Edgewall Software

This page documents the 0.10 release. Documentation for other releases can be found here.

The Trac Configuration File

Trac configuration is done by editing the trac.ini config file, located in <projectenv>/conf/trac.ini. Changes to the configuration are usually reflected immediately, though changes to the [components] or [logging] sections will require restarting the web server.

Global Configuration

Since version 0.9, Trac can also read the configuration from a global trac.ini file. These global options will then be merged with the environment-specific options, where local options override global options.

The global configuration is by default located in $prefix/share/trac/conf/trac.ini. It can be moved to a different location (for example, /etc/trac.ini), but that requires changing the file trac/siteconfig.py which gets created when Trac is installed.


This is a brief reference of available configuration options.


max_sizeMaximum allowed file size for ticket and wiki attachments.
render_unsafe_contentWhether attachments should be rendered in the browser, or only made downloadable. Pretty much any file may be interpreted as HTML by the browser, which allows a malicious user to attach a file containing cross-site scripting attacks. For public sites where anonymous users can create attachments it is recommended to leave this option disabled (which is the default).


render_unsafe_contentWhether attachments should be rendered in the browser, or only made downloadable. Pretty much any file may be interpreted as HTML by the browser, which allows a malicious user to attach a file containing cross-site scripting attacks. For public sites where anonymous users can create attachments it is recommended to leave this option disabled (which is the default).
hide_propertiesList of subversion properties to hide from the repository browser (since 0.9)
downloadable_pathsList of repository paths that can be downloaded. Leave the option empty if you want to disable all downloads, otherwise set it to a comma-separated list of authorized paths (those paths are glob patterns, i.e. "*" can be used as a wild card) (since 0.10)


wiki_format_messagesWhether wiki formatting should be applied to changeset messages. If this option is disabled, changeset messages will be rendered as pre-formatted text.
max_diff_filesMaximum number of modified files for which the changeset view will attempt to show the diffs inlined (since 0.10).
max_diff_bytesMaximum total size in bytes of the modified files (their old size plus their new size) for which the changeset view will attempt to show the diffs inlined (since 0.10).


widthWidth of the header logo image in pixels.
heightHeight of the header logo image in pixels.
altAlternative text for the header logo.
srcURL of the image to use as header logo.
linkURL to link to from header logo.


log_levelLevel of verbosity in log. Should be one of (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG).
log_formatCustom logging format. If nothing is set, the following will be used: Trac[$(module)s] $(levelname)s: $(message)s In addition to regular key names supported by the Python logger library library (see http://docs.python.org/lib/node422.html), one could use: - $(path)s the path for the current environment - $(basename)s the last path component of the current environment - $(project)s the project name Note the usage of $(...)s instead of %(...)s as the latter form would be interpreted by the ConfigParser? itself. Example: ($(thread)d) Trac[$(basename)s:$(module)s] $(levelname)s: $(message)s (since 0.11)
log_fileIf log_type is file, this should be a path to the log-file.
log_typeLogging facility to use. Should be one of (none, file, stderr, syslog, winlog).


php_pathPath to the PHP executable (since 0.9).
silvercity_modesList of additional MIME types known by SilverCity. For each, a tuple mimetype:mode:quality has to be specified, where mimetype is the MIME type, mode is the corresponding SilverCity mode to be used for the conversion and quality is the quality ratio associated to this conversion. That can also be used to override the default quality ratio used by the SilverCity render, which is 3 (since 0.10).
tab_widthDisplayed tab width in file preview (since 0.9).
max_preview_sizeMaximum file size for HTML preview. (since 0.9).
enscript_modesList of additional MIME types known by Enscript. For each, a tuple mimetype:mode:quality has to be specified, where mimetype is the MIME type, mode is the corresponding Enscript mode to be used for the conversion and quality is the quality ratio associated to this conversion. That can also be used to override the default quality ratio used by the Enscript render, which is 2 (since 0.10).
mime_mapList of additional MIME types and keyword mappings. Mappings are comma-separated, and for each MIME type, there's a colon (":") separated list of associated keywords or file extensions. (since 0.10).
pygments_modesList of additional MIME types known by Pygments. For each, a tuple mimetype:mode:quality has to be specified, where mimetype is the MIME type, mode is the corresponding Pygments mode to be used for the conversion and quality is the quality ratio associated to this conversion. That can also be used to override the default quality ratio used by the Pygments render.
enscript_pathPath to the Enscript executable.
pygments_default_styleThe default style to use for Pygments syntax highlighting.


