment:16 by hyuga <hyugaricdeau@…>, 17 years ago

Great! This is almost identical to my patch save for the fact that it also makes a consideration for default status. Works well for me.

in reply to:  16 comment:17 by osimons, 17 years ago

Replying to hyuga <hyugaricdeau@gmail.com>:

Great! This is almost identical to my patch save for the fact that it also makes a consideration for default status. Works well for me.

Re-reading your patch, you're sure right :-) I ended up doing my own as I needed to make sense of the issues as I went along. Knowing what I now know, I would be much better off studying your patch more carefully and using it as a starting point. Catch-22 of having to understand the code of others I suppose…

Thanks for helping out!

comment:18 by Christian Boos, 13 years ago

See also r11154.

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as closed The owner will remain osimons.
The resolution will be deleted. Next status will be 'reopened'.
to The owner will be changed from osimons to the specified user.

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