Edgewall Software

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#1729 closed defect (fixed)

RSS reader causes Trac to crash

Reported by: PBruin Owned by: Christopher Lenz
Priority: highest Milestone: 0.9
Component: general Version: devel
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: peter.bruin@… Branch:
Release Notes:
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My Trac web site crashes 9 out of 10 times when starting my RSS Reader

  • Using RSS Owl as rss reader
  • Apache 2.0.52 mod_python 3.1.4 python 2.3.5 on Windows XP
  • Other websites on the same server will still work as per normal
  • Using Trac [1864]
  • When restarting Apache Windows XP comes with a crash message in libhttpd.dll or ntdll.dll
  • Apache log file does not contain much usefull info
    • [notice] Child 6708: Terminating 5 threads that failed to exit.

Is anybody else experiencing the same problem?

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Change History (9)

comment:1 by PBruin, 20 years ago

Priority: highhighest
Severity: criticalblocker

Some more info. I am actually getting three RSS streams:
It will cause trac to stop responding, the only way to continue is to restart Apache. Is there maybe some additional info that you would like me to provide?

comment:2 by Christian Boos, 20 years ago

You should also enable logging for Trac (see TracLogging) and look there for a stack trace.

Your problem is likely related to multithreaded issues… (see #1721)

In the meantime, you can setup a tracd server (with rev ≥ r1875, which has the multithreading disabled) and see if this still happens, with your RSS reader starting 3 simultaneous requests.

comment:3 by PBruin, 20 years ago

I used this configuration for logging

log_file = trac.log
log_level = DEBUG
log_type = file

All I got was this debug info.

10:16:41 Trac[formatter] DEBUG: Executing Wiki macro TOC by provider <trac.wiki.macros.UserMacroProvider object at 0x04A0B3F0>
10:16:48 Trac[svn_fs] DEBUG: Opening subversion file-system at /repos/sw with scope /
10:16:48 Trac[cache] DEBUG: Checking whether sync with repository is needed
10:16:48 Trac[svn_fs] DEBUG: Closing subversion file-system at /repos/sw
10:16:52 Trac[svn_fs] DEBUG: Opening subversion file-system at /repos/sw with scope /
10:16:52 Trac[cache] DEBUG: Checking whether sync with repository is needed
10:16:52 Trac[svn_fs] DEBUG: Closing subversion file-system at /repos/sw
10:17:00 Trac[svn_fs] DEBUG: Opening subversion file-system at /repos/sw with scope /
10:17:00 Trac[cache] DEBUG: Checking whether sync with repository is needed
10:17:00 Trac[svn_fs] DEBUG: Opening subversion file-system at /repos/sw with scope /

What I did:

  • 10:16:41 Restart Apache
  • 10:16:48 Reload rss feed 1
  • 10:16:52 Reload rss feed 2
  • 10:17:00 Reload both feeds at the same time

comment:4 by Christian Boos, 20 years ago

This problem is related to #1401 for the cause (crash in SVN bindings) and to #1811 for the context (Apache server (2.0.54, worker)).

From your log:

10:17:00 Trac[svn_fs] DEBUG: Opening subversion file-system at /repos/sw with scope /
10:17:00 Trac[cache] DEBUG: Checking whether sync with repository is needed
10:17:00 Trac[svn_fs] DEBUG: Opening subversion file-system at /repos/sw with scope /

it seems that two subversion filesystem objects are opened at the same time, therefore by two different threads.

While theoretically this shouldn't be a problem since each call to the SVN API should be done with the GIL held, I suspect that this is not implemented in a very robust way in the bindings…

In the meantime, you should try to setup a server which doesn't make use of threads. As I don't use apache myself, I'm not sure the prefork model is available on Windows, but if so, you could try to use this model instead of mpm_winnt one, as it is probably the case.

comment:5 by PBruin, 20 years ago

Thanks for the tip. I have not used the prefork module as I cann't find much on it for Windows but after your tip have reduced the number of Threads per child from 250 to 1. This prevents the crashes and I will stick with this for the moment.

<IfModule mpm_winnt.c>
ThreadsPerChild 1
MaxRequestsPerChild  0

comment:6 by Christian Boos, 20 years ago

Can you please try out the patch cmlenz wrote for #1811? (with ThreadsPerChild set higher than 1, of course)

comment:7 by PBruin, 20 years ago

Severity: blockernormal


Tried the patch with the ThreadsPerChild set back to 250 and it seems to work fine. I can hit the reload favarites button many times without a problem.


comment:8 by Christopher Lenz, 20 years ago

Owner: changed from Jonas Borgström to Christopher Lenz
Severity: normalcritical
Status: newassigned

Thanks for testing the patch.

comment:9 by Christopher Lenz, 20 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

This has hopefully been fixed in [2013]. Please reopen if you still encounter an error related to this.

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