Edgewall Software

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#8677 new enhancement

Ability to follow/unfollow a ticket

Reported by: Alexey Timanovsky <timanovsky@…> Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone: next-major-releases
Component: ticket system Version: none
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: Thijs Triemstra Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:


It would be great to be able to start following (receive notifications to email) or stop following any ticket you are watching in one click. This would work for logged in users only of course.

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Change History (16)

comment:1 by anonymous, 15 years ago

Isn't that what you use the "add/remove from CC:" to?

comment:2 by Alexey Timanovsky <timanovsky@…>, 15 years ago

Hm, yes looks like it is exactly what I want. I didn't now that, it looks like #1459, right? But it requires "TICKET_EDIT_CC permission is not given" but what if I want both? I want people to be able to manage their personal subscriptions easily, but be able to add other people to CC too ocasionally.

comment:3 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Milestone: 2.0

Let me explain the rationale for the current behavior (#1459). Having two ways to edit the same field seemed a bit overkill:

  • showing both ways would have made the already complex interface even more complex
  • having two possible input sources for the same field would have complicated the code

So even if the checkbox way is a bit simpler, it's really not that hard to enter your user name in the Cc: input field if have TICKET_EDIT_CC.

Now, maybe with a bit of Javascript, we could add a button to modify the Cc: input field itself, for the lazy guys?

Add/Remove me as a toggle button, according to the presence of the user name in the list.

As I'm lazy myself, patch welcomed ;-)

comment:4 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

(funny, the HTML bit above looked prettier under the Preview mode than it is now, with the button just close to the right border of the text input)

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Should have been:

(disabling the float:right on div.inlinebuttons)

comment:6 by Alexey Timanovsky <timanovsky@…>, 15 years ago

I like the interface you suggested, the only thing is that "add/remove" control should be the same regardless of TICKET_EDIT_CC permissions. I.e. no permission - show only this control, otherwise - show both full cc edit control and add/remove control.

in reply to:  1 comment:7 by Ryan Ollos <ryano@…>, 15 years ago

Replying to anonymous:

Isn't that what you use the "add/remove from CC:" to?

There are other cases that results in a permanent subscription to a ticket: if someone is the reporter, was/is the owner, added a comment. It would be nice to have the option to unsubscribe from notifications in these cases. I might not recommend extending that ability to unsubscribe to all of these cases (is reporter, is owner), but definitely to was owner and added comment.

comment:8 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Milestone: 2.0unscheduled

Milestone 2.0 deleted

comment:9 by Christian Boos, 14 years ago

Milestone: triagingnext-major-0.1X
Priority: normallow
Severity: normalminor

comment:10 by Thijs Triemstra, 14 years ago

Cc: Thijs Triemstra added

#9088 was a duplicate.

comment:11 by Thijs Triemstra, 14 years ago

#9971 was a duplicate.

in reply to:  11 comment:12 by Christian Boos, 14 years ago

Replying to thijstriemstra:

#9971 was a duplicate.

That ticket be used to implement a simpler alternative, for explicit unsubscribing.

The current ticket rather focus on the rework of the Cc: feature as originally discussed in #1459, which will aim to dissociate the notions of "notify me" / "notify others", which is currently handled by the Cc: field alone.

  • "notify me" would be the one click add/remove as proposed here and in #9088, which won't count as a change to the ticket itself, so no one will not be notified of that operation
  • "notify others" would be the management of the Cc: field, the pre-#1459 way; adding explicitly someone to the Cc: field would be a change to the ticket worth notifying others

The "notify me" feature could be expanded to any resource if based on the IResourceChangeListener proposed in #8834.

comment:13 by Dirk Stöcker, 14 years ago

Although #9971 is a useable solution most users wont understand it, for logged in users a "Don't nag me" button would be useful. Currently we already have a "query_tickets" session attribute. A "silent_tickets" should be possible as well.

comment:14 by anonymous, 14 years ago

I am dealing with this issue myself on virtualbox.org. They use trac for their ticket system and I posted a comment to what has turned into a VERY popular thread 2 months ago. Since then I have received HUNDREDS of emails and they are still coming in. From my perspective as a user of Trac I don't see this as an "enahncement" but a pretty major bug and one that I think could easily be resolved.

Rather than have the unsubscribe action on the website when you login to your acct, just add an "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of every email sent out.

Honestly I can't believe that trac works this way. If I was running this project, I would in fact DISABLE emails until I fixed it, it's an embarrassing oversight that should be corrected ASAP.

For my situation with VirtualBox I am now forced most likely to flag emails coming from them as spam just so I can stop the daily incessant emails that I apparently can't stop

in reply to:  14 ; comment:15 by Remy Blank, 14 years ago

Replying to anonymous:

For my situation with VirtualBox I am now forced most likely to flag emails coming from them as spam just so I can stop the daily incessant emails that I apparently can't stop

Just change your e-mail address to an invalid (or more easily filterable) address in your preferences on the site.

in reply to:  15 comment:16 by anonymous, 14 years ago

Replying to rblank:

Replying to anonymous:

For my situation with VirtualBox I am now forced most likely to flag emails coming from them as spam just so I can stop the daily incessant emails that I apparently can't stop

Just change your e-mail address to an invalid (or more easily filterable) address in your preferences on the site.

Im responding to you here not to start a flame war or make some smart remark that is all too common on these kinds of forums but i am because i dont want the last post here to be a suggested workaround. That might result in a developer skimming this issue to think there are valid workarounds for this because there are not. Your suggestion is no better than my intended solution. Yes they result in stopping the email but they are not the solution to this. Also i did not post to this looking for help but rather to try to elevate this problem to a higher level.

So when a trac developer takes a look at this issue, this should not be a complicatex fix. As i said just adding an unsuscribe link in each email would provide a simple and usable solution

Modify Ticket

Change Properties
Set your email in Preferences
as new The ticket will remain with no owner.
The ticket will be disowned.
as The resolution will be set. Next status will be 'closed'.
The owner will be changed from (none) to anonymous. Next status will be 'assigned'.

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