Edgewall Software

Using Buildout to manage Trac instances

This page documents how to create one or several Trac instance with Buildout. Buildout is a Python-based build system for creating, assembling and deploying applications from multiple parts.

Because Trac is released as eggs you can use Buildout to manage Trac instances, which will lower the maintenance effort. Thus, an ongoing effort is made by the pbp.recipe.trac project to provide an easy mechanism to deploy and maintain Trac instances.

There are several lines of pbp.recipe.trac:

  • pbp.recipe.trac 0.4.x for Trac 0.12 support
  • pbp.recipe.trac 0.3.x for Trac 0.11 support
  • pbp.recipe.trac 0.2.x for Trac 0.10 support

Only the 0.4.x branch is currently developed.

A tutorial and usage example is available here: http://kevin.deldycke.com/2010/12/automate-trac-instance-deployment-buildout/

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Aug 4, 2015, 8:09:16 PM
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