Edgewall Software

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#10569 closed enhancement

checking catalog utility which supports genshi markups — at Initial Version

Reported by: Jun Omae Owned by:
Priority: high Milestone: 0.12.4
Component: i18n Version: 0.12-stable
Severity: normal Keywords: genshi
Cc: hodgestar Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:


The translators for Trac can verify with msgfmt --check command (and make check-<locale>). However the command cannot show wrong genshi markups in the catalog.

It's pretty difficult to notice such markups for the translators without some utilities. The wrong markups bring the internal error at rendering templates, then it's so bad.

I think we should provide a utility which can check genshi markups in message catalog files. changeset:check-catalog-genshi-markups/jomae

jun66j5@gotanda:2163$ msgfmt --statistics --check trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1095 translated messages.

jun66j5@gotanda:2164$ PYTHONPATH=$PWD python2.4 setup.py check_catalog -l hy
running check_catalog
checking catalog trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:608: a format specification for argument 'name', as in 'msgstr[0]', doesn't exist in 'msgid'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:1175: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:1175: a genshi markup for [2:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:1485: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:1649: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:1704: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:2047: cannot parse message (exceptions.IndexError: list index out of range)
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:2182: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:2186: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:3591: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:3596: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:3738: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:3918: a genshi markup for [2:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:4563: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:5080: a format specification for argument 'rev', as in 'msgstr[0]', doesn't exist in 'msgid'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:5414: a format specification for argument 'cmd', as in 'msgstr[0]', doesn't exist in 'msgid'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:5663: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:5769: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'
trac/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:5800: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'

And trac/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po in Trac 0.12.3 has wrong genshi markup….

jun66j5@gotanda:2148$ PYTHONPATH=$PWD python2.4 setup.py check_catalog -l ja
running check_catalog
checking catalog trac/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
trac/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po:3586: a genshi markup for [1:], as in 'msgid', doesn't exist in 'msgstr'

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