Edgewall Software

Opened 21 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#741 closed defect (duplicate)

Database continually becomes corrupt

Reported by: jacob@… Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: general Version: 0.7.1
Severity: critical Keywords: subversion database corruption
Cc: Branch:
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On a fairly regular basis — seems like around once every few hours — something about trac causes the subversion database to corrupt, requiring a svnadmin recover to fix it.

This sounds like its related to Ticket #571 (although we're not on Windows); I've tried the umask/chmod g+s stuff that bje@apnic.net suggested on that ticket, and it's slowed down the rate of these errors, but not completely stopped them.

The error we keep getting is: ('Berkeley DB error while opening environment for filesystem /home/svn/repository/db:\nDB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery', 160029).

We're running Trac 0.7.1 (as a CGI) under Apache 2.0 on RedHat ES with Subversion 1.0.6.

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Change History (12)

comment:1 by jacob@…, 21 years ago

Based on some help from #trac, I've done the following:

  1. chmod -R g+s /home/svn/repository

  2. Made sure that all local users are umask 002 (by adding that line to /etc/bashrc)

  3. Replaced svnserve with a wrapper that makes sure svnserve runs umask 002:

    umask 002
    /usr/bin/svnserve-real "$@"

This has (so far) seemed to work pretty well...

comment:2 by duff@…, 21 years ago

I had the same problem. I didn't want to change the default umask for all my processes so I added the following to the trac.cgi file:

import os; os.umask(007)

before the try statement. It solved the last of my problems (like you I got improved results from using the setgid bit on the db directory and changing svn/svnserve to scripts which set the umask).


Thomas Duff

comment:3 by jacob@…, 21 years ago


I'm not sure I totally understand how umasks work, but did you mean 002 instead of 007?

comment:4 by jacob@…, 21 years ago

Priority: normalhigh

Just to follow up… the above tricks have helped slow down the frequency somewhat, but this is still happening on a far-to-regular basis.

comment:5 by jacob@…, 21 years ago

Tickets #93 and #223 seem to be related to this one.

comment:6 by anonymous, 21 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:7 by anonymous, 21 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Sorry, I didn't think it would actually let me close the ticket.

comment:8 by anonymous, 21 years ago

Here's more on the problem, with details of a workaround:


comment:9 by hendrik@…, 21 years ago

I'm encountering the same problem, and the permissions are all set up correctly as far as I can see (including the umask for all involved processes).

Using Trac 0.7.1 (CGI on Apache1) with Subversion 1.0.6 (Apache2 module). OS is Debian Sarge.

comment:10 by daniel, 20 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: reopenedclosed

This is a dupe of #571, and still not a Trac bug. Please read the comment trail on #571.

comment:11 by daniel, 20 years ago

Milestone: 0.8

comment:12 by Christian Boos, 13 years ago

Milestone: 0.8

(clearing report:35)

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