Edgewall Software

Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#2449 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Breadcrumb navigation trail

Reported by: rune Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: general Version: none
Severity: normal Keywords: navigation
Cc: corbinhoenes@… Branch:
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It would nice to have the four last pages you visited in trac shown at the top of the page. Editing pages should be excluded from this trail of "breadcrumbs". The feature would make it easier to step back to pages you entered this page from.

A breadcrumb navigation trail could serve as a practical substitute for automatic backlinks #611. The situation I often find myself in is that I have created a new page, edited it, and want to return to the page I linked the new page from. (Unless I am using Microsoft Explorer hitting back just takes me back to the editing page.)

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comment:1 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Cc: corbinhoenes@… added

I REALLY would like to see this feature as well. This is painful, right now I manually type the wiki link on everypage so a user can navigate back to the page that links to my new page.

comment:2 by corbinhones@…, 19 years ago

To clarify I think that displaying the LAST 4 breadcrumbs is a great idea but it shouldn't forget any of my breadcrumbs…e.g. if I navigate through 12 pages it displays only 4 breadcrumbs but if I go back 4 breadcrumbs…it should STILL remember what the previous 8 crumbs were and then display the last 4.

comment:3 by anonymous, 19 years ago

I think it would be acceptable that breadcrumb links works as any other links. Meaning if I click one of the breadcrumb-links the page I clicked is just added to the front of the breadcrumb trail. I say this because I think it is a lot easier to implement than the advanced navigation suggested by corbinhones.

Longer history would probably be easier implemented by a longer breadcrumb trail, perhaps accessible through its own "more breadcrumbs" page?

comment:4 by Matthew Good, 19 years ago

#3363 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:5 by Matthew Good, 19 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

The browser already does a fine job of tracking your browsing history with the back button. If you need to go back multiple steps most browsers support clicking an arrow near the back button to drop down a list of previously visited pages. I don't think it's necessary to duplicate this behavior within the web site.

If you still feel this is necessary please feel free to implement it as a plugin.

comment:6 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Re: #3363 - I would argue this is similar but distinct from this ticket: my issue is readily and easily linking tickets together is annoyingly hard.

My browser (and many/all others) do not allow for easy copy and paste of previous URLs or page titles (ticket numbers); so the resolution to this ticket does not solve my problem.

I cannot use the back feature of my browser if I am in the middle of writing out a ticket; I will lose my ticket; and train of thought; mid sentence.

comment:7 by Christian Boos, 18 years ago

Keywords: navigation added

in reply to:  5 comment:8 by wbickford at aijalon dot net, 17 years ago

This feature would be great to have in the general distribution because it really does hamper effective use. Asking people to install a plugin for basic navigation is flawed reasoning IMO. Trac is supposed to be easy to use.

If someone does develop a plugin, would said plugin be merged into the standard release at some point? Also, does anyone know if a plugin already exists? This ticket is fairly old.

comment:9 by stephen dot smith @…, 17 years ago

Saying that your browser already implements this feature is flawed. What happens when you create a wiki page, send the direct link to the page to your co-workers and they open it and say "great, how do I get here next time?"? Because the user probably opened a new browser to view your link there is no browser history. The link might say http://mytracserv/trac/wiki/prodtrack but normally you would have gone thru 3 easily remembered clicks to get there (eg. Documentation | My Project | Production Tracking). Users are more likely to remember the logical path to the document than a (possibly obfuscated) link.

I believe this is trac's biggest missing built-in feature. However, I still like the product very much. Thanks for providing it. :)

comment:10 by stephen smith, 17 years ago

ps. I also understand that there could be more than one pathway to the target file - making this task not very trivial. Cheers.

comment:11 by softwarebear, 14 years ago

relying on browser history is too weak … I want to skip back a few levels instantly … not go back through every page I looked at on all the levels in between there and where I am now … too easy to get lost in a deep structure.

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