Edgewall Software

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#11213 new defect

Updating Saved Query results does not save column order

Reported by: achittur@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: next-major-releases
Component: query system Version: 1.0.1
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: massimo.b@… Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:

Description (last modified by Ryan J Ollos)

When using a saved query (using TracQuery TracLinks syntax), using the "Update" button to update the results does not save the report's column ordering (left-to-right ordering), but reverts to default ordering.


  1. Create a new saved query with TracQuery TracLinks syntax.
  2. Customize the column order of the results in the query; potentially add custom fields to the column results
  3. Give query a name and save
  4. Run saved query
  5. Note column ordering of results respects what was specified in TracQuery syntax
  6. Click "Update"
  7. Note that column ordering no longer respects what was specified in the saved report and appears to be the default column ordering

Untested: Not sure if this would change reproduction, but all my saved queries also have a report≤n> where n is the SQL ID of the saved report.

Attachments (2)

OrderedColumnCheckboxes.png (18.0 KB ) - added by Ryan J Ollos 12 years ago.
UnorderedColumnCheckboxes.png (19.5 KB ) - added by Ryan J Ollos 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Ryan J Ollos, 12 years ago

Component: report systemquery system
Description: modified (diff)

by Ryan J Ollos, 12 years ago

Attachment: OrderedColumnCheckboxes.png added

by Ryan J Ollos, 12 years ago

comment:2 by Ryan J Ollos, 12 years ago

The column ordering is not stored in the form data, and the checked columns get sent in their default ordering when you press Update. It appears that we need some way to store the column order in the form data.

We could order the checkboxes according to the column ordering that is specified in the request arguments, but that may confuse users who are accustomed to a particular ordering of the checkboxes. What do you think?

Rather than,

we'd see:

Eventually we could allow drag-and-drop ordering of the table columns, as well as the checkboxes that define the visible columns.

comment:3 by Jun Omae, 11 years ago

Milestone: next-major-releases

comment:4 by massimo.b@…, 8 years ago

Cc: massimo.b@… added

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