Edgewall Software

Opened 19 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#2611 new defect

Problem with SVN bindings (SVN 1.3.0, Trac r2771)

Reported by: Manuzhai Owned by: Christian Boos
Priority: high Milestone: not applicable
Component: version control Version: 0.10.4
Severity: major Keywords: svn13 svn14 svn15 svn16
Cc: joshland@…, manuzhai@…, odela01@…, pjenvey@…, shishz@…, james82@…, mark@…, dgeller@…, chasetheblues@…, brian@…, blaufalke@…, marc@…, neofutur@…, bock@…, boris@…, migs.ho@…, progrium@…, Thijs Triemstra Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:

Description (last modified by Christian Boos)

Every morning when I first try to get to Trac, I get this error on the first request:

Mod_python error: "PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend"

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/manuzhai/dev/trac/trac/versioncontrol/svn_fs.py", line 31, in ?
    from svn import fs, repos, core, delta
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/svn/fs.py", line 19, in ?
    from libsvn.fs import *
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/fs.py", line 29, in ?
    import core
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/core.py", line 3049, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/core.py", line 1098, in svn_pool_create
    return apply(_core.svn_pool_create, args)

TypeError: argument number 0: a 'apr_pool_t *' is expected, 'instance()' is received

Similar symptoms:

[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend: TypeError: argument number 0: a 'apr_pool_t *' is expected, 'instance(<libsvn.core.GenericSWIGWrapper instance at 0xb6924c8c>)' is received

Subsequent requests seem to just work…


This is now a well-known issue having to do with the way the SVN Python bindings behaves when multiple Python interpreters are used within the same process, as this can be the case with mod_python e.g. when more than one virtual host is used.

Most SVN binding versions are affected, though there's no confirmed report of this with 1.2.x (the bug started to be reported with 1.3.0) and reverting to SVN 1.2.4 is sometimes mentioned as a workaround.

There are other documented workarounds where one can keep using SVN 1.3.x and 1.4.x or any newer version:

Related issue: #3371

Attachments (1)

application_pool_race_condition_fix.txt (2.0 KB ) - added by David James <james82@…> 19 years ago.
Fix race condition in application pool initialization

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (117)

comment:1 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Milestone: 0.9.4
Priority: normalhigh
Severity: normalmajor

See also #2472, where this error was also reported and discussed. As that other ticket was about another issue with the 1.3.0 bindings, it has been closed and this ticket should be used to focus on the 'apr_pool_t *' is expected issue.

comment:2 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Cc: odela01@… added

comment:3 by pjenvey@…, 19 years ago

Cc: pjenvey@… added

comment:4 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Cc: shishz@… added

comment:5 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

This error seems to appear quite often on editing a wiki page. Refreshing the edit (resending POST data) gives the same error again, going back to the wiki page, then sending it again too, hard-refreshing the page then redoing the changes and submitting them still seems to work. Not sure whether this is always true…

comment:6 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

I've not been able to investigate and reproduce this myself, but could you try the following?

Index: svn_fs.py
--- svn_fs.py	(revision 2819)
+++ svn_fs.py	(working copy)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 from trac.versioncontrol.svn_authz import SubversionAuthorizer
-    from svn import fs, repos, core, delta
+    from svn import core, fs, repos, delta
     has_subversion = True
 except ImportError:
     has_subversion = False

comment:7 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

I've made the change, and will report back to see if it helps.

comment:8 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Cc: james82@… added

I installed mod_python 3.1.4 / Python 2.3 / Subversion 1.3.0 on a single processor RHEL4 machine and I can't reproduce this issue. Ideas?

comment:9 by pjenvey@…, 19 years ago

I am seeing this problem with python 2.4. The original bug reported to the subversion-users list also occured under python 2.4

Myabe the fact that you're using python 2.3 is a factor, or possibly some other dependency version mismatch?

comment:10 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

Yes, I'm also using Python 2.4. The change of import order doesn't solve all of the problem, though it does seem that it doesn't happen as often now. That might have to do with my usage pattern, though…

comment:11 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Can you try to split the import in several lines, i.e.

    from svn import core
    from svn import fs
    # etc.

comment:12 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago


comment:13 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Owner: changed from Christopher Lenz to Christian Boos

I think I understand the issue: having all the imports in one line allows two threads (A and B) to start simultaneously the import process:

  • A: trac/versioncontrol/svn_fs.py: from svn import fs, repos, core, delta
  • B: trac/versioncontrol/svn_fs.py: from svn import fs, repos, core, delta
  • A: in svn/fs.py, line 19: from libsvn.core import *,
  • A: now in libsvn/core.py, is going through the > 3000 lines…
  • B: in svn/fs.py, line 19: from libsvn.core import *,
  • B: now in libsvn/core.py, is going through the > 3000 lines…
  • A: in libsvn/core.py, line 3049: does a _core.svn_pool_create
    and here, _core is really _core (i.e. the native extension)
  • A: in svn/fs.py, line 29: import svn.core as _core
  • B: in libsvn/core.py, line 3049: does a _core.svn_pool_create
    and now, _core is not _core but svn.core and therefore, _core.svn_pool_create is not the native function but the (deprecated) compatibility function, which expects a pool as first argument… hence the error.

Hopefully splitting the imports does solve the issue, but the bindings should really be more robust about that and not rename different things to a same name…

comment:14 by mark@…, 19 years ago

Cc: mark@… added

comment:15 by james82@…, 19 years ago

I have not been able to reproduce the problem (even with Python 2.4 and mod_python 3.1.3), but, I think I have figured out how to fix it. Please try the below patch (for Subversion 1.3.0).

  • subversion/bindings/swig/include/svn_types.swg

    702702%exception {
    703703#ifdef SWIGPYTHON
    704     svn_swig_py_release_py_lock();
     704    int released_lock = 0;
     705    if (_global_svn_swig_py_pool != NULL) {
     706      released_lock = 1;
     707      svn_swig_py_release_py_lock();
     708    }
    706710    $action
    707711#ifdef SWIGPYTHON
    708     svn_swig_py_acquire_py_lock();
     712    if (released_lock) {
     713      svn_swig_py_acquire_py_lock();
     714    }

comment:16 by james82@…, 19 years ago

Important note: In order for the above patch to take effect, you'll need to install SWIG 1.3.25, and run the following commands:

   make extraclean
   make swig-py
   make install-swig-py

Note that you need to make extraclean to remove any old headers shipped with the tarball.

comment:17 by pjenvey@…, 19 years ago

Manuzhai -

Did splitting the import into multiple lines solve the problem?

