Edgewall Software

Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#9466 closed enhancement (duplicate)

behaviour of "is" query

Reported by: sewebster@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: report system Version:
Severity: minor Keywords:
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I have experienced a case of the "is" query not behaving as I expected, so I will report it here in case anyone can think of a way to avoid this, or if perhaps a new query type would be desirable.

I will draw an example from the MacPorts trac install… when querying their tickets you often want to search for tickets filed against a specific port (the ports are the software packages that can be installed with macports). Sometimes there are similarly named ports, so it seemed to me that I could use the "is" query to find tickets filed against a specific port name. However, many tickets are filed against mutliple ports, such that their "Port" field is a space-separated list of port names. In this case, if you perform an "is" query, it will not match a ticket that is filed against your port of interest as well as other ports.

Specific example:

  • ticket has Port field set to: "gimp2 gtk2"
  • query for "Port is gimp2"
  • fails to find the above ticket

I (now) understand how the query works, and perhaps it is the "fault" of the Macports team for using the field in this sense, but I wonder if there could be a query that would solve this sort of problem. Contains is ok, but also matches substrings, such as "gimp" in the above example.

This is not particularly important at all, just thought I would record it here in case anyone else is experiencing something similar…

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comment:1 by Christian Boos, 15 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Well, I you search for contains gimp2, I doubt it will find the gimp port ;-)

But the reverse is certainly true, if you're looking for contains gimp, it will match gimp2. This can be seen as a "feature": for example in this Trac you can see all the tickets related to Subversion (query:keywords~=svn), and this will match things like svn, svn12, svn140, svn150, etc.

The is constraint would work the way you describe it when we support multivalued fields (#918). Lacking this support, you can't blame MacPorts people to use the "second best" approach, even if it's not perfect you can't really do it differently for now.

Another approach would be to be able to search for full words, "contains exactly", so that searching for gimp wouldn't match on gimp2. That feature request corresponds to #7558.

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