Edgewall Software

Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#5865 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Workflow action to assign a ticket back to the previous owner

Reported by: kirean@… Owned by: Eli Carter
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: general Version:
Severity: normal Keywords: workflow
Cc: Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
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I'm working on a workflow where we want to be able to assign a ticket back to the previous owner. F.ex. when a ticket is in_QA we want to be able to fail the tests and automatically assign it back to the previous person. (Maybe it even should be able to assign it back to the previous developer? Like if a test person assigned the ticket to another tester..)

I'm trying to implement this my self locally now and my best shot right now is that I will create a new action set_owner_to_prev_owner and make an sql call to get the previous owner from ticket_change.

I'm not sure it's the proper way or if there are better alternatives.

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Change History (6)

comment:1 by ThurnerRupert, 18 years ago

the set_owner could be generalised to allow "real" workflow by:

  • set_owner(actor)
  • an actor is either a person, or a role
  • beeing hardcoded, or coming from a field/variable
  • field/variable means: a field in the ticket, a field from the login (self), or, like you said,

comment:2 by ThurnerRupert, 18 years ago

… read from ticket-change.

comment:3 by ThurnerRupert, 18 years ago

added some brainstorming at the bottom of TracWorkflow.

comment:4 by sid, 17 years ago

I was just thinking about this same problem for our workflow. My best option right now is to not change the owner, but use custom queries for testing dept based on the status change.

But the set_owner_back_to_previous action (or something equivalent) would be useful indeed.

comment:5 by Eli Carter, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from Jonas Borgström to Eli Carter

comment:6 by Eli Carter, 17 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed


Implemented as a plugin on trac-hacks. If parts of that plugin become "universally useful", we can pull them into core. (This will provide a proving ground for ideas.)

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