Edgewall Software

Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#4238 closed enhancement (invalid)

make it (more) usable

Reported by: n0-1@… Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: wiki system Version: 0.10
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
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Hi! As my project uses trac, I was some kind of "forced" to use it for knowledge management. Actually this means a lot of wiki editing, and meanwhile I recognized the following caveats:

  1. Why is there no support for column spanning in the tables? Yes, I know, they are very minimalistic, but I like to divide tables into different parts using a single, all columns spanning line describing the next part.
  2. What about at least support for table headings? Yes, making elements bold works, but this is lame. ;)
  3. This enumeration I am using here. Is this a hack or a feature? Hope you still remember, these should be roman numbers, not i's. (When you see i's, it normally indicates a bad spell checker or something like that.)

I know, your system is too big to concentrate fully on wiki syntax. So don't overestimate my critics.

Greetings, Phil

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Change History (2)

comment:1 by Emmanuel Blot, 18 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Please ask these questions on the MailingList first. There is a wider audience (and support) on the ML, and your ticket contains several points that are not related to each other - one feature, one ticket.

  1. Trac support for table is pretty weak, however Trac supports WikiRestructuredText, so you may want to use this syntax rather than the "native" wiki syntax for tables. You can also use HTML for fine grained control. Please search the ticket database as support for more complex table structure has already been requested.
  2. Trac supports enumerated, ordered lists (see WikiFormatting), and roman number can be supported through the WikiRestructuredText syntax.

As a side note, Trac wiki syntax better suites developer needs, so it might not fulfill your needs as a more "generic" wiki such as MediaWiki would do.

comment:2 by Christian Boos, 18 years ago

Well, I'd rather have closed this as either duplicate or worksforme, but no big deal ;)

  • iii. this is the corresponding HTML for your enumeration:
    <ol class="lowerroman"><li>Why is there no support for column spanning in the tables? Yes, I know, they are very minimalistic, but I like to divide tables into different parts using a single, all columns spanning line describing the next part.
    </li><li>What about at least support for table headings? Yes, making elements bold works, but this is lame. ;)
    </li><li>This enumeration I am using here. Is this a hack or a feature? Hope you still remember, these should be roman numbers, not i's. (When you see i's, it normally indicates a bad spell checker or something like that.)
    (but yeah, it's a bit of a hack on the regexp side…)

… and we do care about improving our Wiki engine ;)

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