Edgewall Software

Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of TracDev/SubmittingPatches

Sep 8, 2017, 6:58:33 AM (7 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos

Grammar fixes.


  • TracDev/SubmittingPatches

    v23 v24  
    117117== Multiple Changesets
    119 For work that requires more than a single changeset, or if you are simply more comfortable working from a Git or Mercurial, it can be easier to stage the changes in a DVCS repository fork. The following will discuss how to work from the [https://github.com/edgewall/trac GitHub mirror].
     119For work that requires more than a single changeset, or if you are simply more comfortable working with Git or Mercurial, it can be easier to stage the changes in a DVCS repository fork. The following will discuss how to work from the [https://github.com/edgewall/trac GitHub mirror].
    1211211. [https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/ Fork the repository] to your own GitHub account. To keep your fork in sync you'll want to configure your repository to pull in upstream changes from the Trac mirror.
    155155$ git push -u origin t12905_request_getfile
    157 1. Publish your work to a Trac ticket. Please use a proper TracLink to adding a link to your topic branch, rather than pasting the URL in a ticket comment (e.g. [https://github.com/rjollos/trac/commits/t12905_request_getfile.1 t12905_request_getfile.1]):
     1571. Publish your work to a Trac ticket. Please use a proper TracLink when adding a link to your topic branch, rather than pasting the URL in a ticket comment (e.g. [https://github.com/rjollos/trac/commits/t12905_request_getfile.1 t12905_request_getfile.1]):
    159159[https://github.com/rjollos/trac/commits/t12905_request_getfile.1 t12905_request_getfile.1]
    169169$ git rebase trunk
    171  The same pattern should be followed if you need to revise a branch by editing commits (e.g. by interactive rebase). New changesets may be added to an already published branch, but the history of an already published branch must not be changed. A hint that you are changing the history of a published branch is the needed to use the `-f/--force` flag when `push`ing the branch to your remote origin.
     171 The same branch-renaming pattern should be followed if you need to revise a branch by editing commits (e.g. by interactive rebase). New changesets may be added to an already published branch, but the history of an already published branch must not be changed. A hint that you are changing the history of a published branch is when you need to use the `-f`/`--force` flag when `push`ing the branch to your remote origin.
    173173It's not necessary, or even helpful, to submit a pull request through the GitHub mirror, as the mirror is currently readonly. This may change in the future.