Edgewall Software

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#1938 closed defect (invalid)

Problems with win98

Reported by: alan.gustavo@… Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: web frontend/tracd Version: 0.8.4
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:



I use this versions. Trac 0.8.4 Clearsilver 0.9.14 binaries Python 2.35 Apache 2.054

  • Subversion 1.2.1

*Python 2.3 Bindings for subversion 1.2.1 SQLite 3.2.2 PySQLite 1.1.6-py2.3 Diffutils 2.8.7-1

I have one problem when i try to configure Trac DB. (item 25). "if you get an error here stating that libd42.dll was not found, copy …" I dont have libd42.dll, but exists libd43.dll. I copy this but, dont works! I find libdb42.dll in my apache. I copy this and not works… Can you help me? Thanks


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comment:1 by Emmanuel Blot, 20 years ago

I think a mail posted to the Trac user mailing list would be more appropriate to get help on installing Trac.

Is it really libd or more likely libdb ?

Have a look at http://subversion.tigris.org/project_packages.html

WARNING: the latest subversion 1.2 win32 binaries use BerkeleyDB 4.3. If you already have BDB 4.2 repositories running on Windows, then installing these particular binaries will force you to upgrade your repositories to BDB 4.3. It's not difficult, just be ready to do so. Read the FAQ.

libdb42.dll = BDB 4.2, libdb43.dll = BDB 4.3
If you use Subversion 1.2.x, then you need libdb43.dll

Double check that your librairies can be reached by the system.

comment:2 by Matthew Good, 19 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Yes, installation support questions should be directed to the MailingList.

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