If not, I'll see if I can give james' patch a shot later today

comment:18 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

Splitting the import didn't solve the problem.

James' fix is a little involved for me, I just install SVN & bindings through emerge, I'm afraid. I could try it, but I'm not sure when I get to it.

comment:19 by pjenvey@…, 19 years ago

james - I upgraded to swig 1.3.27, applied your patch and did the whole make extraclean/autogen. Now I am noticing a different, similar error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/modpython_frontend.py", line 206, in handler
    dispatch_request(mpr.path_info, mpr, env)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 139, in dispatch_request
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 107, in dispatch
    resp = chosen_handler.process_request(req)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/web_ui/browser.py", line 91, in process_request
    repos = self.env.get_repository(req.authname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/env.py", line 157, in get_repository
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/api.py", line 61, in get_repository
    return self._connector.get_repository(repos_type, repos_dir, authname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/svn_fs.py", line 205, in get_repository
    repos = SubversionRepository(dir, authz, self.log)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/svn_fs.py", line 224, in __init__
    self.path = repos.svn_repos_find_root_path(path, self.pool())
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/repos.py", line 43, in svn_repos_find_root_path
    return apply(_repos.svn_repos_find_root_path, args)
TypeError: argument number 2: a 'apr_pool_t *' is expected, 'instance(<libsvn.core.GenericSWIGWrapper instance at 0x8b88f6c>)' is received

Instead of seeing the stack trace in my error log (where I saw the original apr_pool_t exception), it shows up on an actual trac "Oops… Trac detected an internal error:" error page. I can't tell if this is due to your patch, the swig upgrade, or both

This new error is intermittent like the old one. Occasionally I receive either 404 responses or blank pages instead of the error message. Nothing in the error_log

Also: I got the impression the make extraclean/reautogen would end up creating a brand new subversion/includes/svn_types.h file corresponding to your change to svn_types.swg. That was not the case — the patch was successfully applied, but I ended up with the same svn_types.h file. Let me know if that is actually a problem

comment:20 by David James <james82@…>, 19 years ago

Hi pjenvey,

It looks like you applied the patch correctly, but my patch did not help. I am not surprised by your new error message, because it is the same as the one that was reported earlier on the users list.

Could you send the full details for your system, and the full details of your apache configuration including your httpd.conf and a description of which "mpm" you are using (e.g. the worker mpm, or the prefork mpm). I would like to try to reproduce the problem by copying your configuration. Are you using Linux, Mac OS, or something else?

Here's a question for the group: In mod_python, does the "global interpreter lock" lock just the current interpreter or does it lock all interpreters? If the "global interpreter lock" only locks the current interpreter, then it explains our problem. We will need to use a different locking system in order to prevent race conditions during pool initialization. Perhaps an APR lock would do the trick?



comment:21 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

From http://docs.python.org/api/threads.html (and my understanding), the GIL just locks all but one threads within one interpreter. So if multiple interpreters are at work, we need a different locking mechanism (in which case the APR lock would seem like the best solution).

comment:22 by David James <james82@…>, 19 years ago

Hi pjenvey, Manzuhai:

After thinking about this problem some more, I have written a patch which uses Python locking to solve the race condition in application pool initialization. Could you give this patch a try?

  • subversion/bindings/swig/include/proxy_apr.swg

    6060 */
    6262%pythoncode %{
     63import threading
    6365application_pool = None
     66application_pool_lock = threading.Lock()
    6467class GenericSWIGWrapper:
    6568  def __init__(self, this, pool):
    6669    """Create new Generic SWIG wrapper object"""
    98101      def set_parent_pool(self, parent_pool=None):
    99102        """Create a new memory pool"""
    100103        global application_pool
     105        try:
     106          application_pool_lock.acquire()
     108          self._parent_pool = parent_pool or application_pool
     109          self._mark_valid()
     111          # Protect important functions from GC
     112          self._apr_pool_destroy = _core.apr_pool_destroy
     113          self._svn_swig_py_clear_application_pool = \
     114            _core.svn_swig_py_clear_application_pool
     116          # If we are an application-level pool,
     117          # then set this pool to be the application-level pool
     118          if not self._parent_pool:
     119            svn_swig_py_set_application_pool(self, self)
     120            application_pool = self
     121        finally:
     122          application_pool_lock.release()
    102         self._parent_pool = parent_pool or application_pool
    103         self._mark_valid()
    105         # Protect important functions from GC
    106         self._apr_pool_destroy = _core.apr_pool_destroy
    107         self._svn_swig_py_clear_application_pool = \
    108           _core.svn_swig_py_clear_application_pool
    110         # If we are an application-level pool,
    111         # then set this pool to be the application-level pool
    112         if not self._parent_pool:
    113           svn_swig_py_set_application_pool(self, self)
    114           application_pool = self
    116124      def valid(self):
    117125        """Check whether this memory pool and its parents
    118126        are still valid"""

Important note: Once again, in order for this patch to take effect, you'll need to type:

   make extraclean
   make swig-py
   make install-swig-py

comment:23 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

Could you attach this patch to the ticket insteading of showing it inline? I'm having a hard time getting it applied correctly. Thanks!

by David James <james82@…>, 19 years ago

Fix race condition in application pool initialization

comment:24 by David James <james82@…>, 19 years ago

Hi Manzuhai,

The patch is attached. I've also posted it to the Subversion developers list, at http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2006-01/0946.shtml



comment:25 by pjenvey@…, 19 years ago

David -

Unfortunately I'm getting the same error I reported last time with your latest patch. (scroll up for the entire thing)

 File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/repos.py", line 43, in svn_repos_find_root_path
    return apply(_repos.svn_repos_find_root_path, args)
TypeError: argument number 2: a 'apr_pool_t *' is expected, 'instance(<libsvn.core.GenericSWIGWrapper instance at 0x92633ac>)' is received

Here's my specs:

FreeBSD 4
python 2.4.2
trac 1.0dev (r2721)
subversion 1.3.0 (with or without your latest patch, and cboos's small __del__ patch in #2472 which shouldn't make a difference)
swig 1.3.27
apr 0.9.7 (from apache-2.0.55)
neon 0.24.7

comment:26 by pjenvey@…, 19 years ago

Summary: Problem with SVN bindings (SVN 1.3.0, Trac r2771)Problem with SVN bindings (SVN 1.3.0, Trac r2771)

Also —

prefork MPM

comment:27 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Summary: Problem with SVN bindings (SVN 1.3.0, Trac r2771)Problem with SVN bindings (SVN 1.3.0, Trac r2771)

I've been unable to actually reproduce the problem (apache-2.0.55, mod_python-3.1.4, Subversion-1.3.0 and Python-2.4.2 on Linux SLES9 64bits (did I say it's reasonably fast?)).

