Edgewall Software

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

Last modified 19 years ago

#1559 closed enhancement (fixed)

timeline should show the ticket summary instead of the ticket number

Reported by: erik@… Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: normal Milestone: 0.9
Component: timeline Version: 0.8.1
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:

Description (last modified by Christian Boos)

I find the timeline way more useful if it shows the ticket summary instead of the ticket number. It's a fairly straight forward change to templates/timeline.cs - here's my patch:

--- timeline.cs_old     Sat May 14 00:07:06 2005
+++ timeline.cs Sun May 15 18:57:44 2005
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
     'Changeset <em>['+$item.idata+']</em> by '+$item.author,$item.node_list+item.message) ?>
  <?cs elif:item.type == #2 ?><!-- New ticket -->
   <?cs call:tlitem(item.href, 'newticket',
-    'Ticket <em>#'+$item.idata+'</em> created by '+$item.author, item.message) ?>
+    'Ticket <em>'+$item.shortmsg+'</em> created by '+$item.author, item.message) ?>
  <?cs elif:item.type == #3 ?><!-- Closed ticket -->
   <?cs if:item.message ?>
    <?cs set:imessage = ' - ' + $item.message ?>
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@
    <?cs set:imessage = '' ?>
   <?cs /if ?>
   <?cs call:tlitem(item.href, 'closedticket',
-    'Ticket <em>#'+$item.idata+'</em> resolved by '+$item.author, 
+    'Ticket <em>#'+$item.shortmsg+'</em> resolved by '+$item.author, 
     $item.tdata+$imessage) ?>
  <?cs elif:item.type == #4 ?><!-- Reopened ticket -->
   <?cs call:tlitem(item.href, 'newticket',
-    'Ticket <em>#'+$item.idata+'</em> reopened by '+$item.author, '') ?>
+    'Ticket <em>#'+$item.shortmsg+'</em> reopened by '+$item.author, '') ?>
  <?cs elif:item.type == #5 ?><!-- Wiki change -->
   <?cs call:tlitem(item.href, 'wiki',
     '<em>'+$item.tdata+'</em> edited by '+$item.author, item.message) ?>

Attachments (2)

.2 (0 bytes ) - added by erik@… 20 years ago.
diff of the changes - looks like html formatting killed it in the description
timeline_mod_ticket_summary.diff (1.3 KB ) - added by erik@… 20 years ago.
diff of the changes - looks like html formatting killed it in the description

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

by erik@…, 20 years ago

Attachment: .2 added

diff of the changes - looks like html formatting killed it in the description

by erik@…, 20 years ago

diff of the changes - looks like html formatting killed it in the description

comment:1 by Matthew Good, 20 years ago

Milestone: 0.9
Resolution: fixed
Severity: normalenhancement
Status: newclosed

Please submit patches against the current trunk instead of a release. The timeline system has been completely overhauled recently, so this patch is out of date.

[1675] adds the ticket summary to the "title" attribute of the ticket number, so hovering over the ticket number will now display the summary. This will keep the timeline display concise and is consistent with the behavior in the wiki.

comment:2 by PBruin, 20 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Sometimes the wrong description is given when hovering above ticket number. I think only the ticket desription the the title is wrong, the one in the comment seems to be correct.

Ticket #52 updated by … ←- This one is not always correct. Offset??

([427]) refs #52 ←- This one seems to be always correct.

comment:3 by Matthew Good, 20 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Oops, good catch. Fixed in [1677].

comment:4 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

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