Opened 21 years ago
Closed 20 years ago
#694 closed enhancement (worksforme)
Organization of wiki pages
Reported by: | mario at | Owned by: | Jonas Borgström |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | wiki system | Version: | 0.7.1 |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Branch: | ||
Release Notes: | |||
API Changes: | |||
Internal Changes: |
I would very much like to be able to organize wiki pages, in logical groups, and in a hierarchy. I'd like to organize by major aspects of a project, e.g. Rules, Admin, !Design, and so on, and in each of these areas I may want, for example for Rules, to see sections EditingWikiPages, CommitingChanges, … and, for Admin, imagine sections Office, Backups, Trac, … and so on.
Maybe ability to manually assign a single parent wiki page to a wiki page will work nicely. Note that this does not break the current naming convention that implicitly defines a hierarchy (implied by similar first parts of names) as well as an order per "subsection" (alphabetically). This convention in fact could be used to select the default parent page.
Having this will also allow an "Up" link to be automatically added to each wiki page, as well as a list of links to other sibling pages (that would be OK to leave ordered alphabetically, unless a further attribute is added to wiki pages, e.g. "prevsibling").
Attachments (0)
Change History (2)
comment:1 by , 20 years ago
Milestone: | → Someday |
comment:2 by , 20 years ago
Resolution: | → worksforme |
Status: | new → closed |
See the macros SubWiki and ParentWiki in MacroBazaar; just use / to define your hierarchy and salt in the macros.