So I'm leaving this open for further investigation or feedback, but post-poning it.

comment:28 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

This is still annoying. I'll see if I can try the patch tomorrow.

comment:29 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

I thought, what the hell, I'll give it a whirl right now.

And it seems to work alright! We should probably give it some more time, but it looks good. I used a clean 1.3.x Subversion checkout from revision 18687 to apply the patch to, and then followed David's recipe.

(I still wonder why other people haven't been able to reproduce it, though.)

comment:30 by mark@…, 19 years ago

I have been able to reproduce this. See the previous bug reports on that topic.

Due to this we still use SVN 1.2.x …

comment:31 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

Well, sure, some have had the same errors, but not cboos or djames.

comment:32 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Manzuhai, can you still reproduce the issue without my patch? Is it clear that the patch fixes the problem?

Neither me nor cboos have been able to reproduce this bug, with or without the patches, so it's possible that the problem went away on your machine for an unrelated reason.

comment:33 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

I changed nothing else except your patch, I've been seeing the problem for ages, and it is now gone. I'm fairly certain that it's your patch that fixed it.

comment:34 by dg, 19 years ago

Just 2 days ago I discovered the very same problem. It occurs only rarely, so I am not suprised not everyone has seen it. I have seen it on our sever machine (single CPU linux), and on my development machine (single CPU linux)

  • mod_python-3.2.7
  • python-2.4.2
  • subversion 1.3.0
  • swig 1.3.27
  • apache 2 with prefork MPM
  • linux

Everything upatched as yet.

Error from log:

[Sat Mar 04 13:47:20 2006] [error] Error(TypeError): argument number 0: a 'apr_pool_t *' is expected, 'instance(<libsvn.core.GenericSWIGWrapper instance at 0x430bb02c>)' is received at /usr/local/lib/svn-python/libsvn/core.py line 1098
[Sat Mar 04 13:47:20 2006] [notice] child pid 15649 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

I am attempting to use the python subversion bindings in a custom application to manage text document revisions - until I saw this problem, everything seemed just great.

Now I am not sure what to do - should I abandon using subversion at all for this?

comment:35 by dg, 19 years ago

Cc: dgeller@… added

comment:36 by mark@…, 19 years ago

We can exclude Apache's MPM: I've managed to reproduce this issue on MPM worker.

As version 1.3.0 is a constant, here, you could downgrade SVN to 1.2.3.

And well, none of the above patches worked for me.

comment:37 by dg, 19 years ago

Well, good news. I applied the patch according to the recipe (application_pool_race_condition_fix.txt), and the problem seems to have gone away!

(same configuration as before, using 1.3.0)

I have not tested this on our server yet, but on my local machine running 10 browser-emulation processes banging away at the local server app (each making 200 requests), not a single error! (2000 requests in about 10 minutes)

Will try this on our server late tonight.

comment:38 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

mark@…: it would seem that yours is a different problem, then? As the patches fixes the problem both for me and dg.

comment:39 by chasetheblues@…, 19 years ago

Cc: chasetheblues@… added

I'm experiencing the same problems after upgrading

  • Bindings to SVN 1.3.0
  • Python from 2.3 to 2.4
  • SWIG from 1.3.2x(?) to 1.3.28.


  • Trac 0.9.4 with
  • mod_python 3.2.8
  • Python 2.4.

comment:40 by chasetheblues@…, 19 years ago


  • Python 2.4.2
  • apr 0.9.7 (from apache-2.0.55)
  • Debian Linux

comment:41 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

chasetheblues: have you tried to apply the attachment:application_pool_race_condition_fix.txt and rebuild your bindings as explained in the comment above?

comment:42 by chasetheblues, 19 years ago

yes, i applied it, and had the make procedure. but it doesn't help. i hence cannot except 100% the possibility of something went wrong at fixing. i got some compile errors, before the make procedure went through in the end.

on some small test projects, the error is shown 10 times in a row before the page is loaded correctly, on large test projects i have to try several dozen page request before any problem.

comment:43 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

The same error does still turn up at times for me too, although it now seems much less frequent than before. *shrug* It's kinda weird, it seems really quite unpredictable.

comment:44 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

Okay, I have obviously been too optimistic about the patch.

Subversion still dies on me regularly with the same error. djames, how can I help you diagnose this problem? I can probably provide you with access to one of my servers if that would help.

comment:45 by dg, 19 years ago

Just an update - after applying the patch March 4, we haven't seen the problem since. And we get pretty extensive use of the library, as our online editing system is based on this package.

Wish I could help with something more concrete….

comment:46 by ctb, 19 years ago

The Problem still exists, even after upgrading to svn 1.3.1 and downgrading to swig 1.3.25 and reinstalling trac.

comment:47 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Did you already report this to the Subversion's issue tracker?

comment:48 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

The problems seems to be there also for 1.3.1 on windows, see #2965.

comment:49 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Cc: brian@… added

comment:50 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Cc: blaufalke@… added

comment:51 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Keywords: svn130 added

In order to get some progress on this topic, I'd like that the people who are still seeing the issue report here if they are using multiple virtual hosts, as #2965 suggests that this might trigger the problem.

