Edgewall Software

Changes between Version 52 and Version 53 of TracQuery

Mar 7, 2017, 6:49:09 AM (7 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos

Double quotes available since 1.2.1 (#10152).


  • TracQuery

    v52 v53  
    1616Current filters can be removed by clicking the button to the left with the minus sign on the label. New filters are added from the dropdown lists at the bottom corners of the filters box; 'And' conditions on the left, 'Or' conditions on the right.  Filters with either a text box or a dropdown menu of options can be added multiple times to perform an ''Or'' on the criteria.
    18 For text fields such as Keywords and CC the `-` operator can be used to negate a match and double quotes can be used to match a phrase. For example, a //contains// match for `word1 word2 -word3 "word4 word5"` matches tickets containing `word1` and `word2`, not `word3` and `word4 word5`.
     18For text fields such as Keywords and CC the `-` operator can be used to negate a match and double quotes (//since 1.2.1//) can be used to match a phrase. For example, a //contains// match for `word1 word2 -word3 "word4 word5"` matches tickets containing `word1` and `word2`, not `word3` and `word4 word5`.
    2020You can use the fields just below the filters box to group the results based on a field, or display the full description for each ticket.
    102102|| '''`!$=`''' || the field content does not end with any of the values ||
    104 Filters combining matches and negated matches can be constructed for text fields such as Keywords and CC when using the //contains// (`~=`) operator. The `-` operator is used to negate a match and double-quotes are used for whitespace-separated words in a phrase. For example, `keywords~=word1 word2 -word3 "word4 word5"` matches tickets containing `word1` and `word2`, not `word3` and also `word4 word5`.
     104Filters combining matches and negated matches can be constructed for text fields such as Keywords and CC when using the //contains// (`~=`) operator. The `-` operator is used to negate a match and double quotes (//since 1.2.1//) are used for whitespace-separated words in a phrase. For example, `keywords~=word1 word2 -word3 "word4 word5"` matches tickets containing `word1` and `word2`, not `word3` and also `word4 word5`.
    105105|| '''`status=closed,keywords~=firefox`''' || query closed tickets that contain keyword `firefox` ||
    106106|| '''`status=closed,keywords~=opera`''' || query closed tickets that contain keyword `opera` ||