Edgewall Software

Version 20 (modified by Markus Tacker <m@…>, 19 years ago) ( diff )

Added link to php based XML RPC api


Wild Ideas

Mozilla / Firefox / Thunderbird Extensions

Being able to conveniently access tickets in a Firefox and/or Thunderbird extension would be kinda cool. — DanielLundin

Answer: Use the Sage RSS sidebar and you have everything in your sidebar that you want.

Timeline and Reports output in alternate formats

Having options (through URL arguments presumably) to render RSS, iCal and XML versions of the timeline and reports, rather than the default HTML/web page output, could be quite useful, and open some interesting possibilities. — DanielLundin

Actually, the Timeline (and, I think, reports as well) already have an RSS version…

I was inspired by a simple chart tool as well. You take a Timeline RSS feed, transform it with my xsl which creates the chart data which you can then render in a web page. here is the link.


Add a configuration option to use reStructuredText as default markup for all pages, tickets and commit messages. This would mean a rewrite of all the default wiki pages to reStructuredText, probably some changes to the special pages such as RecentChanges and a lot of small stuff here and there. Also change the default role for reStructuredText to be trac so that wiki links could simply be written as:

A link to `SandBox`, ticket `#1`, changeset `[1]` and report `{1}`. Or even as `[wiki:SandBox the sand box]`

Eclipse Integration

Anyone fancy implementing a plug-in for Eclipse? There's currently an effort going on to provide Bugzilla integration, apparently extensible to other issue tracking systems. Such an effort would probably depend on us getting some kind of web-service layer working.

Answer: One way would be, like the hint above, to use an eclipse RSS reader to syndicate the ticket RSS from Trac. There is one at http://morphine.sourceforge.net/presence/projects/rss/

Continuous Integration

Why not provide integration with Continuous Integration tool's like those listed here.

Answer: Rather than build this functionality into Trac itself, it would be useful to create this functionality as a set of plugins. Or, use this macro that includes external site content to include the output of one of the continuous integration tools (for example, once Maven generates its site output, you can include a Maven-generated page within Trac). That way, Trac and Maven both do what they are best at. — SidBala

RPC Interface

Via SOAP or XML-RPC (recommended for utter simplicity!), export the user interface functions to allow integration with proprietary Intranets and so forth. This would also allow some crazy developers to write e.g. an AJAX interface to Trac.

In particular, the ability to retrieve reports would make a lovely addition to my Intranet homepage. :) — DavidWilson

Related Tickets: #217, #250.

I've started a PHP 5.1 and PEAR XML_RPC based API which can be found here: http://versions.tacker.org/trac/trac-xmlrpc/

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.