Also mention if you're using:

  1. svn 1.3.1
  2. svn 1.3.0 + patch, built following those instructions
  3. something else (hm… you should have tried one of the above!)

comment:52 by blaufalke@…, 19 years ago

  • SVN 1.3.0 (no patching so far).
  • Several virtual hosts on Apache 2.2.0 (SuSE Linux 9.3).
  • Only one virtual host used for trac (via name based subdomains)
  • Subdomains configured like that:
     <Directory /path/to/httpsdocs>
      Satisfy Any
      Require valid-user
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "Subversion@mydomain.com"
      AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
     RedirectMatch permanent ^/(projects)$ https://repos.mydomain.com/$1/
     RedirectMatch permanent ^/(projects)/([^/]+)$ https://repos.mydomain.com/$1/$2/
     <Location /svn/>
      DAV svn
      SVNParentPath /path/to/repositories
      AuthzSVNAccessFile /path/to/.policy
     <Location /projects/>
      setHandler mod_python
      PythonPath "sys.path + ['/usr/share/trac']"
      PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
      PythonOption TracEnvParentDir /path/to/projects/
      PythonOption TracUriRoot /projects/
      SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages
      SVNParentPath /path/to/repositories
      AuthzSVNAccessFile /path/to/.policy

comment:53 by mark@…, 19 years ago

Common settings:

  • Several virtual hosts.
    Every configured as described in TracModPython.
  • Trac 0.9.[2-5]
  • Python 2.4.2
  • SQLite 3
  • Apache: mpm_worker, PHP 5.1.x

Tested configurations at which the errors occurs:

  • Subversion 1.3.0 (with and without patch, no relief)
    • Apache 2.0.55, SWIG 1.3.21, APR 0.9.7
    • Apache 2.0.55, SWIG 1.3.21, APR 0.9.12
    • Apache 2.0.58, SWIG 1.3.25, APR 0.9.12
    • Apache 2.2.0, SWIG 1.3.21, APR 1.2.2
    • Apache 2.2.2, SWIG 1.3.25, APR 1.2.7
  • Subversion 1.3.1 (with/without)
    • Apache 2.0.58, SWIG 1.3.25, APR 0.9.12
    • Apache 2.2.0, SWIG 1.3.21, APR 1.2.2
    • Apache 2.2.0, SWIG 1.3.25, APR 1.2.2
    • Apache 2.2.0, SWIG 1.3.25, APR 1.2.7

Drop me a line if I got the "tester's award".

comment:54 by mark@…, 19 years ago

That's what I've forgotten to mention:

  • Apache 2.0.x: mod_python 3.1.4
  • Apache 2.2.x: mod_python 3.2.8

Everything compiled under Gentoo with GCC 3.4.x, -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe and either:

  • -Os -march=athlon-mp -ffast-math
  • -O2 -mtune=pentium-m -fforce-addr -frename-registers -falign-functions=64

comment:55 by mark@…, 19 years ago

SVN 1.3.1 has always been without patch - It didn't even apply.

comment:56 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Actually, that patch was merged in Subversion 1.3.1, see TracSubversion for details.

Mark, just in order to verify the hypothesis that using multiple virtual hosts could trigger the problem, would it be possible for you to setup a test environment with one/no virtual hosts?

(of course, that will earn you even more points for the tester-of-the-year contest :) )

comment:57 by mark@…, 19 years ago

I've had only the time for one test, so here it is:


  • Apache 2.0.58, APR 0.9.12, mod_python 3.1.4 (r1)
  • Subversion 1.3.1, SWIG 1.3.21

one vhost:

Fire up Apache, click every of the items in mainnav (wiki, timeline…). No error, no matter how much items you invoke.

second vhost:


Stop Apache, copy 10_trac.conf to 10_something.conf and adjust path and hostname.
Create a new subversion repo, import something into it and run trac-admin /var/lib/trac/something initenv.

Add another line to /etc/hosts to match your new vhost: something.localhost


Fire up Apache, click through the first installed vhost. No errors will appear, believe me.

And now has the time come to open up the second vhost. Type something.localhost in your browser, get the first page displayed and change into "timeline" or "browse source"! Voila, fatal error appears.

comment:58 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Ok, thanks for the confirmation and for the steps to reproduce the issue.

comment:59 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

There's something to the vhost diagnosis, but it's not everything.

On my old server, I had a single vhost containing different Location sections, for different projects, replicating the full setup for each config (e.g. SetHandler, several PythonOption directives, and authentication). I encountered the errors there, which is why I opened this ticket. On my new server, however, I have set it up differently, just using the multiple env support from Trac within a vhost, and I get no more errors.

comment:60 by anonymous, 19 years ago

with subversion 1.3.2,this problem still exists.

comment:61 by Alec Thomas, 19 years ago

I upgraded TracHacks to SVN 1.3.1 and was not able to get Apache to serve any Trac requests at all. Quite aggravating. Downgraded to 1.2.4 until fix is merged.

comment:62 by Manuzhai, 19 years ago

Milestone: 0.100.11

This is really a Subversion problem. We should still gather more information here, but let's set the milestone to 0.11; it really doesn't block 0.10.

comment:63 by maxb1@…, 19 years ago

I have what seems to be a reliable reproduction recipe: You must have an apache setup which contains Trac instances in *multiple* mod_python subinterpreters. Restart apache. The first request to a svn-using page (i.e. "Browse Source") within the first subinterpreter to be accessed will SUCCEED. The first request to a svn-using page within a second subinterpreter will fail with the error.

Additionally, just as an interesting data point: I actually got this error running a totally non-Trac-related command line script, once (it was ViewVC's svndbadmin). Sadly, this was not reproducable.

comment:64 by maxb1@…, 19 years ago

If anyone has seen this error with SWIG 1.3.28 or 1.3.29, please comment!

The reliable reproduction I mentioned in the previous comment was using the pregenerated SWIG files shipped with subversion 1.3.2 (i.e. SWIG 1.3.25 IIRC). I retested with SWIG 1.3.28, and the problem seems to have disappeared!

Further, I have isolated the source of the TypeError to the following code segment in _wrap_svn_pool_create:

        if (_global_svn_swig_py_pool != NULL &&
                                    (char *)"_mark_valid"))
            int argnum = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args);

comment:65 by marc@…, 19 years ago

Cc: marc@… added

I have the same problem, and I'm running

  • apache 2.0.54
  • mod_python 3.1.4
  • subversion 1.3.2
  • python 2.4.1
  • trac 0.9.4

I have about 15 tracs running under a virtualhost each (on port 81), and get intermittent errors. I have an RSS reader configured to request the Timeline page for each trac and it always gets an error for at least one of the tracs.