smtp_always_bccEmail address(es) to always send notifications to, addresses do not appear publicly (Bcc:). (since 0.10).
always_notify_updaterAlways send notifications to the person who causes the ticket property change.
smtp_userUsername for SMTP server. (since 0.9).
always_notify_ownerAlways send notifications to the ticket owner (since 0.9).
smtp_subject_prefixText to prepend to subject line of notification emails. If the setting is not defined, then the [$project_name] prefix. If no prefix is desired, then specifying an empty option will disable it.(since 0.10.1).
smtp_replytoReply-To address to use in notification emails.
smtp_portSMTP server port to use for email notification.
smtp_fromSender address to use in notification emails.
smtp_default_domainDefault host/domain to append to address that do not specify one
use_tlsUse SSL/TLS to send notifications (since 0.10).
always_notify_reporterAlways send notifications to any address in the reporter field.
smtp_enabledEnable SMTP (email) notification.
mime_encodingSpecifies the MIME encoding scheme for emails. Valid options are 'base64' for Base64 encoding, 'qp' for Quoted-Printable, and 'none' for no encoding. Note that the no encoding means that non-ASCII characters in text are going to cause problems with notifications (since 0.10).
smtp_always_ccEmail address(es) to always send notifications to, addresses can be see by all recipients (Cc:).
smtp_passwordPassword for SMTP server. (since 0.9).
smtp_serverSMTP server hostname to use for email notifications.
use_public_ccRecipients can see email addresses of other CC'ed recipients. If this option is disabled (the default), recipients are put on BCC (since 0.10).
use_short_addrPermit email address without a host/domain (i.e. username only) The SMTP server should accept those addresses, and either append a FQDN or use local delivery (since 0.10).


urlURL of the main project web site.
nameName of the project.
iconURL of the icon of the project.
footerPage footer text (right-aligned).
descrShort description of the project.


min_query_lengthMinimum length of query string allowed when performing a search.


default_versionDefault version for newly created tickets.
default_typeDefault type for newly created tickets (since 0.9).
restrict_ownerMake the owner field of tickets use a drop-down menu. See Assign-to as Drop-Down List (since 0.9).
default_priorityDefault priority for newly created tickets.
default_milestoneDefault milestone for newly created tickets.
default_componentDefault component for newly created tickets


changeset_long_messagesWhether wiki-formatted changeset messages should be multiline or not. If this option is not specified or is false and wiki_format_messages is set to true, changeset messages will be single line only, losing some formatting (bullet points, etc).
changeset_show_filesNumber of files to show (-1 for unlimited, 0 to disable).
default_daysbackDefault number of days displayed in the Timeline, in days. (since 0.9.)
ticket_show_detailsEnable the display of all ticket changes in the timeline (since 0.9).


authz_filePath to Subversion authorization (authz) file
check_auth_ipWhether the IP address of the user should be checked for authentication (since 0.9).
databaseDatabase connection string for this project
ignore_auth_caseWhether case should be ignored for login names (since 0.9).
metanavList of items IDs to display in the navigation bar metanav.
base_urlBase URL of the Trac deployment. In most configurations, Trac will automatically reconstruct the URL that is used to access it automatically. However, in more complex setups, usually involving running Trac behind a HTTP proxy, you may need to use this option to force Trac to use the correct URL.
default_charsetCharset to be used when in doubt.
default_handlerName of the component that handles requests to the base URL. Options include TimelineModule, RoadmapModule, BrowserModule, QueryModule, ReportModule and NewticketModule (since 0.9).
htdocs_locationBase URL of the core static resources.
permission_storeName of the component implementing IPermissionStore, which is used for managing user and group permissions.
templates_dirPath to the ClearSilver templates.
repository_dirPath to local repository
repository_typeRepository connector type. (since 0.10)
request_filtersOrdered list of filters to apply to all requests (since 0.10).
timeoutTimeout value for database connection, in seconds. Use '0' to specify no timeout. (Since 0.11)
mainnavList of item IDs to display in the navigation bar mainnav.
authz_module_nameThe module prefix used in the authz_file.


ignore_missing_pagesEnable/disable highlighting CamelCase links to missing pages (since 0.9).
split_page_namesEnable/disable splitting the WikiPageNames with space characters (since 0.10).
render_unsafe_contentEnable/disable the use of unsafe HTML tags such as <script> or <embed> with the HTML WikiProcessor (since 0.10.4). For public sites where anonymous users can edit the wiki it is recommended to leave this option disabled (which is the default).


(since 0.9)

This section is used to enable or disable components provided by plugins, as well as by Trac itself. The component to enable/disable is specified via the name of the option. Whether its enabled is determined by the option value; setting the value to enabled or on will enable the component, any other value (typically disabled or off) will disable the component.

The option name is either the fully qualified name of the components or the module/package prefix of the component. The former enables/disables a specific component, while the latter enables/disables any component in the specified package/module.

Consider the following configuration snippet:

trac.ticket.report.ReportModule = disabled
webadmin.* = enabled

The first option tells Trac to disable the report module. The second option instructs Trac to enable all components in the webadmin package. Note that the trailing wildcard is required for module/package matching.

See the Plugins page on About Trac to get the list of active components (requires CONFIG_VIEW permissions.)

See also: TracPlugins


In this section, you can define additional fields for tickets. See TracTicketsCustomFields for more details.

See also: TracGuide, TracAdmin, TracEnvironment

Last modified 17 years ago Last modified on Dec 17, 2007, 11:06:32 AM
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.