Edgewall Software

Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#9447 closed defect (worksforme)

"Ticket XXX does not exist" message when internal track link to non existent ticket is posted in comment

Reported by: yketwaroo@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: ticket system Version: 0.11.7
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:


I'm not sure if this has been solved in 0.12 but when a comment is posted with a ticket link of type "#99999" where 99999 is a non existent ticket number, accessing the ticket causes an error

Ticket 99999 does not exist

It effectively makes the whole ticket inaccessible.

The only solution I found was to go into the database and manually edit the comment text in the ticket_change table.

Shouldn't the non existent ticket link simply struck out?

this error is systematically reproducible on version 0.11.7. I'm not using any plugin aside from the core plugins

System info:

Trac:	0.11.7
Python:	2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 24 2010, 15:24:24) [GCC 4.3.2]
setuptools:	0.6c11
MySQL:	server: "5.1.47-0.dotdeb.0", client: "5.0.51a", thread-safe: 1
MySQLdb:	1.2.2
Genshi:	0.5.1
mod_python:	3.3.1
Pygments:	0.10
Subversion:	1.5.1 (r32289)
jQuery:	1.2.6

Attachments (0)

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Remy Blank, 15 years ago

Keywords: needinfo added

I cannot reproduce this on either 0.11.7 or 0.12. It could be due to a plugin, though. Please try disabling them and see if the symptoms persist.

comment:2 by yketwaroo@…, 15 years ago

well, I did try diabling all plugins first.

I had just sensitivetickets 0.1 and TracPrivateTickets 2.0.2 installed. I had disabled the latter because it was causing conflicts.

hmm… I removed all plugins configuration that were still in the trac config file. and it's working properly now.. I must have have a one off weird install.

sorry, I see now that my problem was with one of the plugins. sorry to have bothered you. keep up the awesome work.

comment:3 by Remy Blank, 15 years ago

Keywords: needinfo removed
Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

No problem, thanks for the feedback!

comment:4 by Jeff Wright (jwright@…, 12 years ago

We have reproduced this issue at ISC with the BIND10 Trac instance at http://bind10.isc.org. I am posting here so that others who may run into this can find out information about the issue. The claim from this page is that it is a plugin that is causing the problem. Unfortunately, it doesn't say WHAT plugin caused the problem. But the only common plugin I see between out installation and the one above is the "sensitivetickets" plugin. So I am going to try to disable that, and see if the problem persists. I will report back here on this thread.

The following is the information printed out by our Trac instance's About page (http://bind10.isc.org/about):

System Information

Trac	0.12.2
Babel	0.9.6
Docutils	0.7
Genshi	0.6
Pygments	1.4
pysqlite	2.6.0
Python	2.7.1 (r271:86832, Apr 15 2011, 14:00:24) [GCC 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]]
pytz	2011c
setuptools	0.6c11
SilverCity	0.9.7
SQLite	3.7.5
jQuery:	1.4.2
Installed Plugins

CaptchaAuth	0.6	/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/CaptchaAuth-0.6-py2.7.egg
ComponentDependencyPlugin	0.1	/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ComponentDependencyPlugin-0.1-py2.7.egg
sensitivetickets	N/A	/data/trac/bind10/plugins/sensitivetickets.pyc
TracAccountManager	0.3.1	/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/TracAccountManager-0.3.1-py2.7.egg

