Edgewall Software

Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#8521 closed enhancement (duplicate)

Value for "base_url" should be supplied when creating a new environment

Reported by: boftx@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: admin/console Version: none
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
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The value for "base_url" is initially empty when creating a new Trac environment. I believe this should be populated if possible, probably by asking for it along with the project name. The lack of this paramter value led to a problem when I was configuring TicketMover. See http://trac-hacks.org/ticket/5560 for the discussion of that problem and how it was resolved.

It should be noted that unless you use something that depends on "base_url" being set it works just fine without a value, even in a multi-project shared .ini environment.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 by Jeff Hammel <jhammel@…>, 16 years ago

If an inherited .ini file is provided, IMHO the base_url from that should be used if the inherited .ini file is not part of a project.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Christian Boos, 16 years ago

Replying to Jeff Hammel <jhammel@…>:

If an inherited .ini file is provided, IMHO the base_url from that should be used if the inherited .ini file is not part of a project.

That would be #7573.

comment:3 by boftx@…, 16 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

This is indeed a duplicate of #7573. After reading that ticket I agree that the patch supplied would appear to solve my issue. I'm closing this ticket accordingly.

FYI, I did a search for "base_url" and was simply overwhelmed by the number of hits, my bad for not digging deeper or trying to refine the search.

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