Edgewall Software

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#1462 closed defect (fixed)

bugzilla2trac.py improvements

Reported by: Florent Guillaume <fg@…> Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: normal Milestone: 0.9
Component: general Version: devel
Severity: normal Keywords: bugzilla
Cc: Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:


Here are some improvements to bugzilla2trac.py that were useful for my conversion. Read the top of the file for details, highlights are:

  • you can now choose to import the Bugzilla products as Trac components, which also puts the Bugzilla components in the Trac keywords,
  • remapping of bugzilla identifiers to different Trac usernames,
  • remapping of keywords,
  • conversion of inline bug numbers to TracLinks,
  • ignoring of certain milestones,
  • in general more flexibility in the configuration.

Attachments (6)

bugzilla2trac.py.diff (19.2 KB ) - added by Florent Guillaume <fg@…> 20 years ago.
bugzilla2trac.py.2.diff (356 bytes ) - added by asmodai@… 20 years ago.
Fix for not honouring top-of-file settings
bugzilla2trac.py.3.diff (558 bytes ) - added by Jeroen Ruigrok <asmodai@…> 20 years ago.
trac.env does not have get_attachments_dir anymore, rework the code
bugzilla2trac.py.4.diff (22.2 KB ) - added by charlie.clark@… 20 years ago.
This should be applied directly to trunk, not on top off the existing diffs
bugzilla2trac.py.5.diff (3.6 KB ) - added by eburghar@… 20 years ago.
support for bugzilla 2.18.1 (#1972)
bugzilla2trac.py.6.diff (43.6 KB ) - added by asmodai@… 19 years ago.
Continue building on Guillaume's work and support BZ 2.1[89] as well as PySQLite2

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

by Florent Guillaume <fg@…>, 20 years ago

Attachment: bugzilla2trac.py.diff added

comment:1 by Florent Guillaume <fg@…>, 20 years ago

This is a diff from the trunk, by the way. But it also works with 0.8.1.

by asmodai@…, 20 years ago

Attachment: bugzilla2trac.py.2.diff added

Fix for not honouring top-of-file settings

comment:2 by Jeroen Ruigrok <asmodai@…>, 20 years ago

Milestone: 0.9

The patch I added solves the fact that if you modify the in-script settings at the top and running the script it will just print usage(). Which goes against EITHER specifying with command line or with in-script settings.

by Jeroen Ruigrok <asmodai@…>, 20 years ago

Attachment: bugzilla2trac.py.3.diff added

trac.env does not have get_attachments_dir anymore, rework the code

comment:3 by charlie.clark@…, 20 years ago

Patch 3 only affects convert, addAttachment still calls .create_attachment

comment:4 by anonymous, 20 years ago

Component: ticket systemgeneral
Version: 0.8.1devel

If I understand things correctly, for trunk / 0.9 there is a problem with attachments. The solution I think is to use attachment.Attachment in convert tracAttachment = attachment.Attachment(trac.env, 'ticket', str(abug_id), None, trac.db()) tracAttachment.insert(afilename, StringIO.StringIO(athedata.tostring()), len(athedata))

First instantiate an Attachment but do not pass it a file immediately. Add the attachment by calling .insert() on the attachment instance.

I will try and post the diff.

by charlie.clark@…, 20 years ago

Attachment: bugzilla2trac.py.4.diff added

This should be applied directly to trunk, not on top off the existing diffs

comment:5 by charlie.clark@…, 20 years ago

If you want to import users into the Trac DB then you can extend the convert function. Adjust as necessary but designed to work with my RelationalRoleSupportPatch http://trac-hacks.swapoff.org/wiki/RelationalRoleSupportPatch #import users mysql_cur.execute("SELECT login_name, cryptpassword FROM profiles") users = mysql_cur.fetchall() c.execute("DELETE FROM trac_users") c.executemany("INSERT INTO trac_users (username, password) VALUES (%s, %s)",

[(userlogin_name, usercryptpassword) for user in users])

by eburghar@…, 20 years ago

Attachment: bugzilla2trac.py.5.diff added

support for bugzilla 2.18.1 (#1972)

comment:6 by anonymous, 19 years ago

  1. import severities…

inserting severity blocker 1 Traceback (most recent call last):

File "bugzilla2trac.py", line 681, in ?


File "bugzilla2trac.py", line 678, in main


File "bugzilla2trac.py", line 381, in convert


File "bugzilla2trac.py", line 166, in setSeverityList

"severity", value.encode('utf-8'), i)

TypeError: execute() takes at most 3 arguments (5 given)

is the error I get. cmlenz tells me it's due to the DB API not tweaked for pysqlite2.



by asmodai@…, 19 years ago

Attachment: bugzilla2trac.py.6.diff added

Continue building on Guillaume's work and support BZ 2.1[89] as well as PySQLite2

comment:7 by asmodai@…, 19 years ago

This patchset also solves Seemant's problem.

comment:8 by Christopher Lenz, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Last patch checked in in [2286]. Thanks!

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