When I tried the setup with a single virtualhost I got no errors, but I have not tested that extensively.

If there's anything else that I could do or provide just let me know and I will try.

in reply to:  65 comment:66 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Replying to marc@guidance.nl:

I have the same problem, and I'm running

  • apache 2.0.54
  • mod_python 3.1.4
  • subversion 1.3.2
  • python 2.4.1
  • trac 0.9.4

I have about 15 tracs running under a virtualhost each (on port 81), and get intermittent errors. I have an RSS reader configured to request the Timeline page for each trac and it always gets an error for at least one of the tracs.

When I tried the setup with a single virtualhost I got no errors, but I have not tested that extensively.

If there's anything else that I could do or provide just let me know and I will try.

Instead of using virtual hosts, you can use another apache "instance" with another config file and on another TCP port or IP address. Something like this: /usr/sbin/apachectl -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.trac.conf

For Trac I have one apache (default) instance for intranet running on port 80, and another apache instance for internet running on port 81, and it works fine.

Before this I had only one apache instance running on ports 80 and 81, and it give this error.

comment:67 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

In light of #3455, it seems clear that the fix in attachment:application_pool_race_condition_fix.txt is not working in case of multiple Python subinterpreters (as this is the case by default with virtual hosts).

The svn_swig_py_set_application_pool(self, self) will be called for each sub-interpreter and therefore at the C level one pool object coming from one subinterpreter will be used by all the other subinterpreters. This probably leads to an invalid GC, which destroys that object prematurely, and that deletes the "_is_valid" string which triggers the message we're seeing, see comment:64).

So… the workaround for #3455 should most probably also work here.

It remains to be confirmed if the 1.3.2 bindings generated with SWIG ≥ 1.3.28 are handling the multiple sub-interpreter scenario correctly.

comment:68 by anonymous, 19 years ago

We have mod_python-3.1.4, apache-2.0.58, swig-1.3.29, subversion-1.3.2, python-2.4.3, trac-0.10rc1. (gcc 4.1.1)

I have been working on converting a bunch of trac sites from 0.8 to 0.10rc1 (we will be moving to 0.10). We have hitting this since converting to gcc-4.1.1. That was a one-way change, but this is crazy. I have no idea what to do =(.

Apache is in mpm-prefork. We have disactivated about everything that we can, and I just implented the

PythonInterpreter "trac"

in my config. We have 5 sites.

comment:69 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Cc: joshland@… added

BTW: I guess I should mention - we are hitting this bug.

[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend: Traceback (most recent call last):
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line 299, in HandlerDispatch\n    result = object(req)
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/modpython_frontend.py", line 87, in handler\n    gateway.run(dispatch_request)
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/wsgi.py", line 87, in run\n    response = application(self.environ, self._start_response)
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 304, in dispatch_request\n    env = _open_environment(env_path, run_once=environ['wsgi.run_once'])
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 57, in _open_environment\n    env_cache[env_path] = open_environment(env_path)
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/env.py", line 431, in open_environment\n    env = Environment(env_path)
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/env.py", line 121, in __init__\n    load_components(self)
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/loader.py", line 140, in load_components\n    __import__(module)
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/svn_fs.py", line 56, in ?\n    from svn import fs, repos, core, delta
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/svn/fs.py", line 19, in ?\n    from libsvn.fs import *
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/fs.py", line 29, in ?\n    import core
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/core.py", line 3057, in ?\n    svn_pool_create()
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend:   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/core.py", line 1098, in svn_pool_create\n    return apply(_core.svn_pool_create, args)
[Fri Sep 29 22:05:12 2006] [error] [client] PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend: TypeError: argument number 0: a 'apr_pool_t *' is expected, 'instance(<libsvn.core.GenericSWIGWrapper instance at 0xb6924c8c>)' is received

in reply to:  68 ; comment:70 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Replying to anonymous:

We have mod_python-3.1.4, apache-2.0.58, swig-1.3.29, subversion-1.3.2, python-2.4.3, trac-0.10rc1. (gcc 4.1.1)

In case you regenerated the wrapping code yourself, i.e. really made use of swig-1.3.29, this could explain the problem. Subversion 1.3.x is only compatible with 1.3.24 and 1.3.25.

PythonInterpreter "trac"

Try "main_interpreter", as suggested in #3455.

in reply to:  70 ; comment:71 by joshland@…, 18 years ago

Replying to cboos:

In case you regenerated the wrapping code yourself, i.e. really made use of swig-1.3.29, this could explain the problem. Subversion 1.3.x is only compatible with 1.3.24 and 1.3.25.

I think this worked. We are returning to mpm-worker mode. Our current software loadout is:

swig-1.3.25, subversion-1.3.2-r3, apache-2.0.58 (mpm-worker) and mod_python-3.1.4

Try "main_interpreter", as suggested in #3455.

my mod_python config is now

    SetHandler    mod_python
    PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
    PythonPath    "['/var/trac/lib/python2.4/site-packages'] + sys.path"
    PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
    PythonOption  TracEnvParentDir            "/var/live/trac"
    PythonOption  TracUriRoot                 /
    SetEnv        PYTHON_EGG_CACHE            "/var/live/egg_cache"

in reply to:  71 comment:72 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Replying to joshland@gmail.com:

Replying to cboos:

In case you regenerated the wrapping code yourself, i.e. really made use of swig-1.3.29, this could explain the problem. Subversion 1.3.x is only compatible with 1.3.24 and 1.3.25.

I think this worked. We are returning to mpm-worker mode. Our current software loadout is:

swig-1.3.25, subversion-1.3.2-r3, apache-2.0.58 (mpm-worker) and mod_python-3.1.4

Try "main_interpreter", as suggested in #3455.

my mod_python config is now

    SetHandler    mod_python
    PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
    PythonPath    "['/var/trac/lib/python2.4/site-packages'] + sys.path"
    PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
    PythonOption  TracEnvParentDir            "/var/live/trac"
    PythonOption  TracUriRoot                 /
    SetEnv        PYTHON_EGG_CACHE            "/var/live/egg_cache"

Because this person is using mod_python 3.1.4 and not mod_python 3.2.8 or later, using 'main_interpreter' will be no different to having used 'trac' as the interpreter name.

