Edgewall Software

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#1784 closed enhancement (duplicate)

Wiki page should show it's own name as the title

Reported by: pellatt@… Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: lowest Milestone:
Component: wiki system Version: 0.8.4
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
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When I start editing e.g. MyNewWikiPage, the first thing I do is replace

"describe MyNewWikiPage here"


"= MyNewWikiPage ="

It would be nicer if the page name was automatically displayed as a title, maybe with an option to switch it off for people who don't want it.

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Change History (8)

comment:1 by Rede, 20 years ago

Well "describe <pagename> here" is just placeholder it doesn't appear on actual adit page (or is part of content since page doesn't exist yet), so you don't need to replace anything since it's empty page. You just add new content.

Since most people like to keep page names short, it would end up having really replace title with something more appropriate. I recall that this issue has been discussed from time to time, with opinion that current system best one.

comment:2 by Christopher Lenz, 20 years ago

Component: generalwiki

How about this: If the first element in the text of the page is a first-level heading, use that for the page title. Otherwise, use the name of the page.

Personally, I'd love to be able to rely on every page having a <h1> at the top of the content. If that were the case, some of the more awkward placement of navigation items (mostly those in the "context menu" below the navbar) could be layed out in a nicer way.

comment:3 by pellatt@…, 20 years ago

OK, how about this:

Change the placeholder text from

"describe <pagename> here"


"= <pagename> ="

The people that don't want the title will lose nothing because they have to delete the placeholder anyway.
The people that do want the title now have it.

Sounds like win-win to me, what do you think?

BTW - Of course people can always change this locally, line 79 (Trac 0.8.4) of wiki.py is the one you need.
BTWBTW - I'm not the only one that would like this, it's also been mentioned on this page, where I've added a link back to here.

comment:4 by dserodio@…, 19 years ago

I agree, having a title on every Wiki page would be nice, and the suggested approach sounds good.

comment:5 by thomas.jachmann@…, 19 years ago

It'd really be nice to have the full path of a wiki page displayed in the same way the "Browse Source" module does. It'd be much easier to find one's way around the wiki this way. Actually, this is something like what MacroBazaar#ShowPath does, but the path should be:

  • visible on all pages without manually inserting a macro
  • properly formatted the same way as in "Browse Source"

comment:6 by texascraig, 19 years ago

Of course people can always change this locally, line 79 (Trac 0.8.4) of wiki.py is

Has anyone customized their installation of 0.9.5 to auto-insert the page title? wiki.py seems to gone as of that version.

I would love to see this feature too. A nice option in trac.ini would be to a) auto show the topic name as title and b) optionally insert spaces between the Camelcased words in the heading

comment:7 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

For b), see #2877.

comment:8 by Christian Boos, 19 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

For the topic of Changing the placeholder text from … to …, see #962.

And for refocusing on the original request, see #2717.

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