Edgewall Software

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 19 years ago

#1656 closed defect (fixed)

download in other formats causes error "Report instance has no attribute 'error'"

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: normal Milestone: 0.9
Component: ticket system Version: 0.8.2
Severity: major Keywords: ticket download error
Cc: chris.rule@… Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:


I have a setup where I'm running:

  1. trac 0.8.2
  2. Subversion 1.1.4
  3. Windows XP
  4. Apache 2.43.
  5. ActivePython-2.3.5-236-win32-ix86.msi

Everything seems to be working OK except when I try to select the "download in other formats" option on a ticket. I get the error "Report instance has no attribute 'error'". I've looked at the python code and everything seems to be fine, but I really don't know enough Python to figure out what's going on.

There seems to be two problems:

  1. Selecting a "download in other formats" option produces the errors listed below.
  2. The error messages are dumped to the window as plain text.

Anyone have ideas on what's wrong?

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   <strong>Trac detected an internal error:</strong>
   <pre>Report instance has no attribute 'error'</pre>
   If you think this really should work and you can reproduce it. Then you 
   should consider to report this problem to the Trac team.
   Go to <a href="http://trac.edgewall.com/">http://trac.edgewall.com/</a>  and create a new ticket where you describe
   the problem, how to reproduce it. Don't forget to include the python
   traceback found below.


  <a href="/projects/hlalogger/wiki/TracGuide">TracGuide</a>
  &mdash; The Trac User and Administration Guide

  <h4>Python traceback</h4>
  <pre>Traceback (most recent call last):
  File &#34;C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\trac\core.py&#34;, line 531, in cgi_start
  File &#34;C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\trac\core.py&#34;, line 526, in real_cgi_start
    dispatch_request(path_info, args, req, env)
  File &#34;C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\trac\core.py&#34;, line 441, in dispatch_request
  File &#34;C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\trac\Module.py&#34;, line 46, in run
  File &#34;C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\trac\Report.py&#34;, line 447, in display_csv
    if self.error:
AttributeError: Report instance has no attribute 'error'

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Change History (3)

comment:1 by blum@…, 19 years ago

I've the same problem… can't find the solution

comment:2 by Matthew Good, 19 years ago

Milestone: 0.9
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Well, I believe that in the file Report.py you could add a line with "self.error = None" that would fix this.

I don't know if this issue was addressed in any of the 0.8.x versions, but with the refactoring for 0.9 this code is gone, so this is no longer an issue.

comment:3 by Matthew Good, 19 years ago

I meant to qualify that statement about adding the line to say that it should go at the beginning of the method "render".

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