Section	Name	Value
account-manager	account_changes_notify_addresses	
allow_delete_account	True
force_passwd_change	true
generated_password_length	8
hash_method	HtDigestHashMetho
htpasswd_hash_type	crypt
password_file	/var/bind10/trac/htdocs/trac.htpasswd
password_store	HtPasswdStore
persistent_sessions	False
refresh_passwd	False
reset_password	True
user_lock_max_time	0
username_char_blacklist	:[]
verify_email	true
attachment	max_size	26214400
render_unsafe_content	false
browser	color_scale	True
downloadable_paths	/trunk, /branches/*, /tags/*
hide_properties	svk:merge
newest_color	(255, 136, 136)
oldest_color	(136, 136, 255)
oneliner_properties	trac:summary
render_unsafe_content	false
wiki_properties	trac:description
changeset	max_diff_bytes	10000000
max_diff_files	0
wiki_format_messages	true
components	acct_mgr.admin.accountmanageradminpage	enabled
acct_mgr.admin.accountmanageradminpages	enabled
acct_mgr.api	enabled
acct_mgr.htfile.htpasswdstore	enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.accountmodule	enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.loginmodule	enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.registrationmodule	enabled
sensitivetickets.*	enabled
timingandestimationplugin.*	enabled
trac.versioncontrol.*	disabled
trac.web.auth.loginmodule	enabled
tracopt.ticket.deleter	enabled
webadmin.*	enable
webadmin.basics.*	enabled
webadmin.logging.*	enabled
webadmin.perm.*	enabled
webadmin.plugin.*	enabled
webadmin.ticket.*	enabled
webadmin.web_ui.*	enabled
field settings	billable.permission	TIME_VIEW:hide, TIME_RECORD:disable
estimatedhours.permission	TIME_RECORD:disable
fields	billable, totalhours, hours, estimatedhours, internal
hours.permission	TIME_VIEW:remove, TIME_RECORD:disable
internal.permission	TIME_RECORD:hide
header_logo	alt	ISC Logo
height	-1
link	http://www.isc.org
src	/isc-logo-hack.png
width	-1
inherit	plugins_dir	
logging	log_file	trac.log
log_level	DEBUG
log_type	file
milestone	stats_provider	DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider
mimeviewer	enscript_modes	text/x-dylan:dylan:4
enscript_path	enscript
max_preview_size	262144
mime_map	text/x-dylan:dylan,text/x-idl:ice,text/x-ada:ads:adb
php_path	php
pygments_default_style	trac
tab_width	8
treat_as_binary	application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,application/msword,application/rtf,
notification	admit_domains	
always_notify_owner	true
always_notify_reporter	true
always_notify_updater	true
ambiguous_char_width	single
email_sender	SmtpEmailSender
mime_encoding	base64
sendmail_path	sendmail
smtp_always_cc	bind10-tickets@lists.isc.org
smtp_enabled	true
smtp_from	do-not-reply@bind10.isc.org
smtp_port	25
smtp_replyto	do-not-reply@bind10.isc.org
smtp_server	localhost
smtp_subject_prefix	BIND 10
ticket_subject_template	$prefix #$ticket.id: $summary
use_public_cc	false
use_short_addr	false
use_tls	false
project	admin	
admin_trac_url	.
descr	BIND 10 Development
footer	Visit the <a href="https://www.isc.org/bind10">BIND 10</a> pages.
icon	/favicon.ico
name	BIND 10 Development
url	http://bind10.isc.org
query	default_anonymous_query	status!=closed&cc~=$USER
default_query	status!=closed&owner=$USER
items_per_page	100
ticketlink_query	?status=!closed
report	items_per_page	100
items_per_page_rss	0
revisionlog	default_log_limit	100
roadmap	stats_provider	DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider
search	default_disabled_filters	
min_query_length	3
sqlite	extensions	
ticket	default_cc	
default_component	Unclassified
default_milestone	New Tasks
default_priority	medium
default_resolution	fixed
default_type	defect
max_comment_size	262144
max_description_size	262144
preserve_newlines	default
restrict_owner	true
workflow	ConfigurableTicketWorkflow
ticket-custom	cvss	text
cvss.label	CVSS Scoring
estimatedhours	text
estimatedhours.label	Estimated Difficulty
estimatedhours.order	4
estimatedhours.value	0
feature	text
feature.label	Feature Depending on Ticket
feature.order	3
hours	text
hours.label	Add Hours to Ticket
hours.order	5
hours.value	0
internal	checkbox
internal.label	Internal?
internal.order	7
internal.value	0
sensitive	checkbox
sensitive.label	Sensitive
sensitive.value	0
severity	select
severity.label	Defect Severity
severity.options	N/A|Low|Medium|High|Very High
severity.order	1
subproject	select
subproject.default	DNS
subproject.label	Sub-Project
subproject.options	DNS|DHCP|Core
subproject.order	2
totalhours	text
totalhours.label	Total Hours
totalhours.order	6
totalhours.value	0
ticket-workflow	accept	new,assigned,accepted,reopened,reviewing -> accepted
accept.operations	set_owner_to_self
accept.permissions	TICKET_MODIFY
leave	* -> *
leave.default	1
leave.operations	leave_status
reassign	new,assigned,accepted,reopened -> assigned
reassign.operations	set_owner
reassign.permissions	TICKET_MODIFY
reassign_reviewing	reviewing -> *
reassign_reviewing.name	reassign review
reassign_reviewing.operations	set_owner
reassign_reviewing.permissions	TICKET_MODIFY
reopen	closed -> reopened
reopen.operations	del_resolution
reopen.permissions	TICKET_CREATE
resolve	new,assigned,accepted,reopened,reviewing -> closed
resolve.operations	set_resolution
resolve.permissions	TICKET_MODIFY
review	new,accepted,assigned,reopened -> reviewing
review.operations	set_owner
review.permissions	TICKET_MODIFY
timeline	abbreviated_messages	true
changeset_collapse_events	false
changeset_long_messages	false
changeset_show_files	0
default_daysback	30
max_daysback	90
newticket_formatter	oneliner
ticket_show_details	true
trac	auth_cookie_lifetime	
auto_preview_timeout	2.0
auto_reload	False
backup_dir	db
check_auth_ip	false
database	sqlite:db/trac.db
default_charset	iso-8859-15
default_handler	WikiModule
genshi_cache_size	128
ignore_auth_case	false
mainnav	wiki,timeline,roadmap,browser,tickets,newticket,search
metanav	login,logout,prefs,help,about
mysqldump_path	mysqldump
never_obfuscate_mailto	false
permission_policies	InternalTicketsPolicy, SensitiveTicketsPolicy, DefaultPermissionPolicy, LegacyAttachmentPolicy
permission_store	DefaultPermissionStore
pg_dump_path	pg_dump
repository_dir	/var/bind10/git/bind10.git
repository_sync_per_request	(default)
repository_type	git
resizable_textareas	true
show_email_addresses	false
show_ip_addresses	false
timeout	20
use_base_url_for_redirect	False
wiki	ignore_missing_pages	false
max_size	262144
render_unsafe_content	false
safe_schemes	cvs,file,ftp,git,irc,http,https,news,sftp,smb,ssh,svn,svn+ssh
split_page_names	false
Last edited 12 years ago by Jun Omae (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by anonymous, 12 years ago

Sure enough, when I disabled the sensitivetickets plugin, the offending tickets were editable. So that's the solution - disable the "sensitivetickets" plugin. Re-enable after deleting or changing offending tickets.

comment:6 by Ryan J Ollos, 12 years ago

You might want to open a ticket for the issue at th:SensitiveTicketsPlugin. It would be nice to get the issue fixed in that plugin, or at least make it visible to other users that might be considering to install the plugin.

Modify Ticket

Change Properties
Set your email in Preferences
as closed The ticket will remain with no owner.
The resolution will be deleted. Next status will be 'reopened'.
to The owner will be changed from (none) to the specified user.

Add Comment

E-mail address and name can be saved in the Preferences .
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.