Edgewall Software

Trac Data Models

The main models that developers might be interested in are Ticket and WikiPage. The constructors each take the environment as the first parameter, and the ticket id or wiki page name next.


Data Model - trac.ticket.model.Ticket

Documentation: apiref:trac.ticket.model.Ticket-class


from trac.env import Environment
from trac.ticket.model import Ticket

env = Environment('/path/to/trac/env')

# Create a new ticket:
tkt = Ticket(env)
tkt['reporter'] = 'me'
tkt['summary'] = 'my new ticket'
tkt['description'] = 'some bogus description'
tkt['status'] = 'new'

# To read an existing ticket pass its id to the constructor:
tkt = Ticket(env, 1)
print tkt['priority']

# Update another ticket:
tkt = Ticket(env, 2)
tkt['status'] = 'closed'
tkt['resolution'] = 'fixed'
tkt.save_changes(author='me', comment='programmatically closed a ticket')

# And finally deleting:
tkt = Ticket(env, 3)

For more examples, see trac.ticket.web_ui.


Data Model - trac.wiki.model.WikiPage

Documentation: apiref:trac.wiki.model.WikiPage-class


from trac.env import Environment
from trac.wiki.model import WikiPage

env = Environment('/path/to/trac/env')

# Read an existing or new WikiPage:
page = WikiPage(env, 'MyWikiPage')
# Check if this is a new page:
print page.exists
# Update the content:
page.text = 'page content goes here'
page.save(author='me', comment='I can edit the Wiki!', remote_addr='')

# Read a specific page version:
page = WikiPage(env, 'TracFaq', 1)
print page.text

# Delete a page:
page = WikiPage(env, 'BadWikiPage')

# Or delete only a specific version of a page:
page = WikiPage(env, 'AnotherPage')

For more examples, see trac.wiki.web_ui.

See also: TracDev

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Sep 14, 2015, 2:40:40 PM
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.