Edgewall Software

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

#1950 closed enhancement (duplicate)

While editing a wiki page, the page is not locked from other editors. This leads to loss of data.

Reported by: eero_makela@… Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: wiki system Version: 0.8.4
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
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Assume the following situation: author A starts to edit a wiki page. Author B starts to edit the same page. A presses save first, and gets his content through. B presses save and gets an error message, losing all his contributions. Lets assume B presses back-button in his browser after this, because he feels he does not want to throw away his text. At least in some browsers, although I suppose not in every case, he gets edit view with the same text he just lost. Now he presses save again. The text submitted by B overwrites text submitted by A, and nobody finds out until later. The easiest solution would probably be to lock the page while someone is editing it. If A is editing a page, and B tries to edit the same page, B would get an error message before he has written any text. There must be some sort of time out for locking, because some people might have a habit of leaving edit windows open.

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Change History (2)

comment:1 by eero, 20 years ago

Sorry, this seems to be a duplicate of ticket #152. However, I think this is a quite important issue. It actually prevents me from using the wiki in a project that is purely a hobby.

comment:2 by Emmanuel Blot, 20 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed
Type: defectenhancement

Duplicate of #152.

A reference to the Trac ML discussion about this feature has been added.

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