Edgewall Software

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#1267 closed enhancement (duplicate)

Bookmarks and Document Management System

Reported by: artmotion@… Owned by: Jonas Borgström
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: general Version: 0.10
Severity: normal Keywords: link document management workflow tracobject
Cc: Branch:
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I think trac needs a bookmark and document management system.

Maybe you know "the personal brain" - a windows based software where you can store your bookmarks and link them together. Over the last years I've build a "brain" with about 1650 bookmarks, many of them are at least in some hierarchive, some of them a linked to other bookmarks.

This should be implemented in a way, that it is possible to link also to normal documents (pdfs, graphics, …) and maybe also to sourcecode in the subversion repository (including either no release number, or a specific release of the sourcecode file).

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Change History (8)

comment:1 by cboos@…, 20 years ago

And what exactly prevents you from using Trac for that?

I'm curious, since:

  • you already have plenty of ways (using the WikiFormatting) to refer to URLs, files in your repository, and personal notes (in the form of Wiki pages)
  • for files not in the repository, you can still attach them to Wiki pages

(cross-referencing could be one of the missing thing, but it being worked on, see #1242)

comment:2 by Christian Boos, 20 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Unless I'm mistaken, there's nothing really new/pertinent asked for in this ticket.

comment:3 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Priority: lowhigh
Resolution: worksforme
Status: closedreopened
Version: 0.80.10

I think the idea is amaizing, document management is a task very important in project management area. Define workflow for document revision, aproval, indexing, text search.

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by Emmanuel Blot, 18 years ago

Priority: highlow

Replying to anonymous:

I think the idea is amaizing, document management is a task very important in project management area.

… but Trac does not aim at being such a tool. It is not (yet?) a universal swiss knife.

in reply to:  3 comment:5 by Christian Boos, 18 years ago

Keywords: workflow tracobject added
Milestone: 1.0

Replying to anonymous:

… document management is a task very important in project management area. Define workflow for document revision, aproval, indexing, text search.

Well, without aiming at being a swiss army knife, Trac could definitely gain in usefulness and flexibility if it would be able to do for all its resources what it can do currently only for some, when appropriate of course.

So far, only technical issues are preventing this to happen. In 0.11, there's been some progress on that point (e.g. ticket description history and diffs), but this was made unnecessarily hard by the lack of a convenient and unified data model; improving on this is the whole point of the GenericTrac approach.

In line with the quoted comment above, I can see that what we're doing now with the ticket workflow could be one day transposed to a workflow for Wiki pages (e.g. new → reviewed ↔ modified → closed).

comment:6 by Christian Boos, 17 years ago

Milestone: 1.0
Resolution: duplicate
Status: reopenedclosed

See #1386 for related wiki extension ideas.

comment:7 by szybalski@…, 13 years ago

Hello, Just in case somebody finds this ticket, I wanted to let everybody know that trac is perfect as document management system that concentrates on tasks. Its perfect for high volume fax incoming and processing. At my company I've used it with a great success for past 3 years. 661,124 documents/tickets have been processed. The key features that we needed:

  • Being able to assign tickets and transfer them between people
  • Being able to view attachments easly, write comments, and index.
  • Being able to create your own "type" aka "milestone : incoming, other, changes, cancellations, renewals
  • Being able to load and create tickets automatically via xml-rpc.
  • Being able to add your own custom fields "tracking number"
  • Being able to setup a search on main page by using the query to build multiple links tracking #, "my tickets","incoming tickets" , new, not assigned change tickets.
  • Begin able to batch assign tickets to an individual. BatchModify 0.4.0
  • Being able to move tickets to another trac to a different department TicketMoverPlugin 0.1.1
  • We average ~600 incoming tickets a day.

If you think of your problems as "tasks" then trac is the best thing you can use. Enjoy, Lucas

in reply to:  7 comment:8 by Cinc-th, 9 years ago

Replying to szybalski@…:

Hello, Just in case somebody finds this ticket, I wanted to let everybody know that trac is perfect as document management system that concentrates on tasks. Its perfect for high volume fax incoming and processing. At my company I've used it with a great success for past 3 years. 661,124 documents/tickets have been processed.

There is a cookbook page describing the system: CookBook/Configuration/DocumentManagement

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