Edgewall Software

Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#11574 new defect

Inconsistencies between datetime and datetimepicker close and focus behavior

Reported by: Ryan J Ollos Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: next-stable-1.6.x
Component: general Version:
Severity: normal Keywords: jqueryui datetimepicker datepicker
Cc: leho@… Branch:
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Previously discussed starting in comment:3:ticket:11435 and comment:63:ticket:10245. The following behaviors are seen on the trunk:

  • Datepicker (observed on View changes from input on Timeline page)
    • Pressing Today closes the datepicker and focus remains on the input element. However, the datepicker does not re-appear if the input element is clicked. Focus must first be given to another element.
  • Datetimepicker (observed on Due and Completed inputs on Milestone Edit page)
    • Pressing Now does not close the datetimepicker, and focus remains on the input element (issue 224).

Pressing Done on both datepicker and datetimepicker destroys the picker, but focus is not given to the input element. It would be nice to be able to tab to the next element after Done is pressed.

I propose the following behaviors:

  1. Pressing Today or Now should close the picker and put focus on the input element. Clicking on the input element again should cause the picker to re-appear.
  2. Pressing Done should close the picker and put the focus back on the input element.

Jun's patch from comment:4:ticket:11435 fixes issues (1) for the datepicker.

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Change History (5)

comment:1 by Ryan J Ollos, 11 years ago

Branch capturing changes so far: log:rjollos.git:t11574.

comment:2 by lkraav <leho@…>, 10 years ago

Cc: leho@… added

comment:3 by Ryan J Ollos, 8 years ago

Milestone: next-stable-1.0.xnext-stable-1.2.x

Moved ticket assigned to next-stable-1.0.x since maintenance of 1.0.x is coming to a close. Please move the ticket back if it's critical to fix on 1.0.x.

comment:4 by Ryan J Ollos, 5 years ago

Milestone: next-stable-1.2.xnext-stable-1.4.x

comment:5 by Ryan J Ollos, 18 months ago

Milestone: next-stable-1.4.xnext-stable-1.6.x

Milestone renamed

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