Edgewall Software

Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of WorkFlow

Jan 27, 2006, 4:31:09 PM (18 years ago)
Alec Thomas

Document ticket options


  • WorkFlow

    v9 v10  
    1818 * ~~Need a clean way to differentiate between fields that should not be displayed in the summary and those that should not be displayed at all. eg. `summary` should be hidden in the ticket summary (as it is used for the title), and should only be editable by users with `TICKET_ADMIN` privileges. Perhaps the logic should be that if a field is `hidden` it is not displayed anywhere, unless it is also `editable`, in which case it is only displayed in the ticket properties.~~ [2837]
    1919 * There are a number of locations in the ticket code where permissions are hard coded. As an example, the `TICKET_CREATE` permission is required to create a new ticket. Should this be overridable by `ITicketWorkflow` implementors?
     21== Available Field Types and Options ==
     22Common options:
     23 * label: Descriptive label.
     24 * value: Default value.
     25 * order: Sort order placement. (Determines relative placement in forms.)
     26 * hidden: Field is not displayed. Useful for storing extra ticket attributes programmatically (false by default).
     27 * fullrow: Field spans a full row when displayed in the ticket properties.
     28 * editable: Field is editable (true by default). If a field is hidden but editable, it will not display in the ticket summary but will be displayed and editable in the ticket properties.
     30Types and type-specific options:
     31 * '''text''': A simple (one line) text field.
     32   * size: Size of text field.
     33 * '''checkbox''': A boolean value check box.
     34   * value: Default value (0 or 1).
     35 * '''select''': Drop-down select box. Uses a list of values.
     36   * options: List of values, separated by '''|''' (vertical pipe).
     37   * value: Default value (Item #, starting at 0).
     38 * '''radio''': Radio buttons. Essentially the same as '''select'''.
     39   * options: List of values, separated by '''|''' (vertical pipe).
     40   * value: Default value (Item #, starting at 0).
     41 * '''textarea''': Multi-line text area.
     42   * cols: Width in columns.
     43   * rows: Height in lines.