Edgewall Software

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TracRoadmapCustomGroups

Sep 4, 2009, 2:25:29 PM (15 years ago)

Adding page explaining how to customize the roadmpa groupings


  • TracRoadmapCustomGroups

    v1 v1  
     1= Customising Trac Roadmap Ticket Groups =
     4By default, the roadmap shows a list of future milestones with the tickets targeted against a milestone aggregated, and the ratio between active and resolved tickets displayed as a milestone progress bar.  For the default workflow this is often sufficient, however with the ability to create custom workflows, it becomes necessary to be able to show further detail on the roadmap progress bar.
     6Confguring the roadmap to show additional groupings in the progress bar is acheived by editing the trac.ini file.  This file should already have a section which reads:
     10stats_provider = DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider
     13In order to change the default grouping, which simply counts tickets as either 'closed' or 'active', we need to add a new section to trac.ini entitle [milestone-groups].  In this example we add a new group for the 'in_QA' status, included in the custom workflow.  This will
     17# The definition consists in a comma-separated list of accepted status.
     18# Also, '*' means any status and could be used to associate all remaining
     19# states to one catch-all group.
     20# Qualifiers for the above group (the group must have been defined first):
     22# Definition of a 'closed' group:
     23closed = closed
     24closed.order = 1
     25closed.query_args = group=resolution
     26closed.overall_completion = true
     28# Definition of an 'in testing' group:                                 
     29inQA = in_QA
     30inQA.order = 2
     31inQA.css_class = new
     32inQA.label = in testing
     34# Definition of an 'active' group:
     35active = *
     36active.order = 3
     37active.css_class = open
     38active.label = in progress
     40# The CSS class can be one of: new (yellow), open (no color) or
     41# closed (green). New styles can easily be added using the following
     42# selector:  `table.progress td.<class>`
     45The following parameters are used in the [milestone-groups] section:
     47||<groupname>||A comma seperated list of statuses that match this group.  The '*' can be used once and will match all statuses not yet assigned||
     48||<groupname>.order||The sequence number in the progress bar||
     49||<groupname>.query_args||Optional extra parameter for the query||
     50||<groupname>.overall_completion||true/false - count in the overall completion statistic||
     51||<groupname>.css_class||CSS class to use for this interval, defaults available are: new (yellow), open (no color) or closed (green). New styles can easily be added using the following selector:  `table.progress td.<class>`||
     52||<groupname>.label||Displayed name for the group||
     56See also: TracRoadmap, TracTickets