Edgewall Software

Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#10355 closed defect (worksforme)

deploy_trac.wsgi contains syntax errors

Reported by: bldewolf@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: general Version: 0.12.2
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
Release Notes:
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After upgrading Trac to 0.12.2, the new deploy_trac.wsgi file has syntax errors and cannot be executed by the web server. Applying these changes allows it to work:

--- /tmp/deploy_trac.wsgi       2011-09-15 15:44:55.000000000 -0700
+++ /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/trac/admin/templates/deploy_trac.wsgi    2011-07-19 19:23:21.000000000 -0700
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@

 def application(environ, start_request):
     if not 'trac.env_parent_dir' in environ:
-        environ.setdefault('trac.env_path', ${repr(env.path)})
+        environ.setdefault('trac.env_path', '${repr(env.path)}')
     if 'PYTHON_EGG_CACHE' in environ:
         os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE']
     elif 'trac.env_path' in environ:
-        os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = \\
+        os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = \
             os.path.join(environ['trac.env_path'], '.egg-cache')
     elif 'trac.env_parent_dir' in environ:
-        os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = \\
+        os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = \
             os.path.join(environ['trac.env_parent_dir'], '.egg-cache')
     from trac.web.main import dispatch_request
     return dispatch_request(environ, start_request)

However, given the changes here, it makes me suspect the script expects to be interpolated when it is not (the shebang line is "#!${executable}", which is where this suspicion came from). With this in mind, this is probably not the proper fix but a symptom of some other issue and it just happens to work in its current state.

For completeness, this was built in gentoo, package www-apps/trac-0.12.2. However, building it from the package without any gentoo special sauce yields the same broken deploy_trac.wsgi.

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Change History (1)

comment:1 by Remy Blank, 13 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

The deploy_trac.* scripts are indeed intended to be passed through Genshi, which is done when you execute trac-admin $ENV deploy (see TracAdmin). I have just checked that the interpolation works correctly on 0.12-stable.

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