Edgewall Software

Version 4 (modified by Christian Boos, 12 years ago) ( diff )

ideas for TracTickets

Trac ideas and suggestions

Organized by topics, this is a new free for all discussion area in the Trac wiki. Typically, these pages should collect short, precise and actionable items, a bit like a giant structured TODO list.

If you notice typos in the code, a glitch in the CSS, an annoying behavior … but don't feel this is worth creating a ticket, then this is the place!

  • DefaultTheme — all things about the CSS and the default layout
  • TracBrowser — how to improve the Trac source browser
  • TracTickets — ideas for the single ticket view and edit

Note: the TracDev/ScratchPad pages are similar in intent in such that they try to address sub-systems as a whole instead of focusing on a particular issue like we usually do in a single ticket, but they are more developer oriented. They are better used for discussing technicalities, how to refactor the code for greater flexibility or performance, or write API proposals, etc.

By contrast, the present TracIdeas/ pages are really meant to collect constructive feedback from the users (or from the developers with their user hat on!)

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.