Edgewall Software

Trac on Windows (discussion)

Note: this page was initially containing the rewritten instructions for installing Trac on Windows. The rewritten instructions can now be found in the TracOnWindows page itself. The old content of that page, which was specific to Trac 0.9 is now located in Trac0.9/TracOnWindows.

Suggestions / Discussion / Ideas …

  • Hopefully this 0.10 rewrite can include upgrade instructions for 0.9.6 users. That would be immensely comforting. Thanks for your excellent work…
  • Clarification added for subversion install (figured out on own - then saw a helpful post). May add some notes here about the Trac Admin setup as well. Of course if my editing isn't seen as a clarification - you can and will reverse it.
  • Can someone add simple instructions for wrapping tracd communications over SSL? If this is possible on Windows, that would totally rock.
  • Don't know if this is even feasible, but it would be nice to describe a way to run Trac as a service in a Windows environment. Such a pain to close the DOS window by mistake and then not understand why Trac doesn't work anymore ;)


D:\Projects>trac-0.10.3-win32-install.py Trac Windows Installer

Would you like to use Trac with a Subversion repository

(y|n, default y)n Beginning setuptools/EasyInstall installation and Tracdownload Downloading http://cheeseshop.python.org/packages/2.4/s/setuptools/setuptools-0. 6c2-py2.4.egg Searching for clearsilver==0.9.14 Reading http://clearsilver.net/downloads Reading http://www.python.org/pypi/clearsilver/ Reading http://www.clearsilver.net/ Best match: clearsilver 0.9.14 Processing clearsilver-0.9.14-py2.4-win32.egg clearsilver 0.9.14 is already the active version in easy-install.pth

Using c:\python24\lib\site-packages\clearsilver-0.9.14-py2.4-win32.egg Processing dependencies for clearsilver==0.9.14 Searching for pysqlite Reading http://www.python.org/pypi/pysqlite/ Reading http://pysqlite.org/ Best match: pysqlite 2.3.3 Downloading http://initd.org/pub/software/pysqlite/releases/2.3/2.3.3/pysqlite-2 .3.3.tar.gz Processing pysqlite-2.3.3.tar.gz Running pysqlite-2.3.3\setup.py -q bdist_egg —dist-dir c:\docume~1\username\loc als~1\temp\easy_install-tlehjj\pysqlite-2.3.3\egg-dist-tmp-zwtiox warning: manifest_maker: standard file not found: should have one of README, REA DME.txt warning: no files found matching 'doc\*.html' error: Setup script exited with error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building extensions for Python.


I added a section on authentication using tracd… someone was asking me about this so I thought I would contribute it here. - revamped- 2008-05-31 Installing Trac on Windows

Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Jul 30, 2009, 5:55:15 PM

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