There are really two parts to trying to reduce these sorts of problems, that is even if this is a valid workaround for the original problem this person is having.

  1. Force all use of Trac/subversion to run under the same Python interpreter instance under mod_python. This would be necessary where for some reason one or more Trac instances were being accessed through different VirtualHost configurations within the Apache setup. This avoids issue where internal Python objects associated with the subversion bindings are somehow bound to a specific Python interpreter instance and therefore cannot be used across multiple Python interpreter instances. This is only going to be effective where access was through multiple contexts, such as VirtualHost, where mod_python would have executed the request within a different interpreter instance context. Doing this would otherwise make no difference.
  1. If using mod_python 3.2.8 or later, you can further increase your chances of things working by avoiding possible GIL issues caused by use of simplified Python locking API for the GIL by Python extensions, by forcing the very first Python interpreter instance created by mod_python to be used. This particular interpreter instance is called 'main_interpreter'. If using mod_python prior to 3.2.8, there is no means of specifically indicating the first interpreter created should be used, using 'main_interpreter' doesn't indicate that for those older versions. This change may have benefit even if access isn't through multiple interpreters in the first place, but it will only make a difference if you have mod_python 3.2.8 or later.

comment:73 by joshland@…, 18 years ago

BTW: It didn't work, it just lasted for about 30 minutes. It is definatly still failing. I am looking at the last post, and I will attempt to fix this problem following your guidelines.

comment:74 by joshland@…, 18 years ago

We upgraded to mod_python 3.2, and downgraded to svn 1.2. Problems have since gone away.

comment:75 by Christian Boos, 18 years ago

Right, the problem appeared with Subversion 1.3, so it's likely that downgrading to 1.2.4 makes the problem go away… However, it's a bit sad that this wasn't addressed in newer Subversion releases (there's been 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and now 1.4.0 in the meantime).

I wonder if djames is still seeing updates to this ticket (and if he's still taking care of the python bindings for Subversion).

comment:76 by neofutur, 18 years ago

Cc: neofutur@… added

Same problem here whith 1 vhosts

When i deleted the second vhost, no more problem I had to change the second vhost to another server

comment:77 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Cc: bock@… added

comment:78 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Cc: andrew.fecheyr@… added

I downgraded to svn 1.2.3 until this is resolved.

comment:79 by joshland@…, 18 years ago

I just hit a similar segfault w/ 1.2.3 I am running Gentoo, Apache-2.2 and Mod Python 3.2. I don't have any tracebacks or anything. Is anyone else experiencing problems with this?

I am about to switch to nginx + tracd and see if that fixes everything.

in reply to:  79 comment:80 by Christian Boos, 18 years ago

Replying to joshland@gmail.com:

I just hit a similar segfault w/ 1.2.3 I am running Gentoo, Apache-2.2 and Mod Python 3.2. I don't have any tracebacks or anything. Is anyone else experiencing problems with this?

It might be something different… this issue was never reported against 1.2.3 so far. So if you don't have the TypeError: argument ... error, I bet it's something else.

I am about to switch to nginx + tracd and see if that fixes everything.

TracStandalone is not affected by this issue, so if the segfault happens again, you'll know that it was something else. In case it happens, you might want to follow the advices given in TracTroubleshooting in order to locate the cause of the problem.

comment:81 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Cc: boris@… added

comment:82 by boris@…, 18 years ago

I have a hunch that it is in fact related to multiple vhosts running on the same apache instance. I'm starting to see errors of this nature crop up in my logs only after adding a second TracModPython virtual host.

I tried Trac 0.10, and SVN 1.3.1, 1.3.2.

comment:83 by joshland@…, 18 years ago

We will setup nginx + tracd this week and, provided that everything continues to work as expected, post a recipe on the nginx wiki (and the Trac wiki if possible).

comment:84 by Christian Boos, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Keywords: svn13 svn14 added; svn130 removed
Milestone: 0.112.0

Shifting the milestone to 2.0, as there's nothing we can do for 0.11.

Closing this issue is not an option either, as this is a recurring problem in a basic piece of infrastructure often needed by Trac. Probably an "Undefined" milestone would be appropriate here.

comment:85 by joshland@…, 18 years ago

I know it's semi out-of-scope, but as a possible workaround, I have implemented Trac+Nginx. I am still using Apache for mod_dav_svn, but I will be upgrading to subversion 1.3.x, and subsequently up to SVN 1.4.x once sufficiently tested.

So far we haven't had any crashes.

Trac+Nginx Recipe

comment:86 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Can anybody reproduce this bug using mod_python 3.2.8 or later and "PythonInterpreter main_interpreter"? As mentioned in #3455, this configuration change should solve this issue.

comment:87 by PDuran, 18 years ago

I had a similar problem when i upgraded subversion from 1.3.x to 1.4.2. i was getting an error with the following stack trace:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\trac\web\main.py", line 387, in dispatch_request
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\trac\web\main.py", line 191, in dispatch
    chosen_handler = self._pre_process_request(req, chosen_handler)
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\trac\web\main.py", line 263, in _pre_process_request
    chosen_handler = f.pre_process_request(req, chosen_handler)
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\trac\versioncontrol\api.py", line 73, in pre_process_request
    self.get_repository(req.authname) # triggers a sync if applicable
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\trac\versioncontrol\api.py", line 91, in get_repository
    raise TracError('Unsupported version control system "%s"'
TracError: Unsupported version control system "svn"

When i looked in my c:\Python23\lib folder, there was a folder called 'libsvn'. This contained libsvn_swig_py-1.dll (among other files). I removed this folder (C:\python23\lib\libsvn) and reinstalled the python bindings from svn-python-1.4.2.win32-py2.3.exe. After restarting apache, it all works fine once more.

comment:88 by Christian Boos, 18 years ago

Milestone: 2.0none

comment:89 by andrew, 18 years ago

Cc: andrew.fecheyr@… removed

comment:90 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

I'm marking this bug as a duplicate of #3455, because nobody has reproduced this bug using mod_python 3.2.8 or later and PythonInterpreter main_interpreter.

