Edgewall Software

Version 5 (modified by Christian Boos, 11 years ago) ( diff )

brief intro for jQuery UI

JavaScript for Trac and plugin development

JavaScript is used in Trac to add dynamics to web interface elements on the browser side:

3rd party libraries


Trac makes heavy use of jQuery library to ease development. Access to this library contents is usually provided through the main function named $. $ as a name used for brevity and clarity. Unfortunately, other libraries may use it too and this may cause conflicts. $ in fact is just a shortcut for jQuery namespace and it is possible to use full name instead. But to avoid conflicts with other libraries $ shortcut should is turned off by switching jQuery into non-conflict mode with jQuery.noConflict() call. This is well explained in http://docs.jquery.com/Using_jQuery_with_Other_Libraries

However, you will see many blocks in Trac that use $ for jQuery. They do it in their local scope defined by nameless function (or closure):

(function($) { /* some code that uses $ */ })(jQuery)

There is a good description of closures and (function(){})() construct at http://ajaxian.com/archives/secrets-of-the-javascript-ninja-a-sneak-peak-for-ajaxians


To execute and modify DOM tree JavaScript function should usually wait until a page fully loads. With jQuery it looks like:


In non-conflicting mode, code that executed in Trac on page startup is enveloped in closure and looks like:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { ... }); 

jQuery UI

Since Trac version 1.0, we also bundle jQuery UI, a set of standard UI elements.

Specific releases can be downloaded from the following URLs: http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.x.y/jquery-ui.min.js This correspond to the minified version of the whole of jQuery UI (i.e. we don't use a subset of what is currently used by Trac on purpose, so that plugins can assume they have access to the all the jQuery UI components).

TODO what about the CSS theme?

Our date picker is a jQuery UI add-on, the jQuery Timepicker.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.