Note: this page documents the 1.0 version of Trac, see 0.12/TracGuide if you need the previous version
Trac 使用者與管理員指南
Table of Contents
The TracGuide is meant to serve as a starting point for all documentation regarding Trac usage and development. The guide is a free document, a collaborative effort, and a part of the Trac Project itself.
Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. It strives to help developers write great software while staying out of the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established development process and policies.
It provides an interface to Subversion (and other version control systems), an integrated Wiki and convenient reporting facilities.
Trac allows wiki markup in issue descriptions and commit messages, creating links and seamless references between bugs, tasks, changesets, files and wiki pages. A timeline shows all current and past project events in order, making the acquisition of an overview of the project and tracking progress very easy. The roadmap shows the road ahead, listing the upcoming milestones.
- 使用 Wiki 系統
- TracWiki — 如何使用內建的 Wiki
- WikiFormatting — 用在各種頁面的 Wiki 語法參考
- 使用版本管理系統
- TracBrowser — 用 Trac 瀏覽原始碼
- TracChangeset — 觀察原始碼異動狀況
- TracRevisionLog — 觀察原始碼修改歷程
- 使用派工單系統
- TracTickets — 使用問題追蹤器
- TracRoadmap — 使用路線圖幫助追蹤項目進度
- TracReports — Writing and using reports.
- TracQuery — 執行客製化的派工單查詢
- TracBatchModify - Modifying a batch of tickets in one request.
- 其他模組與一般性主題
- TracSearch — 全文檢索找所有內容
- TracTimeline — The timeline provides a historic perspective on a project.時間軸提供一個有關項目的歷史維度
- TracRss — RSS content syndication in Trac.
- TracAccessibility — Accessibility keys support
- 安装与升級
- TracInstall — 如何安装并運行Trac.
- TracUpgrade — 如何升級已经安装過的Trac.
- TracImport — 从其它漏洞管理系统導入票务.
- TracPlugins — 安装管理Trac扩展.
- 設置与自定義
- TracIni — Trac configuration file reference.
- TracPermissions — Access control and permissions.
- TracNavigation — Customize main navigation menus.
- TracInterfaceCustomization — Customizing the Trac interface.
- TracLogging — The Trac logging facility.
- 管理版本控制子系统
- TracRepositoryAdmin — Management of Source Code Repositories.
- 管理Trac票务子系统
- TracTicketsCustomFields — Expanding tickets with customized fields.
- TracNotification — Email notification.
- TracWorkflow — Configurable Ticket Workflow.
- 参考資料
- TracEnvironment — All you need to know about Trac environments
- TracAdmin — Administering a Trac project via the command-line.
- Trac FAQ — A collection of Frequently Asked Questions (on the project website).
- TracDev and API docs — Trac Developer documentation
- TracSupport — How to get more information
If you are looking for a good place to ask a question about Trac, look no further than the MailingList. It provides a friendly environment to discuss openly among Trac users and developers.