Edgewall Software

Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#9600 closed defect (wontfix)

"trac-admin repository list" is not available if trac.versioncontrol.admin.VersionControlAdmin is disabled

Reported by: Samuel.Degrande@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: version control Version: 0.12
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
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The trac-admin "repository list" command is only available when trac.versioncontrol.admin.VersionControlAdmin is enabled, while the other commands (add, alias, remove, set) are always available.

I would like to use that command in a cron job to detect when a user wants to add a repository to his project, and automatically create it.

I know that I can use 'config get/set' to temporally enable trac..VersionControlAdmin, but I'm wondering why the "repository list" command is not always available.

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in reply to:  description comment:1 by Samuel.Degrande@…, 15 years ago

Replying to Samuel.Degrande@…:

The trac-admin "repository list" command is only available when trac.versioncontrol.admin.VersionControlAdmin is enabled, while the other commands (add, alias, remove, set) are always available.

I would like to use that command in a cron job to detect when a user wants to add a repository to his project, and automatically create it.

I know that I can use 'config get/set' to temporally enable trac..VersionControlAdmin, but I'm wondering why the "repository list" command is not always available.

I just had a look at the sources. I now understand that 'list/sync/resync' need VersionControlAdmin to be enabled. So my question is now rather: in a shared trac environment (i.e. in a forge-like setup), trac-admin is used by the administrator of the whole forge to administrate all projects (at least, that's the way I understand it). Letting the admin of a project disable some commands of trac-admin is somehow strange (just like if a Unix user could prevent the root user to do some tasks).

comment:2 by Remy Blank, 15 years ago

Why do you disable the VersionControlAdmin component?

Oh, you mean, the plugin admin panel should not allow disabling trac-admin commands, even if some parts of a project are disabled? In most "forge" situations, the plugin admin panel is disabled, or replaced with a simpler version that allows enabling / disabling whole subsystems (wiki, ticket, …), not individual components. Indeed, allowing to upload plugins is a security issue in this situation, as it is equivalent to giving shell access with the permissions of the web server.

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by anonymous, 15 years ago

Replying to rblank:

Why do you disable the VersionControlAdmin component?

Oh, you mean, the plugin admin panel should not allow disabling trac-admin commands, even if some parts of a project are disabled?

Yes exactly.

In most "forge" situations, the plugin admin panel is disabled, or replaced with a simpler version that allows enabling / disabling whole subsystems (wiki, ticket, …), not individual components.

Mhhh… That would indeed be more appropriate for my use-case. How to do so ? Any example available somewhere ? (perhaps SecurePluginPanel could help here…)

Indeed, allowing to upload plugins is a security issue in this situation, as it is equivalent to giving shell access with the permissions of the web server.

This is not something that I allow. The plugins/ dir of the projects are write protected.

I was only talking of the problem of letting the user disabling a 'component part' that is needed by cron scripts to administer his project…

comment:4 by Christian Boos, 14 years ago

So… what should we do here?

comment:5 by Samuel.Degrande@…, 14 years ago

Just to let you know: my current solution is to use SecurePluginPanel to ensure that users do not disable mandatory components…

comment:6 by Samuel.Degrande@…, 14 years ago

So I guess that the ticket could be closed as "invalid"…

comment:7 by Remy Blank, 14 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Or rather as "wontfix". Thanks for the feedback.

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