If someone can reproduce this bug using mod_python 3.2.8 or later and PythonInterpreter main_interpreter, feel free to reopen this bug.

comment:91 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Milestone: none0.11

add the milestone when it was closed …

comment:92 by Emmanuel Blot, 18 years ago

Milestone: 0.11

Closed as duplicate: no milestone.

"anonymous": please read TracTicketTriage#Milestone carefully

comment:93 by jamesharrison@…, 18 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: closedreopened

Still getting the following problem on Apache, mod_python 2.7 installed, mod_wsgi stable, python 2.4:

[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=30736): Exception occurred within WSGI script '/usr/local/trac/melonrpm/apache/melonrpm.wsgi'.
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 391, in dispatch_request
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]     env = _open_environment(env_path, run_once=run_once)
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 58, in _open_environment
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]     env_cache[env_path] = open_environment(env_path)
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/env.py", line 462, in open_environment
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]     env = Environment(env_path)
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/env.py", line 142, in __init__
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]     load_components(self)
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/loader.py", line 140, in load_components
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]     __import__(module)
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/svn_fs.py", line 56, in ?
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]     from svn import fs, repos, core, delta
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/svn/fs.py", line 19, in ?
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]     from libsvn.fs import *
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/fs.py", line 29, in ?
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]     import core
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/core.py", line 3342, in ?
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]     svn_pool_create()
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/libsvn/core.py", line 1137, in svn_pool_create
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client]     return apply(_core.svn_pool_create, args)
[Wed Jul  4 21:06:00 2007] [error] [client] TypeError: argument number 0: a 'apr_pool_t *' is expected, 'instance(<libsvn.core.GenericSWIGWrapper instance at 0xb5faa2ac>)' is received

Patches applied and whatnot from this ticket, and Subversion 1.4.4 with SWIG 1.3.3. Trac 10.4.

That this kind of bug still exists, unfixed, is rather a surprise. I can't test using mod_python as I need to stay under apache 1.3.x.

comment:94 by Graham.Dumpleton@…, 18 years ago

If using mod_wsgi, ensure you have set the directive:

WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL)

This does the same as setting:

PythonInterpreter main_interpreter

in mod_python.

The instructions for using Trac with mod_wsgi on the mod_wsgi site explicitly mention that doing this may be necessary.


Also see section 'Python Simplified GIL State API' in:


The instructions on the Trac site don't mention this issue.

Thus, try adding this directive when using mod_wsgi as documented.

comment:95 by bluszcz@…, 18 years ago

Version: devel0.10.4

I still have this issue (3 tracs on one apache, PythonInterpreter main_interpreter) :(

comment:96 by Graham.Dumpleton@…, 18 years ago

To bluszcz, are you running three separate Trac instances, or are you running three Trac sites under the one parent Trac instance?

You cannot run three different Trac instances all in the same Python interpreter with mod_python even if it is set to main_interpreter as they will interfere with each other. Running one parent Trac instance by setting TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR with each Trac site under that should be okay though.

If you need to run three independent Trac instances, your only choice may be to use mod_wsgi and force each Trac instance to run in a distinct daemon process.



for further information.

I'd also suggest trying mod_wsgi anyway, as mod_python has been found to still have some issues related to use of simplified GIL state API in Python C libraries when using main_interpreter. This may still be a factor with Subversion bindings. In mod_wsgi use of simplified GIL state API was done properly and so it may work.

Thus, try mod_wsgi and if still have issues take the issue onto the Trac mailing list rather than trying to have a discussion here on the ticket.

comment:97 by bluszcz@…, 18 years ago

Actually we are mass migrating apache services to nginx…

comment:98 by Graham.Dumpleton@…, 18 years ago

If using nginx that rules out both mod_python and mod_wsgi then. Only choice will be fastcgi support which if the problem is related to running in the main Python interpreter should mean it will work, as fastcgi will force you to use separate processes anyway.

comment:99 by bluszcz@…, 18 years ago

Graham exactly.

comment:100 by rufus.pollock@…, 18 years ago

We are definitely still experiencing this problem using PythonInterpreter main_interpreter on debian etch (so Apache 2.2, svn 1.4.2, mod_python 3.2.10, trac 0.10.4). I do however have multiple *different* trac instances which according to Graham's comments (btw a big thank you for all the excellent info and the work on wsgi) is likely to be the source of the problem.

I have to say I'm slightly confused as to why this is as I was running exactly the same setup before under debian sarge and ubuntu edgy and never had a problem (of course that was apache 2.0 etc). Is it really the case that I can't use modpython+trac+svn in this way? If so then I assume my only options are to try using either modwsgi or fastcgi.

comment:101 by Graham.Dumpleton@…, 18 years ago

Reading some of the other comments on related tickets, my stating 'you cannot run three different Trac instances all in the same Python interpreter with mod_python even if it is set to main_interpreter as they will interfere with each other', my not be entirely true, as one of the early solutions was to do exactly that.

The issue with running multiple Trac instances within the same interpreter would be whether Trac itself, or any plugins store data in global variables in modules. If they do and the way the code is designed can't handle multiple Trac instances using the same global data, you theoretically could end up with problems.

Thus, although it may be wrong to say so strongly that 'you cannot run', it would probably still be safer not to and use mod_fastcgi or daemon mode of mod_wsgi instead.

The other possibility for why people still see some problems with mod_python is that it has been found that the manipulation of the GIL using simplified Python API, still isn't totally correct for mod_python. This has caused problems with SWIG generated APIs in particular, although it tended to cause thread deadlocks. This doesn't mean though that other issues may not be seen. Details of the new problem with simplified GIL in mod_python are documented in:


This issue has been addressed in mod_wsgi, although you still need to be running application in main interpreter by using:

WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

More likely though is that Python bindings for Subversion still have issues with being used from multiple interpreters, the problems just don't show up all the time.

in reply to:  101 comment:102 by Noah Kantrowitz, 18 years ago

Replying to Graham.Dumpleton@gmail.com:

Reading some of the other comments on related tickets, my stating 'you cannot run three different Trac instances all in the same Python interpreter with mod_python even if it is set to main_interpreter as they will interfere with each other', my not be entirely true, as one of the early solutions was to do exactly that.

