Edgewall Software

Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#3295 closed defect (fixed)

only TICKET_CHANGE and TICKET_ADMIN should be able to assign a ticket on creation

Reported by: wkornew Owned by: Christopher Lenz
Priority: normal Milestone: 0.10
Component: ticket system Version: 0.9.5
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: wkornew Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:


Currently, everyone with TICKET_CREATE gets access to the "Assign to:" field when creating a ticket. It would be ideal if one could specify for each field which access rights are needed for getting write access to it.

This patch is related to #3289.

Attachments (4)

restricted.4.zip (1.5 KB ) - added by wkornew 19 years ago.
on fieldrestricted = True the field will only be shown if you have TICKET_MODIFY permission. for V0.9.5
assign-to.patch (593 bytes ) - added by wkornew 19 years ago.
simplified patch. discussed this with cmlenz. please apply to trunk
wiki-TracPermissions.patch (866 bytes ) - added by wkornew 19 years ago.
this patch updates the default wiki documentation for TICKET_MODIFY
assign-to.2.patch (884 bytes ) - added by wkornew 19 years ago.
now we actually check if the value is allowed to be set instead of just hiding the field. apply to trunk

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

by wkornew, 19 years ago

Attachment: restricted.4.zip added

on fieldrestricted = True the field will only be shown if you have TICKET_MODIFY permission. for V0.9.5

comment:1 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Milestone: 0.100.11

At first glance, that patch seems to be conflicting with the changes on the WorkFlow branch. As development of 0.11 will start real-soon-now, and integration of the WorkFlow branch will probably be one of the first things to be done, I'd suggest that you redo your patch against that code.

Also, try to either upload files individually or group them in a single patch file, as wrapping everything in a .zip makes looking at them harder.

comment:2 by wkornew, 19 years ago

No matter if this is in the WorkFlow branch, I think that this should be part of 0.10. We are already using it in our personal Trac instance and it works. #3289 would not be complete without this patch. Please commit it. Does the WorkFlow branch actually have the code for it already implemented, at all?

by wkornew, 19 years ago

Attachment: assign-to.patch added

simplified patch. discussed this with cmlenz. please apply to trunk

by wkornew, 19 years ago

Attachment: wiki-TracPermissions.patch added

this patch updates the default wiki documentation for TICKET_MODIFY

by wkornew, 19 years ago

Attachment: assign-to.2.patch added

now we actually check if the value is allowed to be set instead of just hiding the field. apply to trunk

comment:3 by wkornew, 19 years ago

Milestone: 0.110.10

Adjusted milestone since our discussions pointed into that direction (and to remind you that you should still apply it ;).

comment:4 by wkornew, 19 years ago

Cc: wkornew added

comment:5 by Christopher Lenz, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Patch applied in [3672]. Thanks!

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