Edgewall Software

Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#5753 closed defect (worksforme)

Installer requests internet access even if Genshi is already installed

Reported by: davidgould@… Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: general Version: devel
Severity: normal Keywords: needinfo
Cc: Branch:
Release Notes:
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I have a machine that doesn't have internet access. I ran the "python setup.py install" having checked out the latest 0.11 branch. I had previously installed the latest Genshi on the machine. During the install the installer attempts to connect to the internet to download Genshi 0.4.1 (the version I installed is more recent 0.4.3) and the installer crashes.

For more details please contact me at davidgould@…


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Change History (5)

comment:1 by Emmanuel Blot, 18 years ago

Reporter: changed from anonymous to davidgould@…
Version: devel

comment:2 by Christian Boos, 18 years ago

It seems to work fine for me… well, except that trying to install Trac when an old Genshi version (0.4.0) is already installed succeeds without getting a newest one from the net. The dependency error is only raised at run-time for me. But that's a different issue.

Also, this might depend on the version of the SetupTools package that you are using, but given #5752, this makes me wonder if you have multiple Python installations on the same machine, which is fine unless you mix them up ;-)

comment:3 by sid, 17 years ago

Keywords: needinfo added

comment:4 by sid, 17 years ago

David, can you check to see if cboos's comment helps you solve your problem?

comment:5 by sid, 17 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

8 months without a response from the original poster. I'm going to close. David, please reopen if you are still experiencing problems with this (after you've tried cboo's suggestions). Thanks!

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