I would say more that it is entirely false. You can and should run all instances under a single interpreter.

The issue with running multiple Trac instances within the same interpreter would be whether Trac itself, or any plugins store data in global variables in modules. If they do and the way the code is designed can't handle multiple Trac instances using the same global data, you theoretically could end up with problems.

This is not the case for anything in Trac core nor any plugin I have seen to date. The component system is designed specifically to allow for arbitrary projects to share a memory space.

comment:103 by Graham.Dumpleton@…, 18 years ago

Running multiple Trac instances under the same interpreter means though that each instance must use the same versions of all Python modules. If someone wants to be able to use different versions of Python modules, and possibly plugins (not sure), with the different Trac instances they will not have a choice but to use different sub interpreters. If the different module versions actually require a different version of a C extension module, then they will not have a choice but to use different processes, as Python only loads a C extension module one for a complete process. Thus the first interpreter to load the C extension module wins, and code in other sub interpreters may break if the C extension module API differs or the way it works is different.

So, to say 'you can and should run all instances under a single interpreter' is not practical in all circumstances. Thus the advice that it would be safer just to use a mechanism which results in them running in different processes to begin with.

comment:104 by Noah Kantrowitz, 18 years ago

If someone needs an external library, they should indicate this with a setuptools dependency (with a version specifier if needed). Trac will log an appropriate error if a plugin cannot be loaded due to a conflict. As for custom C extensions, thats well beyond what we need to plan for in our setup instructions, by then the person knows enough to find a better answer. There are many deployment possibilities where mod_python just won't cut it, however the fact remains that it is relatively easy to setup and so it still has a place here.

comment:105 by migs.ho@…, 18 years ago

Cc: migs.ho@… added

comment:106 by progrium@…, 18 years ago

Cc: progrium@… added

comment:107 by josht@…, 17 years ago

Priority: highnormal
Severity: majornormal

I am using Win xp, python 2.5, have the latest version of SVN. Installed the pre-made connector for SVN for 2.5

Python sees it I have gone through the checklist at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracSubversion.

My problem lies in creating an environment. It doesn't setup the repository it just throws the error. "Warning: You should install the SVN bindings"

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! thnx in advance

comment:108 by djc <manuzhai@…>, 17 years ago

Priority: normalhigh
Severity: normalmajor

josht: this is definitely a different issue than the one this ticket is about.

You should file a new ticket, or, even better, ask on the trac-users mailing list.

comment:109 by anonymous, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from Christian Boos to anonymous
Status: reopenednew
Type: defecttask

I have install subversion 1.3.1 and apache 2.0.54.

when I type http://localhost/svn/

It showing below details only. * Revision 0: /

Powered by Subversion version 1.3.1 (r19032).

How to add new project to add source code and how to do check in/check out.

Plz any body help Rajveer

in reply to:  109 comment:110 by Emmanuel Blot, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from anonymous to Christian Boos
Type: taskdefect

Replying to Rajveer:

I have install subversion 1.3.1 and apache 2.0.54.

… This question is unrelated to the original issue. Please use the MailingList to ask for installation and support questions.
For Subversion usage, please contact the subversion user mailing list.

comment:111 by anonymous, 17 years ago

After reading through all this as an absolute noob when it comes to (mod_)python et al and not really understanding everything discussed here i wonder: There's still no solution for this?

My Setup on Gentoo:

I use 2 Virtual hosts with multiple different trac environments each. My Vhost setup:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@XXXXXX.de
    DocumentRoot /www/svn.XXXXXX.de/htdocs
    ServerName svn.XXXXXX.de
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/svn.XXXXXX.de.log combined
    RedirectMatch ^/repos$ $1/

    # SVN Access
    <Location /repos/ >
        DAV svn
        SVNParentPath /opt/svn-repos/svn.XXXXXX.de

        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Subversion repository"
        AuthUserFile /opt/svn-repos/svn.XXXXXX.de/conf/svnusers
        Require valid-user
        AuthzSVNAccessFile /opt/svn-repos/svn.XXXXXX.de/conf/svnpolicy

    # TRAC
    <Location />
        SetHandler mod_python
        PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
        PythonOption TracEnvParentDir /opt/trac-projects/svn.XXXXXX.de
        PythonOption TracUriRoot /

    <Location /login>
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Trac"
        AuthUserFile /opt/svn-repos/svn.XXXXXX.de/conf/svnusers
        Require valid-user

Everything was working fine for a while but suddenly it stopped working. I suppose some changes in a wiki caused this. Everything else was untouched.

comment:112 by anonymous, 17 years ago

… forgot to mention: I also suffer from the "TypeError: argument number 0: a 'apr_pool_t *'…" problem.

comment:113 by Christian Boos, 17 years ago

Milestone: not applicable

Well, a careful reading of the description of this ticket would have lead you to the definitive workaround for this issue within mod_python: #3445, comment 9.

A related workaround exists for mod_wsgi: see comment:94.

And please, for future readers, don't add another me too here, be sure to read all the information already available on this issue. Please only add something here when you have new information (like whether it'll still the same with Subversion 1.5 or not).

comment:114 by Christian Boos, 16 years ago

Just noticed that this error (or at least a very similar one) also occurs when interrupting trac-admin with CTRL+C.

$ ./trac-admin ... repository sync xyz
Resyncing repository history for xyz...
Exception exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt in <bound method Pool.__del__ of <trac.versioncontrol.svn_fs.Pool object at 0x2a9ae55c90>> ignored
TypeError: argument number 1: a 'svn_fs_root_t *' is expected, 'PySwigObject(_p_apr_pool_t)' is received

That or even a segfault at times ;-) So in this situation, there's no sub-interpreter to blame.

But this was with 1.4.3, it would be interesting to recheck with a newer version.

comment:115 by Thijs Triemstra, 14 years ago

Cc: Thijs Triemstra added

SVN 1.3.0 is really really old.

comment:116 by Christian Boos, 14 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Keywords: svn15 svn16 added

AFAIK, it happens with all versions of Subversion if the workarounds documented in the description are not followed.

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